mgmt 655 final.txt

  1. Personal, defensive, resentful conflict rooted in anger, ego, personality clashes
    Relationship conflict
  2. De-personalized conflict consisting of arguments about ideas, plans, projects; may be effective in stimulating productivity
    Task conflict
  3. Disagreements about how to approach a task or how to achieve the goal
    Process conflict
  4. Relationship among the 3 types of conflict as the level of each type of conflict is proportional to the other two
    Proportional conflict composition
  5. Contending approach to conflict management; focuses on applying some standard of fairness, contract, or law
    Rights-based argument
  6. Contending approach to conflict management; characteried by the use of force, intimidation, rank, or power
    Power-based approach
  7. Disagreements among team members' ideas and opinions about the task being performed, including debates over facts or opinions
    Task-content conflicts
  8. Disagreements about logistic and delegation issues, such as how to proceed and allocate work
    Task-process conflicts
  9. Conflict Intervention Model
    • 1. Team re-design
    • 2. Task process coaching
    • 3. Conflict process coaching
    • 4. Changing the individual
  10. Norm of fairness; prescribes that benefits and costs should be proportional to team members' contributions
    Equity method
  11. Norm of fairness; prescribes that all team members should suffer or benefit equally, regardless of input
    Equality method
  12. Norm of fairness; prescribes that benefits and costs should be proportioned to members' needs
    Need method
  13. When ppl in majority privately agree with minority
  14. When ppl change attitude/belief as a result of their own thinking
  15. Conversion as a latent level and having a delayed impact, such as when a change occurs later
    Sleeper effect
  16. Teams that are deliberately constructed to be diverse at the deeper level; composed of ppl from multiple disciplines, functions, diversions
    Cross-functional teams
  17. The way ppl think about tasks in cross-functional teams (Larger gap=more inconsistent views)
    Representational gaps
  18. High issue importance, high power, high time constraint
  19. High relationship importance
  20. Equal power, high time constraints
  21. High issue importance, high relationship importance, high/low power, high time constraints
  22. Equal power
  23. To enable, help ppl develop sense of self confidence and overcome feeling of powerlessness; mobilize intrinsic motivation to take action
  24. Reject opportunities of empowerment; believe someone else will produce result of their input (lack of sense of personal consequence); don;t believe they have anything to contribute
  25. 5 Core dimensions of empowerment
    • 1. Self-efficacy
    • 2. Self-determination
    • 3. Personal consequence
    • 4. Meaning
    • 5. Trust
  26. Sense of competence; feeling we possess capabilities to perform successfully; sense of personal mastery
  27. Sense of choice/freedom; feelings of being able to voluntarily and intentionally involve oneself in tasks rather than being forced/prohibited;
  28. Sense of impact; that we can act, produce a result, actively control
    Personal consequence
  29. Sense of value; value the purpose/goals of the activity; own ideals and standards consistent with what we are doing; believe/care in what we do
  30. Sense of security; confident we will be treated fairly/equitably with justice; confidence that those in power will not harm us; assurance, personaly security
  31. Advantages of delegating work
    • increase time
    • develops capabilites of delegates
    • demonstrates trust/confidence in d.
    • enhances commitment of d.
