Henry Moore
- English sculptor; empty spaces and Cubist Structure
- Interior-Exterior Reclining Figure-bronze
Edvard Munch
- Norwegian painter; Expressionism; sex and death themes; psychological subjects
- The Scream-oil on canvas
Georgia O'Keeffe
- American Modern painter; free flow of rhythmic shapes; flowers
- Blue and Green Music-oil on canvas
Pablo Ruiz y Picasso
- father of Cubism
- Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, Seated Woman-oil on canvas
Jackson Pollock
- American Abstract Expressionist painter; free motion of arm, drip painting, gobs of color, "action painting'
- Blue Poles-oil, Duco, and aluminum paint on canvas
Robert Rauschenberg
- American Pop artist; used objects
- Trapeze-oil on canvas with silkscreen
Rembrandt van Rijn
- Baroque Dutch painter, spirituallity in art, radiant light against shadow
- Supper at Emmaus, Return of the Prodigal Son-both oil on canvas
Pierre Auguste Renoir
- French Impressionist painter; warmth/physical delight/enjoyment of the moment of light/air
- Le Moulin de la Galette-oil on canvas
James Renwick Jr.
American Architect and engineer: St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York and Smithsonian Institution in Washington
Auguste Rodin
- Impressionist sculptor; human figure in great physical and emotional stress
- The Age of Bronze, The Kiss(in marble)
Peter Paul Rubens
- Baroque Flemish painter; spiral into pic; center panel of a triptych
- Raising of the Cross
Raffaello Sanzio
- High Renaissance Italian painter; High Renaissnance principles
- fresco School of Athens, panel painting Madonna of the Meadows
George Segal
- American Pop artist, painter/sculptor
- The Bus Riders-plaster/metal/vinyl
Georges Pierre Seurat
- Frech Post Impressionist painter; divisionism(separate touch of brush reps diff color so shades mix in the eye not on the palette) developed into pointilism
- Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte-oil on canvas
Domenikos Thetokopoulos
(El Greco)
- recreated Byzantine pictorial trandition
- Resurrection, The Burial of Count Orgaz, Toledo-oil on canvas
Louis Comfort Tiffany
American artisan; stained glass creations
Jan van Eyck
Early Renaissance Flemish painter known for the naturalism, minute detail, representation of atmospheric space
Vincent van Gogh
- Dutch Post Impressionist painter; thick pigment/blazing color/strong strokes
- Starry Night, The Night Cafe-oil on canvas
Tiziano Vecellio
- High Renaissance painter;
- Venus of Urbino, Man with the Glove, Sacred and Profane Love-oil on canvas
Diego Rodriguez de Silva y Velazquez
- Baroque painter; optical method; nature as revealed to human vision through light
- Las Merinas-oil on canvas
Andy Warhol
- American Pop artist; boring/impersonal/mechanized sameness
- Marilyn Monroe-oil,acrylic and silkscreen enamel on canvas
Frank Lloyd Wright
American architect: Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
- Architectural design school
- Germany 1919
- blend art and architecture with industrial techniques
Chicago School
- Mid 19th century group of architects
- more functional than artistic such as factory warehouse office building department store apartment house
Ecole des Beaux-Arts
- Paris
- national French architectural school
- 19th century