Anselm of Canterbury
- 11th century philosopher
- ontological argument for existence of God
Thomas Aquinas
- 13th century philosopher
- "Five Ways"-five proofs of existence of God
- 3rd century BCE Greek philosopher
- criticized Plato's theory of Forms; first to systematize logic
Augustine of Hippo
- 4-5th century bishop/philosopher
- Neo-platonist, profound influence on medieval religious thought
J.L. Austin
- British philosopher of language
- developed speech act theory
Jeremy Bentham
- British philosopher of law
- utilitarian
Henri-Louis Bergson
- French philosopher
- dualist, rejected mechanistic/deterministic approach to understanding reality
George Berkeley
- Irish philosopher
- idealist, empiricist
F.H. Bradley
- English philosopher
- idealist
- wrote:Appearance and Reality
Franz Brentano
- German philosopher and psychologist
- "doctrine of intentionally"
Rudolf Carnap
- German philosopher
- logical positivist
Noam Chomsky
- American linguist and philosopher
- innate universal grammar
Samuel Clarke
English philosopher and theologian
Donald Davidson
- American philosopher of language and philosopher of mind
- theory of anomalous monism-Mind/Body relationship
- 3-4th BCE Greek philosopher
- atomic theory
Rene Descartes
- French rationalist philosopher
- mathematician
- mind/body relation=Cartesian dualism
- "coqito ergo sum"=I think therefore I am
Joh Dewey
- American pragmatist philosopher
- educational theorist
Friedrich Engels
- Marx's collaborator
- dialectical materialist
Friedrich Frege
- German mathematician and philosopher
- founder of modern logic
- father of analytic philosophy
Nelson Goodman
- American philosopher
- nominalist
- wrote:Fact Fiction and Forcast, Languages of Art
Georg Hegel
- German idealist philosopher
- dialectic theory=process of argument which proceeds from a thesis and its antithesis to a synthesis of the two
Martin Heidegger
- German philosopher
- existentialist but claimed not to be
Carl Hempel
- German empiricist philosopher of science
- confirmation/explanation theories
- 4th BCE pre-Socratic philosopher
- everything always in state of flux
Thomas Hobbes
- British materialist philosopher
- political scientist
- wrote:Leviathan
David Hume
- Scottish philosopher
- historian, empiricist
- drew attention to problem of induction
Edmund Husserl
- German philosopher
- phenomenologist
William James
- American philosopher
- psychologist, empiricist, pragmatist
Immanuel Kant
- German idealist philosopher
- "act only on that maxim which you can at the same time will to become a universal law"
Soren Kierkegaard
- Danish philosopher
- existentialist
Saul Kripke
- American philosopher
- logician, "Naming and Necessity"
- causal theory of reference
Gottfried Leibnitz
- German rationalist philosopher
- best of all possible worlds argument
- 5th BCE Greek philosopher
- atomic philosophy
John Locke
- English philosopher
- physician, Enlightenment thinker, "Essay Concerning Human Understanding"
Karl Marx
- German social theorist
- wrote:Das Kapital
Maurice Merleau-Ponty
- French philosopher
- worked on ethics and problems of consciousness
James Mill
- Scottish philosopher
- economist
- father of J.S. Mill
J.S. Mill
- English empiricist philosopher
- System of Logic, ethical writings, Utilitarianism; On Liberty
George Moore
- British philosopher
- Principia Ethica
Ernest Nagel
- American philosopher of science
- The Structure of Science
Konstantin Neurath
- Austrian logical positivist philosopher
- member of Vienna Circle
Friedrich Nietzsche
- German philosopher
- concept of Ubermensch (Overman)
William of Ockham
- 14th century English philosopher and cleric famous for Ockham's Razor
- dictum "Do not multiply entities beyond necessity
Blaise Pascal
- French philosopher
- mathematician, theologian
- "Pascal's Wager"-argument providing prudential reasons for believing in God
Charles Peirce
- American philosopher
- founder of pragmatism
- BCE Greek philosopher
- wrote dialogs Socrates (main character)->ethics, epistemology, and metaphysics
- Theory of Forms (ideas)
3rd century Neoplatonist philosopher
Karl Popper
- philosopher of science
- wrote:The Logic of Scientific Discovery
- falsifiability is the hallmark of science
general term for all of the Greek philosophers before Socrates
- 6th century BCE, pre-Socratic philosopher
- mathematician
- transmigration of souls
Willard Quine
American empiricist philosopher of language and logician
John Rawls
- American political philosopher and ethicist
- A Theory of Justice
Thomas Reid
- Scottish philosopher
- defended commonsense view-through our senses we can have knowledge of a mind-independent reality
John Jacques Rousseau
Political philosopher and philosopher of education
Bertrand Russell
- British philosopher
- Pricipia Mathematica
- arguments in "On Denoting" "The Principles of Logical Atomism"
- believed structure of world can be revealed by language analysis
Gilbert Ryle
- British philosopher of language and philosopher of mind
- proponent of logical behaviorism
George Santayana
- American Platonist philosopher
- novelist and poet
Jean-Paul Sartre
- French philosopher
- Marxist
- existentialist
Mortiz Schlick
- Logical positivist philosopher
- founder of Vienna Circle
Arthur Schopenhauer
- German philosopher
- Kantian
- The World As Will and Idea
Adam Smith
- Scottish philosopher and political economist
- wrote:The Wealth of Nations
Benedict de Spinoza
- Rationalist philosopher
- Tractatus Theologico-Politicus
- 4th century BCE Greek philosopher
- ideas survived through writings of his followers such as Plato
Sir Peter Strawson
- British philosopher of language and metaphysician
- some meaningful sentences have no true value
Alfred Tarski
- American logician and mathematician
- concept of truth for formal logical languages
Thales of Miletus
- 5-6 BCE pre-Socratic philosopher
- father of Westhern philosophy
- first principle of nature is water
- everything in the universe is made of H2O
theological and philosophical system of St. Thomas Aquinas and his followers
Vienna Circle
group of logical positivists which centered around the Univ. of Vienna in 1920-30, included Schlick, Carnap and Neurath
Ludwig Wittgenstein
- Viennese-born philosopher
- influential on philo of language, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
- The world is everything that is the case
Zeno of Elea
- 4th century BCE pre-Socratic philosopher
- paradoxes intended to show plurality/motion do not really exist