
  1. Chapter 1: Which item listed below has helped to increase the carrying capacity of the earth?

    E. all of the above
  2. Chapter 1: What is the population of the world likely to be by the year 2050?

    E. 9 billion
  3. Chapter 1: Which of the following statements is true regarding the world population growth since 1965?

    A. it has been decreasing slowly
  4. Chapter 1: IPAT equation is about which of the following?

    B. environmental impact
  5. Chapter 1: Which of the following is true of Environmental Geology?

    E. all of the above
  6. Chapter 1: The number of people/ animals that can be supported by a given area of land is called:

    C. carrying capacity
  7. Chapter 1: Which of the following is true of the world population in the 20th century?

    C. it quadrupled
  8. Chapter 1: Which of the following is not a variable in the IPAT equation?

    D. Natural Resources
  9. Chapter 1: Exceeding of carrying capacity is referred to as

    D. ecological overshoot
  10. Chapter 1: Which of the following is NOT one of the environmental "successes" that have been accomplished since 1970?
    A. unleaded gasoline has reduced lead emission by 98%
    B. the California gray whale, the bald eagle, and the American alligator have been removed from the endangered species list
    C. the numer of large cities violating the clean-air standards has dropped significantly
    D. concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide have begun to decrease
    E. all of the above
  11. D. concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide have begun to decrease
  12. Chapter 1: What factor other than decreased birth rates has contributed to the lower United Nations world population project (made in 2002) for the year 2050?

    A. HIV / AIDS
  13. Chapter 1: Which of the following is NOT somethng that is included on derivative maps?

    E. all of the above
  14. Chapter 1: What is the computer system that assembles, stores, manipulates and displays geographic data according to location?

    E. GIS
  15. Chapter 1: What are lines of equal elevation called on a topographic maps?

    C. geological contacts
  16. Chapter 1: How much greater are population growth rates in the poorer countries than they are in the richer countries?

    C. 6 times
  17. Chapter 1 True or False: The large argicultural yields obtained today are fundamentally dependant upon fossil fuels.
  18. Chapter 1 True or False: An average American citizen consumes 35 times the resources of an average Indian citizen over the course of his/her lifetime.
  19. Chapter 1 True or False: Nearly half of the population of the world is living in cities.
  20. Chapter 1 True or False: The main purpose of geological maps is to show the shape of the earth's surface.
  21. Chapter 1 True or False: Once the earth's carrying capacity is exceeded, population reduction will occur whether we want it to or not.
  22. Chapter 1 True or False: GIS is a new navigational system that will soon replace GPS.
  23. Chapter 1 True or False: Derivative maps are made from computer data sets that are analyzed and plotted for special applications.
  24. Chapter 1 True or False: Malthus posulated in 1812 that populations growth would soon cause global famine and collapse of society.
  25. Chapter 1 True or False: Annual population growth rate of +1% corresponds to the situation where there were 100 more deaths per thousand individuals than live births in a given year.
  26. Chapter 1 True or False: With a population growth rate of 0.7% it would take 100 years for the population to double.
  27. Chapter 1 True or False: The highest soil degradation rates occur in Africa.
  28. Chapter 1 True or False: Nations that tend to have the greatest environmental impacts are those with the lowest population growth rates.
  29. Chapter 1 True or False: The size of our population is limited by the amount of food we can grow.
  30. Chapter 1 True or False: Since 1950 about one third of all US cropland has been lost to erosion.
  31. Chapter 1 True or False: The population density of the earth has tripled since World War II.
  32. Chapter 2: The geological concept that processes active today have been active during the earth's past history is somethimes paraphrased as "the present is the key to the past" and is called

    A. the law of Uniformaitarianism
  33. Chapter 2: An atom having either a positive or negative electrical charge is called

    D. an ion
  34. Chapter 2: A variet of an element that is heavier than normal because of the presences of extra neutrons is called

    D. an isotope
  35. Chapter 2: Most of the mass of an atom is located in its

    B. nucleus
  36. Chapter 2: Which of the following is NOT part of the general definition of a mineral?

    E. amorphous
  37. Chapter 2: Most of the rocks of the earth's crust are made up of which of the following mineral groups?

    C. silicates
  38. Chapter 2: Which silicate mineral is the most abundant in the earth's crust?

    B. feldspar
  39. Chapter 2: Which property of minerals is variable and therefore the least reliable as a clue in identifying a mineral type?

