1. Was not as expensive or high end, focused on keeping costs to a minimum so they can seel for the least amt. ("no frills")
    Chain stores
  2. No credit or delivery, you would pay and carry it home by yourself.
    "cash and carry"
  3. Changed grocery shopping, by getting rid of the salesman and allowed people to access the products themselves. Also rat mazes were created so one would see everything in the store before being able to leave.
    Piggly wiggly
  4. Five and ten cent store
    Poor Man's department store
  5. Founded the one of the first five and dime stores. By 1900, he had 59 stores and was still growing. Known for window displays, no advertising, low priced goods, and paid low wages.
    F.W. Woolworth (1879)
  6. the idea that the goods would sell themselves based off of the type of item, price, and the presentation and he would collect the money.
    Never approach
  7. isolation
    Farmers and Consumption
  8. "absentee salesmanship" in Chicago
    1872: he traveled town to town and took orders, but it wasn't very efficient. He is known for mail order. Cut 40% off the cost bc he bought directly from the manufacturer.
    1884 catalog: 240 pgs, 1000 items, he tried to find out what would sell and if it didnt sell he took it out of the catalog.
    he also offered malt nutrine- which was a byproduct of beer that they tried to sell off as a nutrient drink.
    Aaron Montgomery Ward
  9. Electric belt
    merging of consumerism and technology
  10. 1886: sold watches. started business in Minneapolis but later moved it to Chicago.
    Richard Warren Sears
  11. watchmaker that later teamed up with Richard Warren Sears.
    Alvah Curtis Roebuck
  12. 1893: had many products
    1907: $53,188,901 sales
    used a catalog to advertise, deluxe editions were bound in red cloth and for the best customer the catalog was free.
    1903: bought own printing company
    R.W. Sears in Chicago
  13. Circulation:
    318,000: 1897
    1 million: 1904
    3 million: 1907
    1894: 500 pages long
    used colored images, it sold better than b&w
    aka Famers' Bible
    Sears Catalog
  14. Farmers used this for reading and spelling, arithmetic, drawing, geography, hygiene
    Sears Catalog
  15. True or False: Aaron Ward Mont. started his mail order by selling watches.
  16. Wrote about the poor working conditions in the meat packing facilities in Chicago. his book, THE JUNGLE, motivated the Am. public to demand the fed. govt. to regulate the meatpacking industry.
    Upton Sinclair
  17. Progressive organization that focused on ending prostitution
    American Social Hygiene Association
  18. Won the 1912 and 1916 presidential election by promising that, if elected, he would keep the US out of any wars in Europe.
    Woodrow Wilson
  19. order of presidency: 1900-1920
    • McKinley 1900-1901 (assinated)
    • Roosevelt 1901-1908
    • Taft 1908-1912
    • Wilson 1912-1916, 1916-1920
  20. one of the things that pushed the US into entering WWI on the side of the Allies against the Germans. In it, the German Foreign Secretary tried to convince the Mexican government to declare war against the US. It was intercepted and leaked to the media.
    Zimmerman Telegram
  21. The Army Alpha test was given to those who were literate in?
  22. What did R.W. Sears sale when he was involved in "absentee salesmanship"?
  23. in the film clip about the recruitment of African Americans to fight in the war in Europe one of the narrators made it clear that the Brits fighting did not respect them. Even the germans did not respect them. What did they often refers them as?
  24. True or False: Progressives believed that capitalism was morally bankrupt and needed to be replaced with a new ideology.
  25. Where was Jane adam's Hull House located?
  26. True or False: Associationalism was considered to be too unamerican bc it created distinct groups in society.
  27. These people were often corrupt, but recieved support from voters because they were able to cut through red tape and get things done, such as better roads, sewage and water systems, etc. They were often mayors.
    big city political bosses
  28. When did the fighting of WWI start?
    Aug. 1914
  29. The Sussex Pledge was given by which country?
  30. Famous designer and parisians developed this perfume as a response to the odor coming from the front lines 90 miles from Paris.
    Coco Chanel
  31. True or False: Army's Beta test was for those soldiers who could speak English and were literate.
  32. True or False: Airplane played a critical role in WWI. Some even claimed it was the most important tool in a country's arsenal of weapons.
