Ch. 4 Mult. Choice

  1. Functions of power in society DO NOT include:

    A. ensuring international peace.
  2. Family is:

    C. traditionally defined as a residential kin group and the base power structure in most societies.
  3. Culture is:

    B. all of the ways of life common to a society.
  4. Anything that communicates meaning, including language, art, and music are known as:

    A. symbols.
  5. Shared ideas about what is good and valuable are known as:

    A. values.
  6. Shared ideas about what is true are known as:

    C. beliefs.
  7. A set of beliefs and practices pertaining to supernatural powers and the origins and meaning of life are known as:

    B. religion.
  8. Folkways are:

    B. trivial norms that guide actions.
  9. Shared rules and expectations about behavior are known as:

    B. norms.
  10. Rewards and punishments bestowed for conforming expected behaviors are called:

    D. sanctions.
  11. The concept of culture would be studied MOST by which social science discipline?

    B. anthropology
  12. All the ways of life common to a society is called:

    D. culture
  13. Trivial norms that guide actions are known as

    C. folkways
  14. All of the following represent types of political systems EXPECT:

    A. subculture
  15. Judging other cultures in terms of one's own is:

    D. ethnocentrism
  16. Uncritical acceptance of customs, practices, and institutions of other cultures is:

    C. cultural relativity
  17. The family in which the father is the dominant authority is:

    D. patrilocal
  18. The __________ assumes many of the functions of the family in an industrial society.

    C. government
  19. The holiest city in the Islamic faith is

    C. Mecca
  20. In the U.S. households with children, the most common model today is

    C. two parent, plus children
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Ch. 4 Mult. Choice
Chapter 4: Power & Culture