death of a fetus at any stage of pregnancy
fetal demise
poor growth of baby in the uterus, baby measures less than 90% of norm.
intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR)
detects the exact force of contractions on uterus.
intrauterine pressure catheter (IUPC)
tonic clonic seizures usually those with preeclampsia
pregnancy induced HTN
involuntary muscular contractions and relaxations.
pregnancy HTN and protein in the urine, develops after 20th week of pregnancy.
A variation of HTN of pregnancy named for the common symptoms that occur; Hemolysis, Elevated Liver enzymes, and Low Platelets.
HELLP syndrome
seperation of the placenta from the place of attachment in the uterus before delivery.
Placenta abruptio
high blood sugar that starts or is first diagnosed during pregnancy
gestational diabetic
an excessive amount of amniotic fluid, usually over 2000ml
artificial rupturing of membranes used to induce labor. (breaking the water)
spontaneous rupture of membranes
aritficial rupture of membranes
tool used to break the bag of water
a decreased amount of amniotic fluid
a protein usually produced by the liver and yolk sac of the fetus, level decreases after birth.
alpha-fetoprotein (AFP)
labor that occurs before the end of week 37 of gestation.
Pre term labor
painless, erratic uterine contractions that occur toward the end of pregnancy. they ready the cervix for labor, but cervical dilation down not occur with them.
uterine flow, consisting of blood, fragments of decidua, WBC, mucus, and some bacteria following childbirth.
vaginal discharge consisting almost entirely of blood with only small particles of decidua and mucus, occuring days 1 to 3 of the postpartal period.
Lochia Rubra
pink or brownish vaginal discharge beginning about the 4th postpartal day.
lochia serosa
colorless or white vaginal discharge occuring about the 10th postpartal day.
lochia alba
top portion of the uterus
ideal for postpartal health
firm fundus
may indicate uterine atony or placental fragments
Boggy fundus
spontaneous vaginal delivery
cord around baby's neck 1x
nuchal cord x1
number of times a women has been pregnant, including the present pregnancy; a pregnant woman.
gravida (para, tpal)
the relationship of the presenting part of the fetus to the level of the ischial spines.
from start of labor til the cervix is dilated to 10cm
1st stage of labor
transition stage, pushing, and delievery of the baby happen at this stage. The umbilical cord is also cut at this stage.
2nd stage of labor
begins with the birth of the baby and ends with the delivery of the placenta.
3rd stage of labor
the hour or 2 after delivery where the uterus tone is established
4th stage of labor
contraction stress test
full range of movements/motion
failure to progress in labor
an rh-negative mother is carrying a fetus with an rh-positive blood type.
Rh incompatibility
episiotomy types
midline and medial-lateral
implantation occurs outside the uterine cavity
ectopic pregnancy
birth of fetus by means of vacuum extraction
used to assist in delivery, forceps are applied after the fetal head reaches the perineum.
stretching yawning syndrome
white substance found coating the skin of newborn babies