  33. This Attorney general of the US led a campaign to stamp out what he believed was a communist threat to overthrow the US government.
    A. Mitchell Palmer
  34. In this city, in Jan 1919, a massive strike by dockworkers and shipworkers sent shockwaves through the nation. It convinced many that there was truly a communist conspiracy.
  35. He was appointed by A. Mitchell Palmer to head the antiradicalism division of the Justive Dept. Later he became head of the newly created FBI.
    J. Edgar Hoover
  36. Publicity stunt by the US govt to demonstrate that they were ridding the country of communists.
    Red Ark
  37. true or false: Sacco and Vanzetti were known as patriotic prisioners.
  38. true or false: 19th amendment outlawed possession, manufacture, and distribution of alcohol.
    False, its the 18th amendment
  39. Federal agency that worked to find ways to utilize he innovations and new technologies developed during the war.
    NRC, National research council
  40. Created laws that forbid the use of alcohol in the U.S.
    Volstead Act of 1920
  41. Boxer that defended his title in the "fight of the Century" in 1910 by knocking out James Jeffries in the 15th round.
    Jack Johnso
  42. Progressivism (7 main points)
    • 1. Concern ab industrialization
    • 2. Optimistic ab human nature
    • 3. Willing to intervene
    • 4. Prefer voluntary means
    • 5. Combination of movements
    • 6, IMpact on Americans
    • 7. Reformers: radical in makes changes but done within the system
  43. Progressives insisted on:
    Stricter regulation of business, humanitarian theme, reform govt, social control (dark side)
  44. Wrote Looking Backward
    Edward Bellamy
  45. Wrote Theory of the Leisure Class
    Thorstein Veblen
  46. believed in Public schools and that all children were born with a blank slate
    John Dewey
  47. 2 types of reformers?
    Moral and social engineer
  48. used by moral reformers to address the problem of poverty
    Settlement houses
  49. Opened the Hull House 1889 in Chicago
    Jane Addams
  50. what did Jane Addams do?
    • 1. mediate neighborhood squabbles
    • 2. kindergarten
    • 3. recreational/athletic programs
    • 4. employment bureau
    • 5. Day nursery
    • 6. Laundry
    • 7. legal Aid
    • 8. healthcare/ hospitals
    • 9. Women's colleges
  51. moral reformers def. of Americanize?
    gave lessons to read and write and to be more American through middle class
  52. Movie installments that people were trying to robs for nickels
    "nickel Madness"
  53. women's groups agst. drinking
    prohibition and anti saloon league
  54. moral reformers completely closed the door on immigrants
    Immigration restriction league
  55. name the 4 muckrakers
    Jacob Riis(How the Other Half Lives), Lincoln Steffens (shame of the City), Upton Sinclair(The Jungle), Ida Tarbell(McClures and Colliers, both are women's magazines)
  56. Reformer the used science to back it up, started specialization, associationalism, and wanted to shape a better environment
    Social Engineer reformer
  57. Known for cumbersome machinery, physical expansion, immigration diversity, bureacracy, normally a nayor
    Political boss
  58. Under which administration was the Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act of 1906 passed?
  59. Was the Mayor of Chicago from 1955 to 1976 and was considered the last of the big city political bosses.
    Richard Daley
  60. name big city poli. bosses
    • Boss Tweed- NYC
    • Big Jim Pendergast- Kansas City
    • Abraham Ruef: San francisco
  61. In machine politics, during off election time they go around the community to see how everyones doing and their job was to accommodate communities request.
