Ritual and Theater
- concerned with "things done"
- empahsis on the concrete
- deal with social relationships
confines itself to showing and saying things about social needs
reinforces or brings about change
Theater of Dionysus
- most celebrated of 5th century athens
- built in honor of the fertility god
- open air structure located on slope of hill below Acropolis
passageways used by acotrs, the chorus and the audience
Prometheus Bound, Agamennon, The Eumenidies
Greek Playwrights
- Sophocles
- euripides
- aristiohanes
- aeschylus
Medieval Theater
began in churches performed by priests to teach christian doctrine and and encourage good moral behavior
Fixed Stages
permanent structures
Movable stages
portable staging
"The Theater"
- built by James Burbage
- was known as London's first theater
- open air structure
Globe Theater
- built by Richard Burbage
- showcase for Shakespeares talents as actor and playwright
- most famous of all Elizabethan theaters
William Shakespeare
- Hamlet, King Lear, Macbeth, Othello
- Elizabethan Theater
Proscenium Theater
- framing
- arch
- masking the inner workings
Chinese theater
- classic theater
- the new drama "kunqu"
- the opera or Jingxi
Classic theater
- zaju
- stories from history, legends, epics and contemporary events
The opera
- Jingxi
- rigidly controlled conventions of acting, dancing, singing
Beijing Opera
the heart of the beijing opera is the actor
Japanese theater
- Noh Theater
- Kabuki
- Bunraku Puppet theater
Noh Theater
highly stylized, restrained, and austere form of artisitc expression that depends on music and mime
Noh Stage
- situated int eh corner of a builiding
- divided into two areas:
- butai- stage proper
- hashigakari- the bridge
Noh Actors
- controlled by tradition
- shite (doer role)- principal actor
- waki (secondary character)- sideman
Kabuki theater
described as rock entertainment
Kabuki Stage
- covers entire front of the theater
- hanamichi- ramp known as "flower way"
- combination of old and new procenium thrust stages
Kabuki Actors
- trained from childhood in singing, dancing, acting
- roles are divided into brave and loyal men, villians, comics, children, and women
males who play women roles
Bunraku Puppet Theater
- doll puppet theater
- performed on a small procenium stage that is divided into three levels
Bunraku Characters
- Omo zukai- cheif puppeteer
- hidari zukai- second puppeteer
- ashi zukai- the third puppeteer
Environmental theater
- jerzy grotowski
- rejects conventional seating and includes audiences as part of the performance
Jerzy Grotowski
- founder and director of the Polish Laboratory Theater
- essentials: the actor and the audience
- "Akropolis", "Hamlet", "The Constant Prince"
- plays based on world myth and biblical myths
by Stanislaw Wyspianski
The Living Theater
encouraged a nonviolent revolution to overhaul society and created a performance style to confront society
Julian Beck and Judith malina
- the living theater
- wanted to increase conscious awareness and to stress the sacredness of life
- political theater
- "The Connection"
- "The Brig"
The Living theater on tour
caused controversy and debate over the nature of theater and the role of art in society
Theatre Du Soleil
- founded in paris by Ariane Mnouchkine
- modeled itself on an egalitarian commune
Ariane Mnouchkine
- Her
- Founded theater of the sun
- -numerous traditions
- -"les atrites"
- performed a midsummer nights dream and the kitchen
Peter Schumann
- founded the bread and Pupper theater in New York City
- believed that the theater should be as basic as bread
- puppets and bread
The Free Southern Theater
- grew out of civil rights movement to address issues of freedom, justice, equality and voting rights
- John O'Neal, Gilbert Moses, and Doris Derby
a purging of strong emotions
Bertlot Brecht
- wanted to "distance" Audiences so they would make judgements about social and economic issues of the play
- Alienation effect
- The Caucasion Chalk circle
Edward Albee
wrote "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolfe"
playwrights who also direct their own works
Bertolt Brecht, Samuel Beckett, Edward Albee, Maria Irene Fornes, or David Mamet
Sam Shepard
true west and buried child
clashing of personal, moral, and social forces
key to success of the playwroght's story and dialogue
Playwrights "Bag of tools"
the "soul of the drama"
Plot and Character
playwrights means of conveying the confusion and mystery of life language is third essential tool
David Mamet
Glengarry Glen Ross and Oleanna
Tennesse Williams
- The Glass Menagerie
- Cat on a Hot tin Roof
August Wilson
- Playwright
- fences
- Joe Turner's Come and Gone
Aruthur Miller
- the Crucible
- A view from the bridge
- all my sons
Lorraine Hansberry
A raisin in the sun
Postmodern Texts
- a moevment in the reaction against the "modern"
- often called for doubling
the placing of contradictory experiences within the same frame of reference
Original Imgae
the photograph
of human experiences celebrates the fragmentation of experience
Heiner Muller
- German Playwright
- Hamletmachine
texts are often called assemblages or collages
Robert Wilson
- Satrter of Post-Modernism
- saw Byrd Hoffman as a child for his stutter
- wanted to make non verbal plays
- The Life and time of Joseph Stalin
- Einstein on the Beach
- The life and time of sigmund freud
- A letter for queen victoria
Visual Book
visual book opposed to audio book
to convey experience and activity to audiences
Stage Directions
are included in the beginning of each act to provide information about the playwrights images
Tennesse Williams
A street car named desire
- what is going on, what has happened in the past and who is to be seen
- ex. Euripides "The Trojan Woman"
- classical exposition--greek plays
Modern Exposition
for instance begins with the phone ringing and gives the plays background information by talking to an unseen party about the family, its plans and its conflicts
Plays begin with..
