Acitretin (Soriatane)
- Dose: 25-50mg po OD, max 75mg/d
- Indications:severe psoriasis, hyperkeratinization (Darier's diease)
- Contraindication: Women childbearing potential
- Monitor: LFT, lipids q1-2wks til stable
- Interacts: systemic retinoids, MTX, tetracyclines, OCP
- S/E:
Valacyclovir (Valtrex)
- Valtrex
- 1g po BID x 7-10days if first epidode genital herpes
- 500mg po BID x 5d for recurrent
- indications: chickenpox, herpes zoster, genital herpes, herpes labials
- Side effects: headache, N/D, abd pain
Cyclosporin (Neoral)
- Cyclosporin
- 2.5-4mg/kg/d po divided BID
- After 1 month may incr by 0.5mg/kg/day q2wks
Dose of Mg may protect kidney
Indications: psoriasis, lichen planus, DH, EM, urticaria, Atopic derm resistant
- Monitor: BP, Renal fn
- Contraindications: AbN RF, HTN uncontrolled, malignancy, infx, immunodeficiency
Ok to use for 2 yrs
Best to use for short term only
Avoid grapefruit juice
- Dapsone
- 500-100-150mg po OD tapering to 25-50mg po OD
Indications: Pemphigus vulgaris, Derm Herpetiformis
- Monitor: G6PD, thiopurine methyl transferase b/f start, q2ks = methemoglobin, CBC
- S/E: neuropathy, hemolysis
Isotretinoin (Accutane)
Isotretinoin 0.5-1mg/kg/day given OD to a total dose of 120mg/kg (ie 20wks)
- Indications: severe nodular / inflam acne
- Contra: teratogenic in f, need contraception x2
- S/E: night blindness, decr contact lenses tolerance, dry eyes/lips/nose, epistaxis, at start worsens acne, depression, incr TG, incr LFT
Drug interactions: tetracycline/minocycline, Vit A supplements
Itraconazole (Sporanox)
Itraconazole 100-400mg po OD depending on infx
- Toenails - 200mg po BID x7d per month, repeat 3
- Fingernails - 200mg BID po x7d per month, repeat 2
Indications: Tinea capitis, onychomycosis
- S/E: hepatotoxic
- Contraind: CHF
Methotrexate (Trexall)
- Methotrexate
- 10-25mg qwks po, IM, or IV
- max = 30mg/qwk
Add Folic acid 1mg po OD on days not taking MTX
- Indications: psoriasis, Atopic derm, CTCL, Sezary
- Monitor: renal fn, liver fn, CBC
- Contra: preg, lactation, alcohol abuse. liver dysfn
Minocycline (Minocin)
- Minocycline
- 50-100mg po BID
Indications: Acne vulgaris, Rosacea
- Contra: decr renal or liver fn
- Drug interaction: don't use tih Accutane
S/E: extensive, CNS, teeth, bones, renal, photosensitive, blue pigment
Terbinafine (Lamisil)
- Terbinafine
- 250mg po OD x2wks
- fingernails - 6wks
- Toenails - 12wks
- 250-500mg po OD
- Take 1hr b/f meal or 2 hrs a/f meal
Indication: Acne, Rosacea, Bullous pemphigoid
-side effects
- Indications
- -mod-severe psoriasis, failed systemic tx, contraindication or s/e from other po meds, concurrent P.arthritis, significant impact on QofL
- S/E
- -Administration rxn = hives, erythema, H/A, BP
- -Opportunistic infx = TB
- -Infx = cellulitis, HZV, fungal
- -Malignancy = lymphoma, leukemia, mal melanoma, solid organ tumors
- -Demylination = PML, MS, GBS, Sz
- -Hematologic AbN = pancytopenia
- -Hepatotoxicity
- -CHF
- Use:
- -Definite = psoriasis, PsA, RA, IBD
- Monitor:
- -Baseline: PPD, CBC, lytes, HBV, HCV, HIV
- -q3months = ROS, MS, CBC, lytes, infx s/s
- -q6months = CBC, lyes
- -qyr = PPD
Bioogics Nomeclature
- -cept = receptor drug, blocks binding of R to cell
- eg. Etanercept (enbrel)
- -ximab = chimeric monoclonal Ab
- eg Infiximab (Remicade)
- -mumab = monoclonal Ab
- eg new = Belimumab
Interferon (IFN)
Metabolism = renal
MofA = Needs to bind to specific R on target cell surface. Antivrial effects, Antiproliferation (affects all phases of cell cycle), Immunologic effect (incr NK cells)
- Uses = Genital warts (HPV 6,11)
- AIDS with Kaposi's sarcoma
- Chronic granulomatous disease
- Malignant melanoma* - esp stage 1,2
- Side effects
- -fatigue, neutropenia, fever, mylagia, anorexia, N/V, incr LFTs, Headaches
- Monitor
- -B/f, 2wks after, qmonthly - CBC, lytes, Cr, BUN, CK, LFT, TSH
- -visible light 400-770nm
- -UVA: 320 - 400nm (penetrates epi + dermis)
- UVA1 340-400nm
- UVA2 320-340nm
- -UVB: 290-320nm (penetrates epidermis)
MofA: immunosuppresion of CD4 T cells (direct DNA damage)
Phototherapy (con't)
- Forms
- -systemic, topical, bath
- -use: Psoriasis, A derm, vitiligo, A Areta, CTCL, LS, GA, pruritis, mastocytosis
- -contraind: <10yo, preg, hx melanoma, XP, SLE
Phototherapy (con't)
-indications: psoriasis, vitiligo, A derm, MF, PMLE, uremia prutisi, PPD, LP, PR, LS