BIOL230 Test 3 VIRT

  1. Acute Viral Rhinitis
    1. Causes
    2. Caused by
    3. Transmission
    4. Incubation period
    5. Symptoms/Duration
    6. Complications
    7. Treatment
    8. Prevention
    • 1. Common Cold; Viral infection of upper resp. tract (nose, throat, sinuses)
    • 2. Over 3000 different antigenic types of viruses; 2 main groups: Rhinoviruses, Coronaviruses
    • 3. respiratory secretions (cough, sneeze), very contagious
    • 4. 1-3 days
    • 5. Congestion of nose, throat, sinuses, eyes, ears; Fever, muscle ache, headache, fatigue; All symptoms are mild; Lasts for 2-5 days
    • 6. bronchitis and pneumonia
    • 7. symptoms only; Rest, fluids, diet
    • 8. no vaccine (too many types)
  2. Acute Viral Laryngiotracheobronchitis
    1. Causes
    2. Caused by
    3. Transmission
    4. Incubation period
    5. Symptoms/Duration
    6. Complications
    7. Treatment
    8. Prevention
    • 1. Mid-respiratory infections; Occurs
    • mostly in children, can be severe in newborns
    • 2. -Myxoviruses, Paramyxoviruses, Adenoviruses
    • -Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) - most common in newborns, a.k.a Croup
    • 3. cough
    • 4. 1-3 days
    • 5.-Congestion of larynx, trachea, bronchi
    • -Cough, fever, fatigue
    • -Lasts 3-7 days
    • 6. Bronchitis, pneumonia, Risk
    • of collapsed lung in young children
    • 7. rest, fluids, diet
    • 8. vaccine for RSV (Synergis) for high risk children
  3. Viral Influenza
    1. Causes
    2. Caused by
    3. Transmission
    4. Incubation period
    5. Symptoms/Duration
    6. Complications
    7. Treatment
    8. Prevention
    • 1. Flu
    • 2. -3 types of Myxoviruses, Type A, B, and C antigenic types (Also 300 sub-types (recombinants))
    • -Most flu viruses differ from cold viruses because they have spikes, Hemagglutinin (H,HA) and Neuraminidase (N,NA; breaks down neuraminic acid in animal membrane)
    • 3. respiratory secretions (cough/sneeze) person to person or objects to person
    • 4. 2-3 days
    • 5. Flu
    • 6. Higher risk of bronchitis, bacterial pneumonia, pleuritis (pleurisy), pericarditis,
    • myocarditis
    • 7. Rest, fluids, diet, Anti-flu symptoms meds
    • 8. vaccinations (flu shots)
  4. 1. Causes
    2. Caused by
    3. Transmission
    4. Incubation period
    5. Symptoms/Duration
    6. Complications
    7. Treatment
    8. Prevention
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BIOL230 Test 3 VIRT
CCBC BIOL230 Dr. Jeffrey Test 3 subject: Viral Infections Respiratory Tract