Alphabetical 14

  1. deference
    submission to another's will; respect; courtesy
  2. definitive
    conclusive; providing the last word
  3. degenerate
    to break down; to deteriorate
  4. deleterious
  5. delineate
    to describe accurately; to draw in outline
  6. delude
    to decieve
  7. deluge
    a flood; an inundation
  8. demagogue
    a leader of the people, but more a rabble rouser
  9. denizen
  10. depravity
    extreme wickedness or curroption
  11. deprecate
    to express disapproval of
  12. deride
    to ridicule; to laugh at contemptously
  13. derogatory
    disapproving; degrading
  14. desiccate
    to dry out
  15. despondent
    extgremely depressed; full of despair
  16. despot
    an absolute ruler; an autocrat
  17. destitute
    extremely poor; utterly lacking
  18. desultory
    without a plan or purpose; disconneted; random
  19. dialectical
    relating to discussions; relating to the rules and methods of reasoning; approaching truth in the middle of opposing extremes
  20. dictum
    an authoritative saying; an adage; a maxim; a proverb
  21. didactic
    intended to teach; morally instructive; pedantic
  22. diffident
    timid; lacking in self-confidence
  23. digress
    to stray from the main subject
  24. dilettante
    someone with superficial knowledge of the arts; an amateur; a dabbler
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Alphabetical 14