Digestive System

  1. Begins at the mouth?
    Alimentary tube
  2. Include the teeth, tongue, and salivary glands
    Accessory organs
  3. Includes the stomach, small intestine, and large intestine
    Alimentary tube
  4. Include the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas
    Accessory organs
  5. No digestion takes place here?
    Accessory organs
  6. Digestion does take place in some organs
    Alimentary tube
  7. Ends at the anus
    Alimentary tube
  8. Parts of the alimentary tube where digestion takes place
    • Oral cavity
    • stomach
    • small intestine
  9. Part of the alimentary tube in which most absorption of nutrients takes place?
    small intestine
  10. Food is broken down to smaller pieces
    Mechanical digestion
  11. Food is changed to simpler molecules
    Chemical digestion
  12. Accomplished by specific enzymes
    Chemical digestion
  13. Creates more surface area for the action of digestive enzymes
    Mechanical digestion
  14. End products of digestion of fats:
    • fatty acids
    • glycerol
  15. End products of digestion of proteins
    amino acids
  16. End products of digestion of carbohydrates
  17. Other nutrients released during the digestive process
    • vitamins
    • mineral
    • water
  18. The 1st set of teeth
    deciduous teeth
  19. The first set of teeth consists of how many teeth?
  20. Permanent set of teeth consists of how many teeth?
  21. Forms the roots of a tooth and the interior of the crown
  22. Produces a bone-like cement to anchor the roots of a tooth
    periodontal membrane
  23. covers the crown of a tooth
  24. Lines the tooth sockets in the mandible and maxillae
    periodontal membrane
  25. Forms a hard chewing surface
  26. Contains blood vessels and nerves
    pulp cavity
  27. Salivary gland that's below the floor of the mouth
  28. Salivary gland that's in front of the ears
  29. Salivary gland at the posterior corners of the mandible
  30. Why are salivary glands exocrine glands?
    B/c they have ducts to take saliva to the oral cavity
  31. digestive enzyme in saliva:
  32. Amylase digests starch to what?
  33. Takes food from the pharynx to the stomach
  34. At the junction of the esophagus and the stomach is a circular smooth muscle called the?
    Lower esophageal sphincter(LES or cardiac sphincter)
  35. Includes the epithelial tissue that lines the alimentary tube
  36. Above the diaphragm; made of fibrous connective tissue
  37. Made of areolar connective tissue
  38. Secretes mucus and digestive enzymes
  39. Made of two layers of smooth muscle
    External muscle layer
  40. Contains lymph nodules to destroy pathogens
  41. Contains Meissner's Plexus, which regulates secretions fo the mucosa
  42. Contains Auerbach's plexus, which regulates peristalsis
    External muscle layer
  43. Below the diaphragm; is the mesentery
  44. Provides mechanical digestion and peristalsis
    External muscle layer
  45. Sac-like portion of the alimentary tube that extends from the esophagus to the small intestine
  46. The stomach serves as a ____ for food.
  47. The folds of the gastric mucosa that are present when the stomach is empty are called
  48. The glands of the stomach are called
    gastric pits
  49. Secretes pepsinogen, an inactive form of the enzyme pepsin
    chief cells
  50. Secrete hydrochloric acid, which activates pepsin
    parietal cells
  51. Secrete mucus,which help protect the gastric mucosa
    Mucous cells
  52. Secrete gastrin when food enters the stomach
    G cells
  53. The part of the gastric juice that kills most microorganisms that enter the stomach
    hydrochloric acid (HCl)
  54. Part of gastric juice that digests proteins to polypeptides is the enzyme:
  55. Located just below the diaphragm in the upper right and center of the abdominal cavity
  56. The functional unit of the liver is called a liver_____, which is made of liver cells and the large capillaries called_____.
    • lobule
    • sinusoids
  57. What is the digestive function of the liver?
    Production of bile, which contains bile salts that emulsify fats
  58. Bile leaves the liver through the_____ duct, which joins the ____ duct of the gallbladder to form the_____ duct, which carries bile to the _____ of the small intestine.
    • Hepatic
    • cystic
    • common bile
    • duodenum
  59. Two functions of the gallbladder?
    • Stores bile
    • concentrates bile
  60. The hormone______ stimulates production of bile by the liver.
  61. The hormone_____ stimulates contraction of the gallbladder
  62. The_____ is located in the upper abdominal cavity b/t the duodenum and the spleen.
  63. The enzyme_____ digests polypeptides to shorter chains of amino acids.
  64. The enzyme_____ digests emulsified fats to_____ and______.
    • lipase
    • fatty acids
    • glycerol
Card Set
Digestive System
digestive system