What are the five main characteristics of seeds and seed plants?
- 1 produce pollen grains
- 2 all seeds have stored food for the embryo
- 3 all seeds have seed coat
- 4 alternation generations
- 5 heterosporus
What is heterosporus?
produces two types of spores
What are examples of conifers?
Pine, spruce, fir
Parts of the male reproductive structures.
Cone, Pollen, Microsporophyll, Microsporoangium(pollen sacs)
How many microsporangia are in one microsporophyll?
2 microsporoangia per microsporophyll
How many cells make up the pollen grain?
- 1 generative cell
- 1 tube cell
- 2 prothallial cells
How many ovules are there per ovuliferous scale?
2 ovules
Female parts of a conifer.
sterile bract, ovuliferous scale, ovule, integument, microphyle, megasporangium, archegonia, egg cell, egg cell nucleus, female gametophyte, integument
In pines, what does the megasporocyte develop into?
four haploid megaspores; one survives, the other three die
What does the surviving megaspore develope into?
the female gametophyte
The growing embryo gets its nutrients from what energy source?
the female gametophyte
From what structure does the seed develop?
the ovule
How old is the cone that contains the mature seed?
2 year old cone contains the mature seed
Parts of a young pine seedling.
hypocotyl-root axis, cotyledons, leaves
From what part of the seed did the seedling develope?
the embryo
Are Cycads dioecious or monoecious?
Are pines monoecious or diecious?
What is the shape of a Ginkgo tree leaf?
Why are female ginkgos not usually used as ornamentals?
they stink