information exchanges of dialouge to establish who, what, when and where
Point of Attack
- the moment early in the play when the story is taken up
- the inciting incident
Complication, Crisis, and Climax
- complications- middle of the play where new information or unexpected events occur
- crisis- develops from complications, makes the resolution of the conflict inevitable
- climax- the conflict is resolved
restores balance and satisfies the audience's expectations
Simultaneous or double plots
- relate past and present events and behavior
- used by elizabethans to represent life's variety and complexity
- two stories are told concurrently
Actual time
amount of time it takes for us to see the play
Dramatic time
- phenomenon of the playwrights text
- can be accelerated and interrupted
- compares two things using like or as
- literal comparison
make connections between unlike things
play with in the play
- used by bertlolt brecht, luigi pirandello, peter weiss, tom stoppard, and michael frayn
- Hamelt--> "The Mouse Trap"
- influenced luigi pirandellos "theater triology"
Luigi Pirandello
- took up writing to support his family
- nobel prize for literature
- life itself is a "sad piece of buffoonery"
- "six Characters in Search of an Author"
George Steiner
"Drama is language under such high pressure of feelings the words carry a necessary and immediate connotation of gesture
Drama expresses...
characters thoughts, attitudes, and intentions but also the active prescence of human beings in a living world
In theater language is...
selected and controlled
Communication theory
a sign has a direct relationship to the thing it represents
differ from signs in that they have an arbitrary connection to their referents
characters extended, uniterrupted speech to others on stage
a breif remark by a character spoken directly to the audience
- a long speech delivered by a character presented directly to the audience
- way to take the audience directly into the characters mind to over hear unspoken thoughts
Anton Checkov
- Moscow Art Theater
- "The Cherry Orchard"
In Checkhov's plays
what people do more frequently is more important than what they say
Gest or Gestic Language
a matter of actor's overall attitude toward what is going on around them and what they are asked to do within the circumstances of the text
The Caucasian Chalk circle
- Bertlolt Brecht
- uses music and song as well as dialogue to communicate his characters thoughts and feelings
Antonin Artaud
- French platwright
- theater theorist
- opposed traditional dialogue that furthers plot, reveals character and explores psychological and social problems
- enjoyed shocking the audience
- "Theater of Cruelty"
- David Mamet
- invent lies, sell reassurances, tell stories, and command experience through word alone
Magical Realism
- Sam Shepard
- take audiences into the inner workings of the modern American family
Appia and Craig
built theoretical foundations of modern experience of modern expressionistic theatrical practice
MIng Cho Lee and John Lee Beatty
- John studied with Ming Cho
- design scenery and point of view
all garments and accessories
Costumes tell us about a character...
the nature, the mood and the style of the play
- enhances the actor and completes the costume
- is classified as straight and character
- straight- highlights actors features
- character- transforms actors features
Seeing Spaces
What greeks called their theaters
Stage lighting
a powerful theatrical tool to focus an audiences attention, enhance understanding and give aesthetic pleasure
Jennifer Tipton
lighting designer
rule of lighting
visibility and ambience must be inherent to the total theatrical design, including scenery and costumes
Lighting Designer
- Jules Fisher
- Peggy Eisenhauer
- Tharon Musser
a slide inserted into the gate of a spotlight
eipc plays
take place over a few year
climatic plays
- take place over a few days
- cause and effect arrangement
Episodic Structure
- medieval and modern plays
- trace characters through a journey
situational structure
- situation is more important than plot
- "waiting for godot"
play where there is only one person speaking
followers of dionysus
2 types of medieval plays
- msytery and morality
- msytery--> based on Jesus Christ
- morality--> based on being a good human being
- - typically has an angel and devil character
Thrust Stage
a proscenium stage that is built into the audience
- Of the Forest
- slyvia is holy fair and wise and everyone falls in love with her
Someone who is love sick
Richard Sheckner
- "The Living Theater"
- tried to recapture realness