Which portion of the humerus is named due to its susceptibility to fracture?
C) Surgical neck
Which group of upper arm muscles is referred to as “flexors”?
D) The anterior group
Which of the following are actions of the biceps brachii?(1) Adduction(2) Flexion(3) Supination
C) 2 and 3 only
The primary artery of the upper arm is the:
D) Brachial artery
The insertion point of the triceps brachii muscle is:
C) Olecranon process of ulna
Review the axial MR image of the mid-upper arm below. Which muscle is labeled as number 10?
C) Triceps brachii, lateral head
Review the axial MR image of the mid-humerus below. What structure is labeled as number 4?
D) Brachial artery
All of the following are nerves seen in sectional images of the upper arm, except for:
A) Coracobrachialis nerve
Which portion of the distal humerus articulates with the radius?
A) Capitulum
Which of the following muscles is located in the posterior group of the upper arm?
B) Anconeus
Which structures articulate to form the humeroradial joint?
D) Capitulum and radial head
Review the axial MR image of the elbow. Which muscle is labeled as number 13?
D) Extensor carpi radialis longus
Which structures of the elbow function much like bursae do in other synovial joints?
C) Fat pads
Which nerve in the cubital fossa runs just medial to the brachial artery?
C) Median
What two structures articulate to form the humeroulnar joint of the elbow?
B) Trochlea of humerus and trochlear notch of ulna
Review the coronal MR image of the elbow. Which number is labeling the flexor digitorum profundus muscle?
C) 14
Which elbow ligament has three bands?
A) Ulnar collateral
Which nerve of the elbow is not located in the cubital fossa?
B) Ulnar nerve
The medial bone of the forearm has a pointed process at its distal end termed the:
A) Styloid process
Which muscle in the anterior (ventral) deep group acts to flex the distal IP (DIP) joints of digits 4-5?
C) Flexor digitorum profundus
The lateral aspect of the forearm receives its blood supply from the:
C) Radial artery
All of the following are nerves of the forearm, except for:
B) Brachial
Review the sagittal MR image of the forearm. The bony structure labeled as number 12 is the:
C) Radial tuberosity
Review the axial MR image of the forearm. In this image, the radius is labeled as number 23 and the ulna is labeled as number 25. Which muscle is labeled as number 10?
D) Extensor carpi ulnaris
Review the axial image of the forearm. What neurovascular structure is labeled as number 4 in this image?
C) Basilic vein
The extensor digiti minimi muscle acts to:
B) Extend the fifth digit at MCP joint
What structure binds the shafts of the forearm bones?
C) The interosseous membrane
The extensor indicis muscle acts on the:
A) Second digit
The carpal bone that articulates with the base of the third metacarpal is the:
D) Capitate
Which muscles in the metacarpal group act to flex the MCP joints while extending the IP joints?A) Palmar interossei
B) Dorsal interossei
C) Flexor pollicis brevis
D) Lumbricals
D) Lumbricals
All of the following are nerves of the wrist and hand, except for:
D) Axillary
The radialis indicis artery is a branch of the:
B) Radial artery
Review the axial MR image of the wrist. The bony structure labeled as number 5 is the:
A) Hamate
Review the axial MR image of the hand. Which muscle is labeled as number 11?
B) Flexor pollicis brevis
Review the coronal MR image of the hand. Which of the following numbers label dorsal interossei muscles?
(1) 3
(2) 4
(3) 9
A) 1, 2, and 3
The flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle acts to:
B) Flex the fifth digit at MCP joint
The thenar muscle that has two heads is the:
A) Adductor pollicis
The palmar ligaments at the metacarpal heads of digits 2-5 are connected by a series of short fibrous bands termed the: