a mass of cells whose growth is uncontrolled and that serves no useful function
benign tumor
a non-cancerous tumor; has a distinct border and cannot metastasize
malignant tumor
a cancerous tumor; lacks a distinct border and may metastasize
the process by which cells break off of a tumor, travel through the vascular system, and grow elsewhere in the body
cancerous brain tumor composed of one of several types of glial cells
benign tumor composed of the cells that constitute the meninges
Generalized seizure
a seizure that involves most of the brain
Partial Seizure
begins at a focus and remains localized, not generalizing to the rest of the brain
Partial Seizure: complex Pariatal seizure
produces loss of consciousness
Status epilepticus
a series of seizures without regaining consciousness; excessive release of glutamate
sensation that precedes a seizure; type of sensation depends on the location of seizure focus
Stroke: Cerebrovascular accident (Hemorrhagic stroke)
Rupture of a cerebral blood vessel
Stroke: Cerebrovascular accident (Obstructive stroke)
Occlusion of a blood vessel
A blood clot that forms within a blood vessel, which may occlude it
the interuption of the blood supply to a region of the body
fetal alchohol syndrome
includes characteristic facial anomalies and faulty brain development; neural adhesion protein disrupted so that neuron growth is misguided
Down syndrome (not inherited)
change in the 21st pair of chromosomen(mutation)
Tay sachs (heritable)
lack of enzymes in lysosomes causes accumulation of waste produces and swelling of cells of the brain
PKU (recessive)
Aunosomal syndrome, carried along another pair of chromosomes thats not the sex chromosome pair
Parkinson's disease (degenerative)
Genetic, idiopathic; tremors-->cognitive imparement; dopamine antagonist (up regulates the level of dopamine in treatement of parkinson's), deep brain stimulation also involved in treatment
Hunington's disease (autosomal dominant)
degeneration of the basal ganglia, Exact mechanism is unclear, motor symptoms include uncontrollable jerking and writhing movements, cognitive symptoms include dementia
Multiple Sclerosis (Not hereditary disease, but combination of genetic, environmental & infectious factors)
Autoimmune demyelinating disease, motor movements are impared, eats away and destroys the myelin sheath
Alzheimer's disease: main syndrome
gradual memory loss
Alzheimer's disease: characteristics
brain atrophy, plaques in brain, neurofibrullary tangles (death of neurons and buildup)
Biological factors related to alzheimer's disease
Decline in acetylcholine production, problems with disposal of ameloid-beta proteins, increased inflamatory response of glial cells
Other factors related to Alzheimer's disease
head trauma, lack of positive stimuli in enviornment