- Melancholy and Mystery of a Street
- Giorgio de Chirico
- 1920
- The Persistence of Memory
- Salvador Dali
- 1930
- The Treachery (or Perfidy) of Images
- Rene Magritte
- 1930
- Twittering Machine
- Paul Klee
- 1920
- Composition in Red, Blue, and Yellow
- Piet Mondrian
- 1930
- Bird in Space
- Constantin Brancusi
- 1925
- Guernica
- Pablo Picasso
- 1940
- Houses of Parliament
- Barry & Pugin
- designed 1835
- Royal Pavilion
- John Nash
- 1815
- Crystal Palace
- Joseph Paxton
- 1850
- Marshall Field Wholesale Store
- Henry Hobson Richardson
- 1890
- Guaranty (Prudential) Building
- Louis Henry Sullivan
- 1900
- Casa Mila
- Antonio Gaudi
- 1910
- Robie House
- Frank Lloyd Wright
- 1910
- Villa Savoye
- Le Corbusier
- 1930
- Kaufmann House
- Frank Lloyd Wright
- 1940
- Notre Dame du Haut
- Le Corbusier
- 1950
- Seagram Building
- van der Rohe & Johnson
- 1960
- AT&T Building
- Johnson & Burgee w/ Simmons Architects
- 1980
- Guggenheim (Bilbao) Museum
- Frank Gehry
- 2000
- Painting
- Francis Bacon
- 1950
- Number I (Lavender Mist)
- Jackson Pollock
- 1950
- Woman I
- Willem de Kooning
- 1950
- Spiral Jetty
- Robert Smithson
- 1970
- How to Explain Pictures to a Dead Hare
- Joseph Beuys
- 1965