BIOL230 Test 3 VIS

  1. Human Papilloma Virus (HPV); non-genital
    1. Causes
    2. Occurs
    • 1. Warts - benign growth of virus infected cells
    • 2. Occurs on any skin or mucous membrane (Hands,
    • fingers, face, neck, toes, feet)
  2. Human Papilloma Virus (HPV); genital
    1. Causes
    2. Transmission
    3. Symptoms/Duration
    4. Complications
    5. Treatment
    6. Prevention
    • 1. Genital warts
    • 2. Direct
    • contact of genital wart on another person
    • 3. Inflammation at contact site, wart, not painful, no bleeding, very contagious, lasts for weeks or months
    • 4. Very contagious, leading cause of cervical cancer
    • 5. Remove wart
    • 6. Vaccine - Gardasil
  3. Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV1)
    1. Causes
    2. Transmission
    3. Incubation period
    4. Symptoms/Duration
    5. Complications
    6. Treatment
    7. Prevention
    • 1. oral cold sores/fever blisters, Viral
    • infection of lips, tongue, gums, and face resulting in 1 or more small, clear
    • fluid filled blisters
    • 2. Direct contact with an active cold sore or sore secretions
    • 3. 1-3 days
    • 4. Congestion (inflammation) close to site of contact, Fluid and virus filled blisters appear, Lasts 3-7 days, dries up and heals
    • 5. Painful, very contagious, Conjunctivitis, Encephalitis, meningitis (rare), can become provirus
    • 6. Antivirals - Acyclovir, Zovirex, Valtrex
    • 7. no vaccine
  4. Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 (HSV2)
    1. Causes
    2. Transmission
    3. Incubation period
    4. Symptoms/Duration
    5. Complications
    6. Treatment
    7. Prevention
    • 1. genital cold sores (genital herpes), Viral
    • infection of genitals, resulting in 1 or more small, clear fluid filled blisters
    • 2. Direct contact with an active sore or sore secretions
    • 3. 1-3 days
    • 4. Congestion (inflammation) close to site of contact, Fluid and virus filled blisters appear, Lasts 3-7 days, dries up and heals
    • 5. Painful, very contagious, Conjunctivitis, Encephalitis, meningitis (rare), can become provirus, infects newborns causing nerve damage, risk of cervical cancer
    • 6. Antivirals - Acyclovir, Zovirex, Valtrex
    • 7. no vaccine
  5. Herpes Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV)
    1. Causes
    2. Transmission
    3. Incubation period
    4. Symptoms/Duration
    5. Complications
    6. Treatment
    7. Prevention
    • 1. Chicken pox, Shingles
    • 2. respiratory secretions and by direct contact with discharge from rash
    • 3. 3-7 days
    • 4. Flu-like symptoms (Respiratory
    • congestion, cough, fever, fatigue, muscle aches, malaise), spreads into blood and forms vesicular rash anywhere on the body, Small
    • fluid filled blisters, rash lasts for 7-21 days
    • 5. Scarring by blisters, Secondary
    • infections of blisters, Bronchitis, pneumonia, Meningitis, encephalitis, Conjunctivitis, Slow
    • virus disease of nerves (Zoster = shingles), Reyes Syndrome - damage to blood vessels, liver, and brain due to VZV and aspirin
    • (can be fatal)
    • 6. Rest, diet, fluids, Keep itching down (steroids)
    • 7. Vaccine - Varivax
  6. Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV)
    1. Causes
    2. Transmission
    3. Incubation period
    4. Symptoms/Duration
    5. Complications
    6. Treatment
    7. Prevention
    • 1. Mononucleosis
    • 2. fecal-oral contact (digestive secretion, like saliva to oral) kissing disease
    • 3. 7-14 days
    • 4. Fever, sore throat, cough congestion of throat, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes in throat, lasts 7-21 days
    • 5. Bronchitis, pneumonia, Gets into blood, spleen(hypersplenism, splenomegaly), and liver (hepatomegaly, Abdominal pain, vomiting, dehydration, jaundice), spleen/liver symptoms lasts 3-6 months, increased risk of Burkitt's Lymphoma
    • 6. Rest, diet, steroids (suppress inflammation of liver/spleen)
    • 7. no vaccine
  7. Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
    1. Causes
    2. Transmission
    • 1. Causes pneumonia-like infections in newborns, Also pneumonia, diarrheal illness (dehydration and weight loss), Dementia in AIDS patients (HIV indicator)
    • 2. saliva or respiratory secretions
  8. Paramyxoviruses; Rubella (German measles)
    1. Causes
    2. Transmission
    3. Incubation period
    4. Symptoms/Duration
    5. Complications
    5a. Pregnancy complications
    6. Treatment
    7. Prevention
    • 1. Caused by a sub-group of virus called Togavirus, very mild infection
    • 2. respiratory secretions (cough/sneeze)
    • 3. 1-2 days
    • 4. Mild flu-like illness, Red, flat, itchy rash, mostly on arms, legs, trunk,Lasts 1-2 days
    • 5. Bronchitis, pneumonia, meningitis
    • 5a. Can cross placenta early in pregnancy
    • -1st trimester (1-8 weeks) - 80-85% chance of severe life threatening damage to fetus; Severe damage to heart, aorta, brain, spinal cord of fetus (acardia - no heart, Anencephaly - no brain)
    • - 2nd trimester (9-16 weeks) - 25% chance of severe damage, Blindness, deafness, heart valve damage
    • 6. Rest, keep itching down, diet, fluids
    • 7. MMR vaccine (MeaslesMumpsRubella)
  9. Paramyxoviruses; Rubeola
    1. Causes
    2. Transmission
    3. Incubation period
    4. Symptoms/Duration
    5. Complications
    6. Treatment
    7. Prevention
    • 1. Measles
    • 2. respiratory secretions
    • 3. 2-5 days
    • 4. Flu-like illness, Red, flat, itchy, rash, on trunk, Lasts 2-5 days
    • 5. Bronchitis, pneumonia, conjunctivitis, otitis media, meningitis, Possible slow virus disease of brain (SSPE-Dementia, similar to Multiple Sclerosis)
    • 6. Rest, fluids, decrease rash itching
    • 7. MMR vaccine (MeaslesMumpsRubella)
  10. Pox Virus; Variola
    1. Causes
    1a. facts
    2. Transmission
    3. Incubation period
    4. Symptoms/Duration
    5. Complications
    6. Treatment
    7. Prevention
    • 1. Small pox - Some of the largest viruses; 250nm
    • 1a. -No natural cases of small pox in U.S. since 1949
    • -Last case on earth was in 1978 in Ethiopia
    • -Declared eradicated in 1987
    • -Could be used as a bio-weapon
    • 2. respiratory secretions or direct contact with small pox infected sores on skin.
    • 3. n/a
    • 4. -Lungs; Pneumonia, severe damage to lungs, hemorrhage, death
    • -Skin; Open sores (dime/nickel in size), can cover entire body
    • 5. n/a
    • 6. no treatment
    • 7. vaccine available
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BIOL230 Test 3 VIS
CCBC BIOL230 Dr. Jeffrey Test 3 subject: Viral Infections/Skin