    • improves decision making
  32. How senders tailor msg for specific recipients
    Message tuning
  33. Communication with team in presence of another audience, i.e. concealing from client
    Multiple audience problem
  34. Senders have a bias to present info that they believe will be favorably received by recipient
    Message distortion
  35. Recipients often hear what they want to hear when receiving msg; selective hearing
    Biased interpretation
  36. Overestimating the common/overlapping between our own knowledge and others; curse of knowledge
    Prospective-taking failures
  37. People believe their thoughts, attitudes, reasons are much more obvious than is actually the case
    Transparency Illusion
  38. People ask others to do things indirectly; listener's understanding of intention behnd communicator's msg requires extra cognitive steps
    Indirect speech acts
  39. Only handful of group does majority of talking
    Uneven communication
  40. Team members dependent on one another for info
    Information depency problem
  41. Teams tend to discuss what everyone already knows
    Common information effect
  42. Superior (best) decision alternative that is not obvious from group members b/c each member does not have all info
    Hidden profile
  43. Team Mental Models
    • Manufactured product model
    • Journey
    • Sports model
    • Marriage model
  44. Group-level info-processing system that is an extension of the human info-processing system; shared system for encoding and storing info
    Transactive memory system (TMS)
  45. 3 Ways to look at faulty communication
    • 1. Sender
    • 2. Receiver
    • 3. Lack of feedback
  46. Receiver Skills
    • 1. Reflecting
    • 2. Probing
    • 3. Advising
    • 4. Deflective
  47. Paraphrasing, clarifying msg by contributing meaning and understanding; show interest without opinion; responding to feelings before content; should be used first
  48. Ask for more information; getting individual to explore in diff perspectives
  49. Provide personal opinion; produces dependence; shifts focus from communicator's issue to listener; most commonly used first
  50. Changing the subject from the communicator's issue to that selected by the listener; makes sender feel less important
  51. Same time, same place communication
  52. Same time, diff place communication
    Phone, video conference
  53. Diff time, same place communication
    Shift work
  54. Same time, diff place communication
    Email, voicemail
  55. Task-focused group that meets without all members physicall present or working at the same time
    Virtual team
  56. Superficial contact
  57. "Big 3" Cultural differences
    • 1. Individualism vs. Collectivism
    • 2. Egalitarianism vs. Hierarchical
    • 3. Direct vs. Indirect Communication
  58. 3 Self-representations
    • 1. Individual self
    • 2. Relational self
    • 3. Collective self
  59. Self concept realized by differentiating ourselves from others and relies on interpersonl comparison processes; associated with motive of psychological enhancement
    Individual self
  60. Self concept achieved by assimilating with significant others and based on personal bonds of attachment
    Relational self
  61. Self concept achieved by inclusion in large, social groups
    Collective self
  62. 2 Types of Relational focus
    • 1. Independent
    • 2. Interdependent
  63. Focus on the entent to which they are autonomous, unique; egocentric, individualism
  64. Focus on extent to which they are embedded within a larger social network; collectivism
  65. People seek to be included in larger collectives, yet seek to be unique; don't want to be too different nor too similar to others
    Optimal distinctiveness
  66. Type of conflict that erupts when teams compete over same/scarce resources
  67. Type of conflict that exists reflecting fundamental differences in values/beliefs
  68. Groups of opposite sides of conflict tend to see opposing sides in an exaggerated degree
  69. Team variable pay based on performance
  70. One time award for limited employees/groups for over-performing or for project completion
  71. Team pay of corporate profit distribution in cash on current basis to all
  72. Team percentage pay of the value of income productivity givent o workers under pre-arranged formula
  73. Performance appraisal determined by job eval system; job description scored in terms of duties, translated into salary levels
    Job-based pay
  74. Performance appraisal in which company develops tests to determine whether the employee has learned the necessary skills
    Skill-based pay
  75. Performance appraisal in which employees prove they can use their newly learned skills; ultimately profitable in organizations
    Competency-based pay
  76. Feedback about an employee from all sides (top, bottom, sides, clients); anonymously rate peers based on contributions
    360-degree/Multi-rater feedback
  77. Distorted performance ratings b/c of empathic buffering and fear of conflict
    Inflation bias
  78. People believe that others ae more motivated by extrinsic factors ($) than themselves, and less motivated by intrinsic factors than themselves
    Extrinsic incentive bias
  79. Appraisers rate people who are similar to themselves more favorably than those diff from them
    Homogeneity bias
  80. Once we know one + or - fact about someone, we tend to perceive all other info in line with our initial perception
    Halo bias
  81. Appraisers perceive people's behaviors as reflecting their personality rather than temporary factors
    Fundamental attribution error
  82. Face-to-face feedback receives higher ratings versus anonymous written feedback
    Communication medium
  83. Reduced error in ratings and higher quality appraisals with experience
    Experience effect
  84. Strong social obligation to return favors; "Ill give you a good rating if you give me one"
    Reciprocity bias
  85. Appraisers want to hold some opinion as everyone
    Bandwagon bias
  86. Appraisers being overly affected by first or last/most recent impression
    Primacy and recency bias
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mgmt 655 final.txt
Team Skills Final Review