polisci midterm

  1. checks and balances
  2. collective responsibilty
  3. stability, make decisions
  4. not as difficult to pass bills, state mate
  5. block in legislation where nothing gets done
  6. can do style govt.
  7. divided by many parties or 2 main parties
    party politics
    party fighting
  8. brings instability cause of vote of no confidence
  9. single member plurality system
  10. proportional representation
    • most advanced democracy
    • instead of single member plurality system
    • number of seats won are proportional to number of votes cast
    • if you don't get majority, still receive seat
    • more political ideology, representation
  11. only one representative is elected
    most commonly first past post method
    candidate who wins most votes in each district is elected
    whether or not he or she wins an absolute majority of the voes
    single-member district plurality system (smd)
  12. provision of the german electoral law
    requiring all parties to win at least 5 percent of the vote to obtain seats for representation
    5% rule
  13. keynesianism
    • nationalize industries
    • secure low levels of unemployment (policy of full employment)
    • expand social services
    • increase GDP
    • keep prices stable
  14. collectivist consensus
    • state should take responsibility for economic governance and full employment
    • narrow gap bet. rich and poor through public education
    • national healthcare
    • welfare state
  15. individual responsibility
    commitment to family
    affirmation of the entrepreneurial spirit
  16. third way
    • rejected notion of interest-based politics
    • emphasized virtues of partnership with business
    • rights of citizens to assistance only if they took responsibility to training and education
  17. constraints on monarchial rule
    forced king to consent to concessions that protected feudal landowners from abuses of royal power
    Magna Carta
  18. house of commons
    • lower house of Parliament
    • exercises main legislative power
    • pass laws
    • provide finances by authorizing taxation
    • review and scrutinize administration and govt. policy
  19. house of lords
    • upper chamber of Parliament
    • unelected, hereditary powers
    • archbishop of Canterbury and York and twodozen senior bishops of church of England
    • no fixed number
    • not affiliated with any political party
    • serves as final court of appeals for civil cases throughout britain and criminal cases in England, N. Ireland and Wales
    • amend and delay legislation, chamber of revision
Card Set
polisci midterm
us presedential vs. british parliamentary, party systems