Francis Bacon
- English philosopher
- formalized empiricism, Baconian method(similar to scientific method)
Tycho Brahe
- Danish astronomer, precise instruments b4 telescope
- observed heavens and swept away unchanging sky myths
Nicolaus Copernicus
- Polish astronomer, heliocentric (sun-centered) theory of universe
- discovered planets revolved around sun; earth not the center of the universe
Rene Descartes
- French mathematician, formulated analytic geometry
- believed scientific laws could be found by deductive reasoning
- leader in math and physics
Leonardo da Vinci
- worked with solar power
- outlined plate tectonics theory, helicopter idea
- studied anatomy, osmosis, and engineering
Thomas Edison
American inventor, invented kinetoscope making motion pics possible, light bulb, phonograph, and communicative devices
Galileo Galilei
- Italian physicist, mathematician, philosopher
- "father of science"
- investigated gravity and the basic law of falling bodies
Johannes Gutenberg
- German goldsmith and printer
- invented moveable type->modern book printing possible
Johannes Kepler
- German mathematician and astronomer
- elliptical orbit
Isaac Newton
- English physicist, mathematician, astronomer
- principle of universal gravitation and laws of motion
Eli Whitney
- American inventor
- Cotton gin->cotton industry profitable