asthma pharm/tx

  1. what are the 2 categories used to manage asthma
    • long term control medications
    • short term/quick relief medications
  2. anti-inflammatory agents/non steroidal anti-inflamm agents
    • intal (cromolyn sodium)
    • tilade (nedocromal sodium)

    prophylaxis and maintanance treatment
  3. how do intal and tilade work
    inhibits mast cell degranulator during antigen antibody reaction
  4. intal and tilade prevents releasing
    • chem mediators
    • histamine
    • serotonin
    • slow reacting substance of anaphylaxis
  5. ICS- inhaled corticosteroids
    • pulmicort (budesonide)
    • flovent (fluticosone)
    • qvar (beclomethasone or beclovent)
    • asmanex (mometasone)
    • aerobid (flunisolide)
    • alvesco (this is a MDI)
  6. LABA- long acting b2 agonists
    • serevent (salmeterol)
    • foradil (formeterol)
    • arformoterol (brovana)
  7. combo drugs
    • duoneb (alb / ipra bromide)
    • advail (serevent / flovent)
    • symbicort (budesonide / formoterol)
    • dulera (asmanex / formoterol)
  8. xanthines-given to babies to stimulate their respiratory drive
    • theophylline (theo-dur)
    • aminophylline
  9. leukotrine inhibitors- prevents the whole inflam process
    • singulair (montewkast sodium)
    • accolate (safirlukast)
    • zyflo (zileuton)
  10. xolair is given
    once a month
  11. quick relief medications/ short acting b2 agonist SABA
    • albuterol (proventil, proair, ventolin) 2.5mg
    • levalbuterol (xopenex) .31mg, .63mg, 1.25
    • pirbuterol (maxair)
  12. what is the dosage for a cont neb for SABA
  13. NAEPP cont neb recommended dose for adults
  14. NAEPP cont neb recommended dose for child under 12 yrs
  15. anticholinergic blocks
  16. anticholinergic is a parasympathetic, which affect the
    • smooth muscles w/ the opposite effect of sympathetic
    • bronchoconstricts
    • dec hr
  17. anticholinergics works better if combined with an SABA
    • spiriva handihaler (tiotropium bromide)
    • atrovent (ipra bromide)
    • duoneb and combivent
  18. systemic steroids
    • methylprednisolone (solu-medrol)
    • prednisone
    • hydrocortisone
  19. how do you teach an asthmatic to control their exposure to their triggers/antogens causing their reactions
    • identify what their allergens are/ what is causing their exacerbation of their symptoms
    • reduce their exposure to their allergens
    • help monitor their symp by doing peak flow measurements
  20. biggest most common allergen is
    dust mites (found in mattress)
  21. why do people do peak flow monitoring, what does it show us
    measures expiratory flow rate- will tell how able the lungs are at expelling the air
  22. when are peak flow rates used
    before and after SABA
  23. what is a persons peak exp flow rate based on
    • height
    • gender
    • age
  24. peak flow zone system
    • zone system that uses the peak flow meter
    • green yellow red
  25. green PEF rate is
    80-100% of a pt personal best or the predicted
  26. yellow PEF rate is
    • 50-80%
    • means pt may be in mist of exacerbation and to increase treatments

    inc freq, or add a medication SABA
  27. red zone pef is less than
    • 50%
    • pt needs to get to ED or call their DR and get into the clinic ASAP
  28. action plan is a written plan that spells out what to do for each of the 3 zones based on the pt
    peak flow reading, increase or decrease treatment
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asthma pharm/tx
asthma pharm/tx