    B. color
  40. Chapter 2: What are the three general classes of rocks that are defined based upon origin?

    A. igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic
  41. Chapter 2: Plutonic rocks are atype of

    A. intrusive igneous rock
  42. Chapter 2: What is a common distinguishing characteristic of sedimentary rock masses?

    D. they tend to be layered
  43. Chapter 2: In addition to particles, what other material can be found in sedimentary rocks?

    E. all of the above
  44. Chapter 2: What distinguishes the pairs of rocks listed in the igneous rock classification from each other?
    (Consider, for example, basalt and gabbro.)

    D. texture
  45. Chapter 2: What would be the method of choice for dating an organic substance less than 100,000 years old?

    A. Carbon-14
  46. Chapter 2: What is an aggregate composed of one or more varieties of interlocking mineral crystals called?

    C. rock
  47. Chapter 2 True or False: The chances of being struck by lightning are about three times higher than the chances of a non-smoker dying from asbestos-related disease.
  48. Chapter 2 True or False: There are over 30,000 mineral species.
  49. Chapter 2 True or False: Oxygen and Silicon alone comprise 75% of crustal rocks by weight.
  50. Chapter 2 True or False: About 20 out of the thousands of known mineral species make up the bulk of the earth's crust.
  51. Chapter 2 True or False: In comparison to white asbestos, blue asbesto is the less harmful type used for industrial purposes.
  52. Chapter 2 True or False: Magma is the general term for molten rock including bother underground and surface occurrences.
  53. Chapter 2 True or False: Rapid cooling of molten rock produces large crystals.
  54. Chapter 2 True or False: Rocks such as basalt, on the ride of the igneous rock classification, are darker-colored and have higher specific gravity than do rocks such as granite, on the left side.
  55. Chapter 2 True or False: Metamorphic rocks where minerals have been flattened into layers by directed pressure are saild to be foilated.
  56. Chapter 2 True or False: Relative age dating enables scientists to determine the age in years of a rock mass, whereas absolute age dating can only determine the sequence of events.
  57. Chapter 2 True or False: Rock layers containing extensive fossils of organisms with hard parts represent only about 12% of geologic time.
  58. Chapter 2 True or False: In two "half-lives," one fourth of a radioactive substance will remain.
  59. Chapter 2 True or False: Dates on zircons from western Australia suggest that the oldest crustal rocks are more than 4 billion years old.
  60. Chapter 2 True or False: The earliest evidence of life on earth is over 3 billion years old.
  61. Chapter 2 True or False: Most of the world's diamonds come from South America.
  62. Chapter 3: Which of the following is NOT one of the lines of evidence cited by Alfred Wegener in support of the Continental Drift hypothesis?

    C. studies of the earth's magnetic field
  63. Chapter 3: Which of the following is NOT part of the lithosphere?

    A. asthenosphere
  64. Chapter 3: Which of the following is a type of plate boundary where new sea floor is formed?

    B. divergent
  65. Chapter 3: At what type of plate boundary do compression and subduction take place?

    A. convergent
  66. Chapter 3: What essential line of evidence in the 1960's helped to confirm the motion of the continents?

    A. studies of the earth's magentic field
  67. Chapter 3: The sequence of events that describes the opening and closing of ocean basins is called

    C. the Wilson cycle
  68. Chapter 3: What force is thought to be an important cause of plate tectonic motion?

    B. thermal convection currents
  69. Chapter 3: What was the name given by Alfred Wegener for the single large continent that he believed existed at the end of the Paleozoic Era?

    E. Pangea
  70. Chapter 3: What type of plate boundary is the San Andreas Fault?

    C. transform
  71. Chapter 3: Which of the following is a characteristic or feature of a convergent plate boundary?

    E. all of the above
  72. Chapter 3: What does a Benioff-Wadati zone refer to?

    E. a subduction zone
  73. Chapter 3: What was the name of the concept proposed by Harry Hess in 1960 that provided a mechanism for the Continental Drift hypothesis?

    C. sea floor spreading
  74. Chapter 3: What was the main objection to the Continental Drift hypothesis?

    C. Wegener could not provide a mechanism for moving the continents
  75. Chapter 3: What do VLBI, SLR, and GPS have in common with respect to plate tectonics?

    A. they are methods of measuring the velocity of plate motion
  76. Chapter 3: Which statement below is true about the oceanic crust in comparison to continental crust?

