Sociology Quiz 2

    • a system in which groups of people are divided into layers according to their relative property, power, and
    • prestige
  2. Debt, Race, War, and Superiority are all causes of...?
  3. Three Estates
    • Nobility
    • Clergy
    • Serfs
  4. Social Class - Karl Marx
    • Bourgeoisie
    • Proletariat
  5. According to Max Weber, Social Class is determined by...?
    • Property
    • Prestige
    • Power
    • (3 Ps)
  6. What perspective are Davis and Moore?
  7. What is Davis and Moore's Explanation of Universal Stratification?
    • All positions need to be filled.
    • Some positions are more important than others.
    • Positions should be filled by those who are qualified.
    • To motivate people, they must be rewarded.
  8. What perspective is Mosca?
    Conflict Perspective
  9. What is Mosca's argument about Universal Stratification?
    • Society must be organized.
    • Leadership requires inequalities of power.
    • Human Nature is self centered.
  10. Examples of Soft Control
    Controlling people's ideas, information, and technology
  11. Global Stratification: Old Model
    • First World
    • Second World
    • Third World
  12. First World Countries
    industrialized capitalist nations
  13. Second World
    Communist Nations
  14. Third World
    nations that don't fit into first or second world categories
  15. Global Stratification: New Model
    • Most Industrialized Nations
    • Industrialized Nations
    • Least Industrialized Nations
  16. Global Stratification: Alternative Model
    • Most industrialized nations
    • Industrialized nations
    • Least Industrialized nations
    • Oil rich, non-industrialized nations
  17. A form of social stratification based primarily on the possession of money or material possessions
    Class System
  18. The ability to get your way despite the resistance of others desires
  19. A form of social stratification in which one's status is determined by birth and is lifelong
    Caste System
  20. beliefs about the way things ought to be that justify social arrangements
  21. movement up the social class ladder
    upward social mobility
  22. A contractual system in which someone sells his or her body (services) for a specified period of time in an arrangement very close to slavery, except that it is voluntarily entere into
    Indentured service (Bonded Labor)
  23. about the same numbers of people moving up and down the social class ladder such that on balance, the social class system shows little change
    exchange mobility
  24. forgoing something int he present in the hope of achieving greater gains in the future
    deferred gratification
  25. the economic and political dominance of the least industrialized nations by the most industrialized nations
  26. a group of people for whom poverty persists year after year and across generations
  27. Karl Marxs term for capitalists, those who own the means to produce wealth
  28. Monies recieved from work, wages, rent, interests, or royalties.
  29. respect or regard
  30. the tools, factories, land, and investment capital used to produce wealth
    means of production
  31. the stratification system of medieval Europe, consisting of three groups or estates: the nobility, clergy, and commoners
    Estate Stratification System
  32. Movement up of down the social class ladder
    Social Mobility
  33. Property and Income
  34. The official measure of poverty. Calculated to include those whose incomes are less than three times a low-cost food budget.
    Poverty Line
  35. Assumption that the values and behaviors of the poor make them fundamentally different form other people, that these factors are largely responsible for their poverty, and that parents perpetuate poverty across generations by passing these characteristics to their children.
    culture of poverty
  36. the position that someone occupies in society or a social group; social ranking
  37. Economic and political connections that tie the world's countries together
    world system theory
  38. Karl Marx's term for the exploited class, the people who work for those who own the means of production
  39. a trend in US poverty whereby most poor families are headed by women
    feminization of poverty
  40. the change that family members make in social class from one generation to the next
    intergenerational mobility
  41. the idea that the king's authority comes directly from God
    divine right of kings
  42. The separation of races as was practiced in South Africa
  43. The belief that due to limitless possibilities for succes, anyone can get ahead if he or she tries hard enough.
    Horatio Alger Myth
  44. Capitalism (investing to make profits within a rational system) becoming the globe's dominant econimic system
    globalization of capitalism
  45. Durkheim's term for a condition of society in which people become detached from the norms that usually guide their behavior.
  46. companies that operate across many national boundaries; also called transnational corporations
    multinational corporations
  47. The practice of marrying within one's own group
  48. Movement up or down the social class ladder that is attributable to changes in the structure of society, not to individual efforts.
    structural mobility
  49. a form of social stratification in which some people own other people
  50. the process by which one nation takes over another nation, usally for the purpose of exploiting its labor and natural resources
  51. Erik Wright's term for a position in the class structure that generates contradictory interests.
    Contradictory Class Location
  52. The division of large numbers of people into layers according to their relative power, property, and prestige; applies to both nations and to people within a nation, society, or other group.
    Social Stratification
  53. A form of social stratifiaction in which all positions are awarded on the basis of merit
  54. C. Wright Mill's term for the top people in US corporations, military, and politics who make the nation's major decisions
    power elite
  55. Karl Marx's term for awareness of a common identity based on one's position in the means of production.
    Class Consciousness
  56. Ranking high or low on all three dimentions of social class
    Status Consistency
  57. Movement down the social class ladder
    Downward Social Mobility
  58. Karl Marx's term to refer to workers identifying with the interest of capitalists.
    False Class Consciousness
  59. Ranking high on some dimensions of social class and low on others
    Status Inconsistency (or status discrepancy)
  60. According to Weber, a large group of people who rank closely to one another in wealth power and prestige
    Social Class
  61. According to Marx, one of two groups: capitalists who own the means of production or workers who sell their labor
    Social Class
  62. A large number of people with similar amounts of income and education who work at jobs that are roughly comparable in prestige.
    Social Class
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Sociology Quiz 2
Sociology Quiz 2 Definitions