
  1. the moveable attachment of muscle to bone or other connective tissue is referred to as the...
  2. a muscle whose contraction is chiefly responsible for producing a particular movement is called...
  3. the stationary, immovable or less moveable attachment of a muscle is the
  4. name all the muscles of the hamstring group
    bicep femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus
  5. what are the three main functions of the nervous system
    • 1) Receive sensory input
    • 2) integrate the input
    • 3) respond to internal/external input
  6. what structures comprise the CNS?
    spinal chord, brain
  7. Sensory and motor neurons are collectively called the
  8. what are the four main parts of a neuron
    • dendrites
    • cell body
    • axon
    • axon terminal
  9. the site of contact between a synaptic terminal of a neuron and a target, such as another neuron, a muscle cell, or a gland is called a...
    synaptic cleft
  10. what are interneurons?
    nerve cells found entirely within the CNS that acts as a link between sensory neurons
  11. Supporting cells are called..
  12. what cells form the insulating sheaths around axons and where are these cells found
    the myelin sheaths are made of mostly lipids and are found wherever nerves are found
  13. the "motor division" of the PNS is divided into two functional divisions called the ...
    Sensory and Motor nervous system
  14. the somatic nervous system carries signals to
    skeletal muscles
  15. what are the spinal meninges
    membranes covering the brain and spinal chord
  16. what are the three meningeal layers
    • dura mater
    • arachnoid mater
    • pia mater
  17. what are reflexes
    rapid, predictable, involuntary responses to stimuli
  18. the meningal layer that adheres to the surface contour of the brain, extending into every fold and curve, is the
    pia mater
  19. the region of the brain responsible for balance is the
  20. the major region of the brain responsible for conscious thought processes, sensation and memory
    frontal lobe
  21. the ventricles of the brain are filled with
    cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
  22. the primary link between the nervous and endocrine system is the
  23. what is the protective covering of the brain
  24. what area of the brain is considered white matter
    deep parts
  25. what are four sections to the brain stem
    medulla oblongata, pons, midbrain, diencephalon
  26. what are the four lobes of the brain
    frontal, temporal, parietal, occipital
  27. name the five senses
    sight, hear, touch, smell, taste
  28. what are the six sensory receptors
    • chemoreceptors
    • nocireceptors
    • thermoreceptors
    • electromagneticreceptors
    • mechanoreceptor
    • photoreceptors
  29. What does the chemoreceptor detect?
    chemical stimulation in the environment
  30. what does the nicireceptor detect ?
  31. what does the thermoreceptor detect?
    temperature change
  32. what does the electromagneticreceptor detect?
    electromagnetic waves
  33. what does the mechanoreceptor detect
    mechanical stress
  34. what does the photoreceptor detect
  35. what are taste buds?
    clusters of receptors found on the tounge
  36. what are the four primary tastes
    • sweet
    • sour
    • salty
    • bitter
  37. what are the three layers of the eye
    • retina
    • choroid
    • sclera urea
  38. what are the three regions of the ear
    • outer
    • middle
    • inner
  39. list and describe the three common hearing impairments
    • 1) conductive hearing loss - inability of the outer ear to pass sound vibrations into the cochlea
    • 2) neural hearing loss - defect of inner ear
    • 3) combination
  40. what are the types of touch receptors and what do they detect
    • Encapsulated - light touch
    • touch receptors - detect vibrations
  41. Image Upload 2
    • dark purple - brain stem
    • light purple - medulla
    • yellow - cerebellum
    • lime green - temporal lobe
    • pink - occipital lobe
    • light orange - parietal lobe
    • light blue - frontal lobe
    • pink suture - calcarine suture
    • red suture - central suture
    • blue suture - parieto - occipital suture
    • light purple - precentral gyrus
    • orange - postcentral gyrus
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Semester Exam Review