Common cause of bacterial prostatitis
E. coli
Zone where BPH occurs
Transitional (early urinary symptoms)
Zone where prostate cancer arises from
Peripheral (late urinary symptoms)
- Prostate cancer tumor markers
- (alk phos is a marker of bony mets)
- Undescended testes
- Infertility
- Increased risk of germ cell tumor
- Associated with premature birth and Klinefelter's
Peyronie's disease
Painful fibrosis of the penis
Chronic epididymitis
Associated with TB
- Associated with mumps
- Testes show patchy atrophy
- Rarely causes infertility
- Most common testicular tumor
- Affects men between 15-35
- Malignant
- Cells have fried egg appearance
- Very radiosensitive
Embryonal carcinoma
- Malignant
- Painful mass
- Poor prognosis
- Associated with increased hCG and AFP
Yolk sac tumor
- Yellow, mucinous
- Sciller-Duval bodies look like glomeruli
- Increased AFP
- Appears in younger patients
- Contains disorderly trophoblast elements
- Malignant
- Increased hCG
- Gives rise to hemorrhagic masses
Mature teratomas are malignant, immature teratomas are benign
Testicular lesions in older men
- Spermatocytic seminoma
- Lymphoma
Leydig cell tumors
- Secrete androgens
- Cause precocious puberty in boys and gynecomastia in adults
- Reinke crystals
Sertoli cell tumors
Androblastomas that form from sex cord stroma
Testicular lymphoma
Most common testicular cancer in older men
- Dilated veins in pampiniform plexus
- Cause infertility, due to increased temp
- Bag of worms appearance
- Fluid within tunica vaginalis, due to incomplete fusion of processus vaginalis
- Most common cause of scrotal enlargement
Dilated epididymal duct, associated with trauma
Bowen's disease
- A carcinoma in situ that appears as a greyish plaque on the penis or scrotum
- Can progess to SCC in under 10% of cases
- Associated with visceral malignancy
Erythroplasia of Queyrat
Red velvety plaques on glans penis
Bowenoid papules
- Multiple papular lesions
- Affects younger patients
- NOT pre-malignant