The coming together of computing, telecommunications, and media in a digital environment
Technological Convergence
Print, audio, and video, all converging into a digital media form. News people telling stories in text, audio, video, and even interactive media
Economic Convergence
Merging of Internet or telecommunications companies with tradtitional media companies, such as AOL with Time Warner
Consolidation (economic convergence)
The process of large companies merging with each other or absorbing other companies, forming even bigger companies
Cultural Convergence
- Characterizes the practices, beliefs, and values that interact with and influence each other in creating a shared worldview, or way of understanding the world, among a group of people
- How we consume, create, and distribute media content
Peer to Peer
A computer communications model in which all users have equal abilities to store, send, and accept communications from other users
a type of defamtion that is written and published, such as a false attack on a person's character, which damages a person's reputation
Simplified communications model
Developed by Wilbur Schram in 1954 and based on the mathematical theory of communication. It includes a source, who encodes a message, or signal , which is transmitted (via the media or directly via interpersonal communication) to a destination, where the receiver decodes it.
Media Literacy
The process of interacting with media content and critically analyzing it by considering its particular presentation, its underlying political or social messages, and ownership and regulation issues that may affect what is presented and in what form.
Variations in Media Use
Many available options for the way in which we use media
Regulatory Factors
Federal Comm Commision have profound effects on what type of media are available
Sociocultural Factors
Sometimes perfectly good or sensible technologies do not get adopted simply because people do not seem to be ready for them or because using them breaks certain sociocultural practices or codes of acceptable behavior.
Technological Factors
- Wanting the latest, greatest, most user-friendly technology
- Betamax vs. VHS
Economic Factors
Can be at the heart of industry lobbying efforts to change regulations so they are more favorable to the industry. Plays a role in the type of programming that we see today and the types of information we receive.