Microsoft Server 2008 Ch. 4 Review Questions

  1. What directory service houses information about all network resources suck as servers, printers, use accounts, groups of user accounts, security policies and other information?
    Active Directory
  2. What are Directory Services responsible for?
    they are responsible for providing a central listing of resources and ways to quickly find and access specific resources and for providing a way to manage network resources.
  3. What is a domain Controller?
    A Domain Controller is a server that has the AD DS Server role installed, it also contains writable copies of information in Active Directory.
  4. What is a Member server?
    A server on a network managed by Active Directory that does not have Active Directory installed.
  5. Define Multimaster replication
    each DC is equal to every other DC in that it contains the full range of information that composes Active Directory
  6. Why was Active Directory built?
    to make replication efficient
  7. What is the Active Directory Schema?
    Defines the objects and the information pertaining to those objects that can be stored in Active Directory.
  8. What is one class of object in Active Directory that is defined through schema elements unique to that class?
    User Accounts
  9. What does the Global Catalog do?
    • -Stores information about every object within a forest
    • -Stores a full replica of every object within its own domain and a partial replica of each object within every domain in the forest
    • -Enables forest-wide searches of data
  10. Which computer becomes the Global Catalog server?
    The first DC configured in the forest.
  11. What purpose does the Global Catalog serve?
    • -Authenticating users when they log on
    • -Providing lookup and access to all resources in all domains
    • -Providing replication of key Active Directory elements
    • -Keeping a copy of the most used attributes for each object for quick access
  12. True or False:

    There must be a DNS server on the network for Active Directory to use.

    Active Directory uses DNS.
  13. A logical area on a network that contains directory services and named objects is called what? It also has the ability to preform name resolution
    A namespace
  14. What 2 types of namespaces does Active Directory employ?
    Contiguious and Disjointed
  15. True or False:

    Active directory uses a flat structure

    Active Directory uses a treelike structure.
  16. Draw a hierarchical structure of an active directory:
    • forest
    • tree tree
    • domain domain domain domain
    • ou ou ou ou ou ou ou ou ou ou ou ou
  17. I consist of one or more Active Directory trees that are in a common relationship, what am I?
  18. Give 5 characteristics of a Forest:
    • 1. the trees can use a disjointed namespace
    • 2. all trees use the same schema
    • 3. all trees use the same global catalog
    • 4. domains enable administration of commonly associated objects withing a forest
    • 5. two-way transitive trust are automatically configured between domains withing a single forest
  19. What is the advantage of joining trees into a forest?
    They all share the same Global Catalog.
  20. What is a Tree?
    contains one or more domains that are in a common relationship
  21. Define some characteristics of a Tree.
    • -domains are represented in a contiguous namespace and can be in a hierarchy
    • -two-way trust relationships exsist between parent domains and child domains
    • -all domains in a single tree use the same schema fir all types of common objects
    • -all domains use the same global catalog
    • -typically use a hierarchical structure with the root domain at the top and other domains under it
  22. What relationship do domains within a tree have?
    A Kerberos transitive trust relationship- because of this relationship and one domain can have access to the resources of all others
  23. How does Microsoft view Domains?
    as a logical partition within an Active Directory.
  24. What are the basic functions of a Domain?
    • -to provide a Active Directory "partition" in which to house objects that have common relationship, in particularly in terms of management and security
    • -to establish a set of information to be replicated from one DC to another
    • -to expedite namagement of a set of objects
  25. What does and Orgainizational Unit do?
    It offers a way to achieve more flexability in manageing the resources associated with a business unit, department, or division.

    It allows the grouping of objects so that they can be administred using the same group policies

    OUs can be nested within OU's
  26. What is an Orginazational Unit?
    It is a group of related objects within a domain.
  27. What concerns should you keep in mind when creating an OU?
    • -Microsoft recommends that you limit OU's to 10 levels or fewer
    • -Active Directory works more efficiently when OU's are set up horizontally instead of vertically
    • -The creation of OUs involves more processing resources because each request through an OU requires CPU time
  28. Above all you should keep active directory as _____________ as possible.

    plan its structure before you implement it
  29. True or False:

    you should implement the least number of domains possible when using Active Directory?

    you should only implement one domain on small networks
  30. True or False:

    You can create as many OUs as you want in Active Directory.

    You should only create a number of OUs that are absolutely neessary to reflect the organizations structure
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Microsoft Server 2008 Ch. 4 Review Questions
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Chapter 4 Reveiw Questions