Test 2

  1. DMC
    Distribution Management Center
  2. automation enablers, and Battlefield systems used to execute distribution management operations
    Automated Information Technology (AIT), Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
  3. LIW
    Logistics Integrated Warehouse
  4. ILAP
    Integrated Logistics Analysis Program
  5. The critical distribution management components are
    visibility, capacity, and control
  6. across the distribution networks provides tracking of requests, issues, returns, repairable items, excess items, and retrograde items, with total transparency across all systems
  7. provides near real-time digital information at any point in the distribution system, providing information on parts, assemblies, other commodities, and end items in storage sites by location and quantity of assets available
    Total Asset Visibility (TAV)
  8. provides the capability to track the identity, status, and location of units, cargo, passengers, patients, and lift assets from point of origin to final destination. ITV is the transportation "slice" of the DOD TAV initiative
    Intransit Visibility (ITV)
  9. A system’s infrastructure dictates the capacity of the distribution system and logistics pipeline flow. The ability to anticipate logistics bottlenecks, disruptions, and changes in the distribution operational scheme allows distribution managers to optimize a theater’s distribution capacity
  10. The distribution manager can exercise control through the ability to identify the contents of shipments and monitor their location as shipments move from origin to destination
  11. The ..... of the pipeline has ....performed by Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and United States Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM). Activities that perform the traditional supply functions, acquisition and materiel management, and asset visibility
    strategic portion; two distinct functions
  12. is DOD’s lead for stock positioning and distribution with depots located through the United States, Europe, Pacific Theater, and Southwest Asia
  13. provides supply support, technical and logistics services to the military services, DOD agencies, and selected foreign governments procuring supplies and spare parts to support customers logistics needs
  14. is responsible for creating and implementing world-class global deployment and distribution solutions, providing air, land, and sea transportation. USTRANSCOM is the single entity to direct and supervise execution of the strategic distribution system. The following activities support the USTRANSCOM strategic distribution mission
  16. provides strategic and tactical airlift, air refueling, and aero-medical evacuation services for deploying, sustaining and redeploying U.S. forces
    Air Mobility Command (AMC
  17. provides sealift transportation services to deploy, sustain, and redeploy U.S. forces around the globe. Sealift ships principally move unit equipment from the United States to theaters of operation all over the world. MSC operates a fleet of pre-positioned ships strategically placed around the world and loaded with equipment and supplies to sustain Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, and Defense Logistics Agency operations
    Military Sealift Command (MSC)
  18. Surface Deployment & Distribution Command provides ocean terminal, commercial ocean liner service and traffic management services to deploy, sustain, and redeploy U.S. forces on a global basis. The command is responsible for surface transportation and is the interface between DOD shippers and the commercial transportation carrier industry
  19. If a soldier shoots it, drives it, flies it, wears it, or eats it, AMC provides it
    The U.S. Army Materiel Command (AMC
  20. is a result of the merger of the Logistics Integrated Database (LIDB) and the Integrated Logistics Analysis Program (ILAP)
    The Army Logistics Information Warehouse (LIW)
