Ovaries function
- Paired glands homologous to the testes
- Produce:
- gametes (2ndary oocytes that develop into mature ova (eggs) after fertilization
- hormones such as progesterone, estrogen, inhibin, relaxin
Ovaries ligaments role
- to hold ovaries in place.
- Broad ligament: part of parietal peritoneum
- Ovarian ligament: anchors ovaries to uterus
- Suspensory ligament: attaches ovaries to pelvic wall
- Begins before females are born
- Same steps as in spermatogenesis (2n - 4haploid)
- A few develop into primary oocytes that enter meiosis 1 during fetal development
- each oocyte covered by a layer of follicular cells - primordial follicle
- 2mil-200k @ birth, to 40k at puberty & 400 will mature during the lifetime
Primary follicles
- Develop FROM primordial follicles
- Contain: primary oocyte surrounded by granulosa cells
- Forms zona pellucida b/w granulosa cells & primary oocyte
- Stromal cells begin forming THECA FOLLICULI
Secondary follicles
- Develop FROM primary follicles
- Granulosa cells secrete follicular fluid in antrum
- Innermost layer of granulosa cells ATTACHES to zona pellucida..forming CORONA RADIATA
Follicular/egg development in order
- Primordial follicle
- primary follicle (primary oocyte & granulosa cells)
- secondary follicle
- Mature (graffian) follicle
- polar body & 2ndary oocyte
- 2nd polar body & OVUM (Mature egg): ONLY occurs if sperm fertilizes egg
- diploid ZYGOTE (nuclei of sperm & ovum)
Mature (graffian) follicle
- Develops FROM 2ndary follicle
- Produces 2 UNEQUAL Haploid (n) cells
- 1st is discarded (polar body), 2nd is 2ndary OOCYTE
- 2ndary oocyte & 1st polar body & CORONA RADIATA expelled
- If fertilization does not occur, cells DEGENERATE
- If sperm penetrates 2ndary oocyte, Meiosis II resumes
2ndary Oocyte
- if fertilized by sperm, goes through Meosis II
- Splits into 2 cells of UNEQUAL size
- 1st is discarded (2nd polar body), 2nd is ovum (mature egg)
Diploid zygote contains
nuclei of sperm & ovum
Uterine (fallopian) tubes role
- Provide route for SPERM to reach ovum
- Transports 2ndary oocytes & fertilized OVA from ovaries to Uterus
- Infundibulum (finger-like fimbriae) sweeps 2ndary oocyte into uterus
- Ampulla is the wide, longest portion
- Isthmus is the site where it joins uterus
Uterus Anatomy
- Fundus: top outer portion of uterus
- Isthmus: site of joining of uterus & fallopian tube
- Cervix: opens to the vagina
- Anteflexion: Anterior & Superior over Bladder
- Ligaments: maintain position (broad, uterosacral, cardinal & round)
- Adventitia: helps anchor vagina to adjacent organs
- Hymen: forms border around & closes vaginal orific a little
- Mucosa: continuous w/uterine mucosa
Role of mucosa in vagina:
- Contains decomp of glycogen = acidic envir. hostile to microbes & sperm.
- However, the alkaline components of sperm needed to raise pH and allow sperm to survive)
Vulva (external female genitalia)
- Mons pubis: cushions pubic symphisis
- Labia majora: homologous to scrotum
- Labia minora: homologous to spongy (penile) urethra
- Clitoris: homologous to glans penis (2 small erectile bones w/nerves & blood vessels)
- Vestibule: b/w labia minora. External urethral orifice, openings of several ducted glands & vag. orifice
- Bulb of vestibule: 2 elongates masses of erectile tissue on either side of vaginal orifice
has openings of Lactiferous ducts
Mammary gland
modifies sudoriferous glands that produce milke
GnRH fxns
- Secreted by hypothalamus
- 1. Controls OVARIAN & Uterine Cycle
- 2. Stimulates Release of FSH & LH from ant. pit.
FSH fxns
- 1. initiates follicular growth
- 2. stimulates ovarian follicles to SECRETE estrogens
LH fxns
- 1. Stimulates further dev. of Ovarian follicles
- 2. Stimulates these follicles to secrete ESTROGENS
- 3. Stimulates thecal cells to produce ANDROGENS, which are converted to estrogens
- 4. Triggers OVULATION
- 5. Promotes formation of corpus luteum, which produces estrogens, progesterone, relaxin & inhibin
- Secreted by ovarian follicles
- 1. Promote development & maintenance of female
- 2. Dev & maint. of female 2nd sex char. & female reproductive STRUCTURES
- 3. Increase Protein ANABOLISM (including bone building)
- 4. Lowers Blood cholesterol
- 5. INHIBITS release of GnRH, LH & FSH
- Secreted by corpus luteum
- 1. Prepares & maintains ENDOMETRIUM for implantation
- 2. Involved with Mammary glands for MILK production
- 3. INHIBITS secretion of GnRH & LH
- made from corpus luteum
- 1. Relaxes ureters by INHIBITING contraction of myometrium
- 2. INCREASES flexibility of pubic symphysis & dialates uterine cervix (@ end of pregnancy)
- made from granulosa cells & by corpus luteum
- 1. Inhibits FSH & LH Secretion