Windows Server 2008 Ch. 1

  1. Active Directory
    A central database of computers, users, shared resources and resource groupings that is used to manage a network and enable users to quickly find a particular resource.
  2. ARP
    Address Resolution Protocol - A protocol in the TCP/IP suite that enables a sending station to determine the MAC address of another station on a network.
  3. APIPA
    Automatic Private IP Addressing - The computer automatically assigns an IP between - is a DHCP server is not available.
  4. broadcast
    a message sent to all computers on a network but ussually blocked by a router to other networks
  5. client
    A computer on a network that has access to resources on that network.
  6. Clustering
    The ability to increase access to server resources and provide fail-safe services by linking 2 or more discrete computer systems so they appear to be 1.
  7. cmdlet
    A command line tool available in Windows Power Shell
  8. Connectionless Communication
    Also called connectionless services, a communication service that provides no checks (or minimal checks) to make sure that data accurately reaches the destination node.
  9. Connection-Oriented Communication
    this service provides several ways to ensure the data is successfully recieved at the destination. An example is the 3-way handshake.
  10. default gateway
    The IP address of the router that has a connection to other networks. It is used when the host computer is trying to connect to a computer on another network.
  11. domain
    A grouping of resources such as servers, computers, printers and user accounts, to enable eaiser centralized management if those resources
  12. DNS
    Domain Name System - a TCP/IP application protocol that enables a server to resolve domain and computer names to IP addresses or vise-versa
  13. dotted decimal notation
    an addressing technique that uses 4 octets converted into decimals.
  14. DDNS
    Dynamic Domain Name System - enables client computers to update DNS registration information so that it does not need to be done manually.
  15. fault tolerant memory sync
    enables memory to resync after transient memory problems so their are no interruptions to current computing activities
  16. Frame
    a unit of data that is transmitted on a network that contains control and address information but not routing information
  17. hot add memory
    memory that can be added without shutting down the comuter system
  18. hot add processor
    the ability to add a processor to an empty slot on a multiprocessor system while the system is running
  19. hot replace processor
    the ability to replace a processor in an SMP system without taking the system down
  20. Hyper-V
    Virtualization software included in most Server 2008 versions
  21. IIS
    Internet Information Services - Server component that provides other services to make the server into a full-featured web server
  22. Kernel
    the essential set of programs and computer code for an operating system
  23. LAN
    Local Area Network - confinded to a small area of space, usually contained to the same floor of an office building
  24. MAC Address
    Media Access Control Address - a hexadecimal number perminatly assigned to a network interface card
  25. multicast
    a single message sent from 1 location and recieved by several locations ment to recieve that message
  26. NAP
    Network Access Protocol - Security features that monitor a network to ensure access mathces specific polocies
  27. NAT
    Network Address Translation - Translates internal or local IP to decoy IP address for internet use.
  28. NIC
    Network Interface Card -
  29. Packet
    a unit of data transmitted on a network
  30. Privileged mode
    a protected memory space allocated for the Windows Server 2008 kernel that cannot be directly accessed by software applications
  31. Protocol
    A strictly defined set of rules for communication across a network
  32. registry
    a database used to store information about the configuration, program setup, device drivers and other data important to the setup of Windows Operating System
  33. Script
    a file of shell commands that are run as a unit within the shell
  34. server based networking
    a model in which access to the network and resources and the management of those resources is accomplished through one or more servers
  35. server manager
    a comprehensive server management tool
  36. Shell
    a command line environment
  37. SUA
    Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications - a set of services that can be installed to create a UNix like environment for UNIX and Linux clients
  38. SMP
    Symmetric Multiprocessor Computer - a computer that uses more then one processor
  39. TCP
    Transmission Control Protocol -
  40. TCP/IP
    Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol - the default protocol suite installed
  41. Unicast
    a message that goes from one single computer to another single computer
  42. UDP
    User Datagram Protocol - a connectionless protocol
  43. WINS
    Windows Internet Naming Service - enables the server to convert NetBIOS computer names to IP address
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Windows Server 2008 Ch. 1
Keywords and Definitions