
  1. What is a reinforcing style of coaching?
    A reinforcing style of coaching focuses on what the athlete is doing correctly.
  2. What is a punishing style of coaching and its implications?
    It focuses on what the athlete is doing incorrectly, which causes the athlete to focus both on what to do and what not to do which causes information overload (narrow attention focus) which detracts from confidence and breeds fear of failure
  3. What is effective behavioral coaching?
    • A.)Break down the skill
    • B.)Have the athlete focus on a manageable goal
    • C.)Reward them with the Big Mac Approach
    • D.) (Reward, technical instruction, contingency statement)
  4. What is Psychological Skills Training?
    • A.)It falls along a continuum
    • B.)The continuum falls along a dimension from cognitive interventions to somatic
    • C.)Cognitive, hybrid, somatic
    • D.)Cognitive � hypnosis, mental imagery
    • E.)Somatic � progressive muscle relaxation
    • F.)Hybrid � systematic desensitization, stress management training
  5. What is hypnosis?
    • A.)It is an induced state of hypersuggestability
    • B.)Majority of individuals CANNOT be hypnotized
    • C.)Allows someone to take over subconscious mind
    • D.)Most like dreaming
  6. What is imagery?
    • A.)imagery is a form of sensory simulation
    • B.)Similar to real sensory experience, however, occurs in mind
  7. What are the types of imagery?
    • A.)Internal Imagery � first person(own vantage point) emphasize feel of movement
    • B.)External Imagery � imagine yourself from third person, little feel of movement
  8. What are some factors affecting imagery?
    • A.)Nature of task � works best if it involves a large cognitive component
    • B.)Skill level of performer � works best with more experienced
    • C.)Imaging ability � ability to vividly see images
    • D.)Use of imagery with physical practice
  9. Psychoneuromuscular theory
    • A.)Imaged events innervate muscles like in practice
    • B.)Practice reinforces these neural pathways
    • C.)imagery also strengthens these pathways
  10. Symbolic learning theory
    • A.)imagery functions as a coding system to help people understand and acquire movement patterns
    • B.)through imagery one becomes more familiar with the appropriate response
  11. Psychological skills hypothesis
    • A.)imagery can improve concentration, reduce anxiety, enhance confidence
    • B.)imagery is a part of various techniques in PST
    • C.)imagery can improve PST program
  12. Bioinformational theory
    • A.)Crucial point is that response propositions are fundamental to the image structure
    • B.)image is not just a stimulus but an experience
    • C.)imagery scripts should contain both stimulus and response
  13. Various Uses of imagery
    • A.)Improve concentration
    • B.)Build Confidence
    • C.)Control emotional response
    • D.)Acquire and practice skills
    • E.)Solve problems
  14. Progressive Muscle Relaxation
    -A psychological self-management technique whereby one learns awareness and control of muscle tension in order to achieve control over psychological arousal
  15. Smith�s Stress Management Training
    • A.)Pretreatment assessment
    • B.)Educational
    • C.)Skill acquisition
    • D.)Skill rehearsal
    • E.)Evaluation
  16. What does a stronger muscle require?
    -Activation of FEWER motor units
  17. Efficiency
    - = work/effort
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Exam II Prep.