    precinct captains
  62. Roosevelt ptogressives
    Create an equilibrui,, fed. govt. oversees, needs fed. regulation, big business is good
  63. Wilson Progressives
    Fed. govt gets involved, create level playing field so everyone has the same opportunities, control business, big businesses are bad
  64. known for being conservative, but progressive, committed to action, "bully to pulpit"
    Theodore Roosevelt
  65. Roosevelt prosecutes lg businesses for trying to control large commodities
  66. two acts that gave Roosevelt more authority
    Hepburn Act(1906) and Elkins Act (1910)
  67. prosecute bad business
    Bureau of Corporations 1903
  68. Child labor law the limited age
    Beveridge Act 1906
  69. Both acts were directly resulted from THE JUNGLE
    Food and Drug Act and the Meat inspection Act (1906)
  70. Square Deal, regulate big business, govt. intervention, conservation and efficiency
  71. largest president (332lbs) , picked by Roosevelt, known for rule of law
  72. Congress makes law, supreme interprets, exec enforces it and interprets it
    "rule of law"
  73. Wilsons Acts
    Reduce tariffs, banking/ccurrency, antitrust, "one really responsible man in jail", foreign relations
  74. If you're not at war, you have the right to conduct trade with another country that is also not at wat, you can trade with people at war as long as it wasn't military goods
    International Law
  75. Germans called the U-boats
  76. allied tactic that got around international Law
    Continuous Voyage
  77. no warning, lots of americans killed, americans were mad bc of Germans, But the germans promised to follow rules of humanity
  78. known as "the great War", people wanted a utopia but it doesn't happen
  79. Ernest Hemmingway, Americans after the war who are unsure of what to do
    Lost generation
  80. central powers
    Germany, Austria-hungary, ottoman empire
  81. allied powers
    great britain, russia, france
  82. Vickers MK 1 belt fed and Rapid Fire
    Machine Guns
  83. Types of poison gas
    Tear, mustard, phosgene, chlorine
  84. people lived in them, they were very basic, had problems with water, under bombardment, dead bodies would sit in there for a few days, human waste
    trench warfare
  85. Rotting feet from not keep them clean and dry
    trench foot
  86. caused psychological problems, PTSD: happened from hiding in the trench underground and the shock from the bomb would travel through the ground
    shell shock
  87. when was the first SAT?
  88. ends the war
    Treaty of Versailles
  89. 14 points
    self government, disarmament, low reparations, league of nations, no secret treaties, free trade, and right to travel
  90. who was the treaty opposed by?
    Isolationists, reservationisnts, republicans
  91. "new age", "modern man", "modernity"
    Image of 1920s
  92. African Americans moving out of the south but it only caused more racial tension bc they were fighting over housing and jobs
    The Great Migration
  93. Anti-German propaganda
  94. Economy in slump, attitude during war, labor disputes
    red scare 1919-1921
  95. labor strikes, seattle, 35000 shipworkers
    January 1919
  96. 34 bombs in the US Mail
    August 1919
  97. Nativist, Immigrant conspiracy, in june 19191 a bomb was delivered to him
    A. Mitchell Palmer
  98. Nov. 1919, series of raids, scooping up thousands of illegal immigrants and putting them in jail
    Palmer Raids
  99. Jan. 1920, arrested 6000 people, patriotic prisoners refused to share cells with communists
    New Yr's Raids
  100. Accused of murdering shop owner, anarchists, legal lynching, death row 6 yrs
    Sacco and Vanzetti
  101. Leader of KKK
    D.C. Stevenson 1925
  102. teaches evolution in 1925 dayton, tn
    John thomas scopes
  103. at baylor university, taught evolution at a baptist university
    Rev. J. Frank Norris
  104. Concerned about evolution being taught in schools
    Rev. T.T. Martin
  105. Anti evolution bill in Mississippi
    Clarence Darrow
  106. signs of economic trouble
    overproduction, coal mining, textiles, railroads
  107. Oct. 24, 1929, 9% value if stock market lost in one day
  108. Oct. 28, 1929, 13% dropped
  109. oct. 29th, 1929, 12% drop
  110. By 1932, this percentage of stock market value has been lost?
  111. Unemployment rate in 1929?
    26% with 17,000,000 unemployed
  112. was the stock market crash the cause of the Great Depression?
  113. weaknesses of American Economy
    poor distribution f income, bad corporate structure, weak banking structure, foreign loans to weak nations, faulty economic intelligence, cyclical downturn, overcaptialization, international scale
  114. banks lost in the depression?
    • 1929: 600-700 banks close
    • 1930: 1500 close
    • 1931: 2300 close
  115. in 1932, people wages are cut by what percentage since 1929?
  116. the immigrant mother
    Dorthea Lange
  117. traveled across the west from oklahoma trying to get jobs
  118. Where did the battle of Blair mountain occur?
    West virginia
  119. He was in the Atlanta Federal Prison when he ran for President in 1920.
    Eugene V. Debs
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US history