    B. oceanic crust is thinner and heavier (higher specific gravity)
  77. Chapter 3 True or False: Alfred Wegener is credited with developing the modern theory of Plate Tectonics back in the year 1910
  78. Chapter 3 True or False: The crust of the earth is thickest under mountain ranges and thinnest in oceanic areas
  79. Chapter 3 True or False: The lithospheric plates are thought to move primarily as a result of thermal conduction
  80. Chapter 3 True or False: Transform plate boundaries are places where shear stresses dominate.
  81. Chapter 3 True or False: There are 3 types of convergent plate boundaries.
  82. Chapter 3 True or False: The earth's magnetic field has reversed itself many times in the geologic past.
  83. Chapter 3 True or False: The oldest ocean floor is less than 200 million years old.
  84. Chapter 3 True or False: Sea floor spreading happens at a rate of several meters per year.
  85. Chapter 3 True or False: The Mediterranean Sea has dried up completely during the geologic past and then rapidly refilled again.
  86. Chapter 3 True or False: People living along a passive margin have a low probability of experience volcanoes and earthquakes
  87. Chapter 3 True or False: There are 70 major plates that cover the outer surface of the earth
  88. Chapter 3 True or False: Volcanic mountain ranges and deep earthquakes are common features of continental-oceanic convergent plate boundaries.
  89. Chapter 3 True or False: The highest mountain ranges on earth occur along oceanic-oceanic convergent plate boundaries.
  90. Chapter 3 True or False: The Hawaiian Islands formed at a spreading ridge.
  91. Chapter 3 True or False: Yellowstone is considered to be a potentially hazardous volcanic center because it's located above a hot spot.
  92. Chapter 4: Reverse, normal and strike-slip all refer to types of

    D. faults
  93. Chapter 4: What is the map location of an earthquake called?

    A. epicenter
  94. Chapter 4: What is stress?

    A. force applied to an area
  95. Chapter 4: What is the point of subsurface origin of an earthquake called?

    A. focus
  96. Chapter 4: Which type of earthquake wave moves the fastest?

    B. P-waves
  97. Chapter 4: Which type of earthquake wave could travel through a vaccum?

    E. none of the above
  98. Chapter 4: Which type of earthquake wave most closely resembles sound waves?

    A. P-waves
  99. Chapter 4: Which type of earthquake body wave cannot pass through liquids?

    C. S-waves
  100. Chapter 4: How much more energy does a magnitude 8 earthquake release than a magnitude 7 earthquake?

    C. 30 times more
  101. Chapter 4: How is the distance to the epicenter of an earthquake determined using a seismograph?

    D. by considering the delay time between the P-waves and the slower S-waves
  102. Chapter 4: What is one way that earthquake intensities are determined?

    E. with postal questionnaires
  103. Chapter 4: How much more energy does a magnitude 8 earthquake release than a magitude 6 earthquake?

    C. 900 times more
  104. Chapter 4: What did the San Francisco (1906) and Kobe (1995) earthquakes have in common?

    A. there were large uncontrolled fires
  105. Chapter 4: What can be concluded from the observation that objects were thrown into the air during the earthquake?

    B. the ground acceleration was greater than 1.0 g
  106. Chapter 4: Where is the safest place, among those listed below, in the 48 continguous states with respect to earthquake seismic risk?

    D. South Dakota
  107. Chapter 4 True or False: Movements on faults must be abrupt in order for earthquakes to occur.
  108. Chapter 4 True or False: All earthquakes break the ground surface
  109. Chapter 4 True or False: Compression is the kind of force that produces normal faults.
  110. Chapter 4 True or False: The focus of an earthquake is the point on the ground surface directly above the epicenter.
  111. Chapter 4 True or False: Shear forces characterize the San Andreas fault.
  112. Chapter 4 True or False: Earthquakes below about 300 kilometers in depth cause little or no damage.
  113. Chapter 4 True or False: Earthquake waves that travel along the surface of the earth are called body waves.
  114. Chapter 4 True or False: Body waves generally slow down as they go deeper into the earth.
  115. Chapter 4 True or False: Surface waves are generated by body waves.
  116. Chapter 4 True or False: p-waves travel slower than S-waves.
  117. Chapter 4 True or False: A single seismograph can determine the location of an earthquake.
  118. Chapter 4 True or False: No earthquake has been observed with the Richter Magnitude of greater than 8.9
  119. Chapter 4 True or False: The "moment magnitude scale" has replaced the Richter Scale.
  120. Chapter 4 True or False: Mercalli intensities are determined from seismographs.
  121. A magnitude 7 earthquake releases 27,000 times more energy than a magnitude 4 earthquake.
Card Set
Environmental Geology Midterm Study