What are the stages of Abraham Maslow hierarchy of needs?
Psychological needs
Being Loved
Self Esteem
Self actualization ( highest level of growth)
What are qualities associated with self actualized people?
Realism: they are realstic
Acceptance: they accept themselves as they are
Autonomist: they act independent of their social environment, they have an inner locus of control
authenticity: they are genuin
high capacity of intimecy
What are stages associated with growing up psychologically and meeting life's challanges?
develope an adult id
develope intimacy
develope value and purpose
What are some ways associated with raising a self esteem?
Be less defensive
Be objective
Honest communication
What is the defenition of a psychological disorder and what are some factors playing a role?
When emotions or irrational thoughts interfere with daily activities / It can be results of many factors such as genetic, trumatic effects and family/social and cultural influances
What are the most common types of psychological disorders?
Anxiety ( feeling of fear which is out of perportion)
Simple phobia
Social phobia ( shy people)
panic disorder( short breath, strong heartbeat)
GAD ( worry about a future threat)
PTSD ( reacting severely to trumatic events occured in the past)
Obssesive-compulsive disorder ( obssesion is a persistant thoughts , compulsion is difficult hard to resist actions)
What are mood disorders?
Depression ( demoralization, feeling of sadness, loss of pleasure,wight loss/gain, insomnia,fetigue, thoughts of suicide)