  21. What are the first and second segments of the strategic pipeline which operates the defense supply depot system:
  22. What capability determines if the pipeline is responsive to customer needs?
  23. Which organization integrates logistics with joint an strategic partners in the national sustainment base?
  24. must coordinate the efforts of transportation modes, terminals, services, commands, contractors, and host nations during deployment, sustainment, and redeployment. The timely insertion of movement control capability into the area of operation is critical
    A movement control system
  25. Movement control authorities regulate moves to prevent terminal congestion and scheduling conflicts among Service components. Proper management of transportation assets and the transportation network is critical
    Regulated Movements
  26. This principle is simple: Keep transportation assets fully loaded and moving as much as the tactical situation permits. This includes the disciplined use of returning transportation assets to support retrograde of equipment, personnel, and supplies; and fast off-loading to return them to the system to increase capability for later operations
    Maximum Effective Use of Carrying Capacity
  27. Movement control is the most critical component of a transportation system. It is also the linchpin for all transportation actions in a theater of operations. Movement control contributes significantly toward the success (or failure) of any operation. Effective movement control of forces, units, and logistics enhances combat effectiveness. Inadequate control results in reduced efficiency and loss of potential combat
  28. UMC
    Unit Movement Coordinator
  29. Normally located in the S4 office, the brigade movement coordinator
  30. Mobility Support Element The MSE is a new Transportation organization recently approved to support deployment and operational mobility for brigade, regiment, battalion and squadron headquarters
  31. Prepares estimates, plans, and recommends policies for movement control, mode operations, and terminal operations. Preparing movement management policies
    Transportation Support Branch
  32. is a special staff officer who works for the CHIEF of Staff of the Army
    Corps Transportation Officer
  33. assesses the impact of transportation requirements and highway regulation in the Corp arena. Must coordinate with the G3, DMC, PM, MCB to coordinate traffic control and Highway regulation Plans. Also recommends road repair priorities
    The CTO
  34. controls the movement of all personnel, units, and materiel in the corps AO. It commands, controls, and supervises movement control teams. The battalion plans, coordinates, and manages movement programming, highway regulation, and transportation support for the corps
  35. is responsible for surface, logistics air, rail, barge movements, and container management. This section coordinates support and maintains the status of transportation activities throughout the corps
  36. performs highway regulation within the corps area. It coordinates with the TCE, other MCB highway traffic sections, DTOs, and appropriate HN authority, for any movements that originate in the corps area, but which terminate outside the corps
  37. The corps MCB commander positions teams throughout the corps area to extend his control to critical transportation nodes, facilities, or operating units
  38. DTO
    Division Transportation Officer
  39. Advisory:The DTO, as staff planner and an advisor. He provides the MCO with plans, policies, priorities, and assistance in transportation and movement control matters.
    Planning : The DTO participates in the military decision-making process as a member of the division planning staff.
  40. DTO – Division Transportation Officer
  41. is the focal point for transportation technical guidance and assistance to the division
    The DTO
  42. provides technical assistance to the divisional units for movement training which includes preparing vehicles for transport, developing load plans, loading and securing vehicles on railcars and Air Force aircraft, and reviewing convoy procedures. He provides assistance to the division G3 and G4 for selecting main and alternate supply routes. The DTO also develops the deployment, movement, and highway regulation portions of the division OPLANs and OPORDs
    The DTO
  43. Approving plans, policies, and programs to support transportation movement control, highway regulation, and cargo transfer operations in the Corps area. Advising the TSC commander on the effective use and operation of transportation units and services
    Deputy Commander for Support
  44. provides division-level logistics support to all organic and attached elements of the division
  45. is the principal staff advisor to the BSB commander
    The S3
  46. is responsible for all logistics matters pertaining to BCT’s
    The S4
  47. is the link between the division transportation mode operators and the division users of transportation. The MCO is normally located in the division rear BSB. The MCO provides movement management support to the division by controlling the division's motor transport assets employed in distribution support
  48. Designates MSRs and maintains MSR status (green, amber, and red). Controls and allocates CSS air assets. Develops alternatives to ensure movements remain constant. Ensures supplies reach their required locations at the required time
    Movement Control in the Division
  49. provides the Army with a sound level of movement control technical and tactical expertise to support all phases of force projection operations. He will operate, maintain, administer, and manage movement control systems and operations for his entire military career
  50. provides movement management support to the brigade
    The FSB movement control NCO
  51. This officer provides movement management support through control of employment of the division motor transport assets for CSS
  52. Who is the principle staff advisor to the BSB commander?
  53. This support element is responsible for all logistics matters pertaining to DISCOM units
  54. The MCB commands, allocates and supervises the operation of attached or assigned
    MCT’s and MRT’s
  55. Provides movement management support to the brigade
    FSB movement control NCO
  56. What organization provides centralized movement control and highway regulation for moving personnel and materiel into, within and out of the Corps area?
    The Corps MCB
  57. The DCG(S) integrates external logistics support for the transportation Corp such as
    Advise the TSC commander on effective use of transportation units
Card Set
Test 2
Movement Control