Situation Triggering physical and emotional responce
Example : Test, wedding
What is an stress ?
Response we get from reactions accompanied by stress response.
Example of stress response: increased heart rate
what are the two systems in our body responsible for response to stressor?
Nervous system
Endocrine system
Name parts of the nervous system:
Spinal cord
what are the two branches of nerves?
Autonamic ( non. voulantary ; digestion and heart rate)
Somatic ( voluntary; controls motor functions ; Muscle movements)
what are the two branches of Autonamic system?
Parasympethatic ( relaxed state)
Sympethatic ( emergency; commands for stopping energy )
These two systems working alternatively cause fight and flight reactions
What are some hormones released by sympethatic nervous system?
Cortisol ( released by cortex of adrenal gland)
Epinephrine ( released by medulla )
these two hormones working together increase heart rate, help vision and hearing become more acute and increase sugar release to blood
What is one function of endophrine?
Blocks pain
What is homeostatis?
state of stability in the body
What are some emotional and behavioural responses to Stressor?
These responses vary from person to person
common emotional response include anxiety , depression and fear
determined by personality and temperment
there can be effective and ineffective responses to stress
ways to cope can be learned
What is personality?
Sum of behavioural, cognative and emotional tendencies
What are three types of personality? define them
Type A: controlling , competitive, impatient and hostile
Type B: less hurried and frustrated and more tolerant
Type C: hopeless, difficulty expressing themselves
What is hardiness and what are some benefits associated with it?
Hardiness is a degree of optimism, hardy people have a less intense reaction to stress and are more commited to their task and see stressor as a potential challange and opportunity for growth.
What is resilance?
this charecteristic is associated with social and academic sucess.
there are three different categories:
Nonreactive: person does not react to stressor
Homeostatic: person reacts strongly but returns to baseline
positive growth: person learns and grows from stress
What is general adaptation syndrome? what are the three stages?
Predictable response to all stressonrs ( pattern of stress response)
Alarm: events brought on by fight, flight reaction
Resistance: body developes a new level of homeostatis
Exhustion: if several exhustion occur in succession there will be general exhustion
what is eustress and what is distress?
eustress triggered by pleasant stressor
distress triggered by unpleasant stressor
Study of interaction of nervous, endocrine and immune system.
What are some psychological problems caused by stress?