BIOL230 Test 3 BIRT

  1. Group A beta Strep.
    1. Causes
    2. Caused by
    3. Organism Description
    4. Transmission
    5. Incubation period
    6. Symptoms/Duration
    7. Complications
    8. Treatment
    9. Prevention
    • 1. Pharyngitis (Strep throat)
    • 2. Streptococcus pyogenes
    • 3. G+ coccus in chains
    • 4. cough containing Strep. in pharyngeal secretions or secretions on objects
    • 5. 2-4 days
    • 6. Sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, cough, fever, painful swallow, Lasts 2-4 days
    • 7. -Sinusitis, conjunctivitis, otitis media, tonsillitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia
    • -Later complications (post Strep.); Retropharyngeal abscess - meningitis, Scarlet fever - rash, deafness, high fever, Rheumatic fever - heart valve damage (auto-immune), Glomerulonephritis - kidneys
    • 8. ABX - penicillin, amoxicillin, cephalosporin, azithromycin
    • 9. no vaccine
  2. Hemophilus Influenza Type B (HiB)
    1. Causes
    2. Caused by
    3. Organism Description
    4. Transmission
    5. Incubation period
    6. Symptoms/Duration
    7. Complications
    8. Treatment
    9. Prevention
    • 1. Pharyngitis
    • 2. Hemophilus Influenza Type B (HiB)
    • 3. G- rod
    • 4. cough (common in children)
    • 5. 2-5 days
    • 6. pharyngitis, ear infections, Leading
    • cause of meningitis in children 3-5 years old
    • 7. n/a
    • 8. ABX; erythromycin, tetracycline, azithromycin
    • 9. HiB vaccine
  3. Diphtheria
    1. Causes
    2. Caused by
    3. Organism Description
    4. Transmission
    5. Incubation period
    6. Symptoms/Duration
    7. Complications
    8. Treatment
    9. Prevention
    • 1. Diphtheria
    • 2. Corynebacterium diphtheriae
    • 3. -G+ aerobic, non-spore forming rod, forms "Chinese-letter" chains
    • -1930-1950 Diphtheria leading cause of infant deaths in U.S. about 3000/year
    • 4. human to human by cough
    • 5. 3-7 days
    • 6. -Sore throat, pharyngitis, swollen lymph nodes, fever, cough
    • -Pseudomembrane - shiny wet membrane in throat consists of mucous, bacteria, dead cells
    • -Bacteria grows in lining of the throat and produces at exotoxin
    • -Exotoxin gets into blood and blocks protein synthesis in body organs (heart, liver,
    • lungs, spleen, kidneys)
    • -In children; kidney failure, liver disease, heart failure
    • 7. n/a
    • 8. ABX - penicillin, Antitoxin ABY
    • 9. DPT vaccine (DiphtheriaPertussisTetanus)
  4. Pertussis
    1. Causes
    2. Caused by
    3. Organism Description
    4. Transmission
    5. Incubation period
    6. Symptoms/Duration
    7. Complications
    8. Treatment
    9. Prevention
    • 1. Whooping Cough
    • 2. Bordetella pertussis
    • 3. G- rod
    • 4. paroxysmal (spasmic) cough
    • 5. 2-5 days
    • 6. -Respiratory congestion, especially chest
    • -Fever, chest pain, fatigue
    • -Severe cough 24x7
    • -Bacteria infects cells lining bronchi, Mucous
    • produced, Exotoxin production (Necrotizing
    • exotoxin and Exotoxin that stops action of cilia, resulting in bronchial "plug" blocking
    • bronchi making breathing difficult. Body produces "whooping" sound when coughing
    • -Lasts 2-3 weeks
    • 7. Collapsed lung, Bleeding
    • from damaged bronchial wall, Scar
    • tissue on bronchi, Pneumonia, Malnutrition-
    • constant cough induces vomiting, Cardiac
    • arrest
    • 8. -Keep cough productive, Rest, diet
    • -ABX if needed (endotoxin created G-) - tetracycline
    • 9. DPT vaccine (DiphtheriaPertussisTetanus)
  5. Tuberculosis (TB)
    1. Causes
    2. Caused by
    3. Organism Description
    4. Transmission
    5. Incubation period
    6. Symptoms/Duration
    7. Complications
    8. Treatment
    9. Prevention
    • 1. Tuberculosis (TB)
    • 2. Mycobacterium tuberculosis
    • 3. -Acid-fast rod, aerobic, non-spore forming, initially temperate climate infection (prefers colder climates)
    • -3 infectious strains (all infect and can be transmitted human to human); Hominis - humans, Bovine - cows, Avium - birds
    • 4. cough containing TB infected "chest" cough sputum or by inhaling TB in dried sputum
    • 5. 1-3 weeks
    • 6. Flu-like symptoms, Severe cough (may be bloody), Fatigue, Congestion
    • 7. -Intracellular parasite; Macrophages are drawn to infection site, Bacteria lives inside macrophages, No improvement, so body sends more macrophages, Sore forms in lungs containing TB infected macrophages (Tubercle), Calcium (scar tissue) forms around tubercle in order to isolate infection, Tubercle becomes hard and is now called a granuloma, Excess reaction is due to a delayed hypersensitivity, takes 3-6 months for granulomas to form, Once granulomas form it is called inactive TB and is non-contagious
    • -1:1000 cases bacteria softens granuloma (ceseation necrosis) and is called Miliary TB and is fatal, Bacteria spreads to lungs, liver, spleen, brain, heart, kidneys
    • 8. ABX before granulomas form - sulfa drugs, streptomycin, rifamycin, INH (isoniazide), ethambutol
    • 9. BCG vaccine
  6. Bacterial Pneumonia
    1. Causes
    2. Caused by
    3. Organism Description
    4. Transmission
    5. Incubation period
    6. Symptoms/Duration
    7. Complications
    8. Treatment
    9. Prevention
    • 1. inflammation
    • of lungs
    • 2.-Many
    • causes; viruses, yeasts, molds, bacteria; Leading cause is bacteria
    • -Streptococcus pneumoniae, is the most serious cause
    • 3. G-
    • diplococcus, Found
    • normally in nasopharynx
    • 4. Can
    • fall into lungs (in compromised persons), Produces capsules, resists phagocytosis
    • 5. n/a
    • 6. Grows
    • and causes severe congestion and breathing difficulty
    • 7. n/a
    • 8. ABX;
    • penicillin, cephalosporin, tetracycline, amoxicillin
    • 9. vaccine
    • for high risk persons
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BIOL230 Test 3 BIRT
CCBC BIOL230 Dr. Jeffrey Test 3 subject: Bacterial Infections of Respiratory Tract