Germany Austria Hungary and Greece.txt

  1. Define anbaugebiete, name them, north to south
    • Quality wine region
    • Most important: Mosel, Rheingau, then Rheinhessen, Pfalz, Nahe
    • Ahr
    • Mittelrhein
    • Franken
    • Baden
    • Hessische Bergstrasse
    • Wurttemberg
    • Saale-Unstrut
    • FreiburgSachsen
  2. Name the 4 levels of geographic classification of German wines
    • Anbaugebiet (13): "UN-BAWG-U-BEET", major wine growing region
    • Bereich (39): "BEAR-EYESH", district of villages & vineyards. Each Anbaugebiet is divided into one or more Bereiche.
    • Grosslage (170): "GROSS-LA-GUH", collection of single vineyards (cf. "Rutherford")
    • Einzellage (2600), "EINZ-EL-LA-GUH", single vineyard
  3. State the 4 quality levels of German wine
    • Tafelwein: German table wine
    • Landwein: German country wine, not important (c.f. Vin de Pays)
    • Qualitatswein: quality wine from a specific region
    • Pradikatswein: ripe wine
  4. State the 6 Pradikat levels for Pradikatswein wines.
    • Pradikat: min Oechsle(must), min ABV (wine)
    • Kabinett: 67-82, 7%
    • Spatlese: "SHPAYT-lay-zuh", 76-90, 7%
    • Auslese: "OWS-lay-zeh", 83-100, 7%
    • Beerenauslese: 110-128, 5.5%
    • Eiswein: 110-128, 5.5%
    • Trockenbeerenauslese: "TROCK-en-BEHR-en-OWS-lay-zeh", 150-154, 5.5%
  5. What is VDP?
    • Verband Deutscher Pradikatsweinguter
    • Association of German Pradikat Wineries
    • Originally, Rheingau's Erstes Gewachs (first growths) was created by the Charta ("KARTA") and VDP later created Mosel's Grosse Gewachs (great growths) but VDP acquired Charta.
  6. What was Qualitatswein called before 2010?
    • Qualitatswein bestimmter Anbaugebiete (QbA)
    • Quality wine from a specified wine region
  7. What was Pradikatswein called before Aug 2007?
    • Qualitatswein mit Pradikat (QmP)
    • Quality wine with distinction (ripeness)
  8. Define Erstes Gewachs "AIR-STE-GEVIKS"
    • Rheingau "first growth" (single vineyard wine from best vineyards)
    • Rheingau only
    • Spatlese or higher
    • goal was to get rid of fruity wine
  9. Define Grosse Gewachs "GROSS-GEVIKS"
    • Mosel "great growth" (single vineyard wine from best vineyards)
    • Same as Erstes Gewachs,but not limited to Rheingau
  10. Define Halbtrocken & Trocken (and other sweetness designations)
    • troken: dry
    • halbtrocken: half-dry
    • feinherb: off-dry
    • liebich, mild, restsuss: semi-sweet
    • suss, edelsuss: sweet
  11. Define Sekt
    Sparkling wine, mostly bulk method
  12. Define Suss Reserve
    sterilized grape juice used to sweeten wine
  13. State why wine can be made at 51 degrees lattitude & how they differ from Alsace
    • South facing slopes on river banks maximizing sun exposure and slate that reflects lights/heat
    • German wines are higher in sugar and lower alcohol than Alsace
  14. Name slang names for wines from Mosel and the Rheingau
    • Mosel: Piesport, green glassware
    • Rheingau: Hock, amber glasses
  15. Name 1 village & vineyard in the Mosel
    • Piesporter Goldtropfchen
    • Brauneberger-Juffer Sonnenuhr
    • Bernkastler-Doctor
    • Graacher Dromprobst
    • Wehlener Sonnenuhr
    • Urziger Wurzgarten
    • Erdener Pralat
  16. Name 1 village-vineyard in the Rheingau
    • Rudesheimer-Berg Schlossberg
    • Assmanhauser-Hollenberg
    • Schloss-Johannisberg
    • Winkeler-Jesuitengarten
    • Scholss-Vollrads
    • Kloster-Eberbach (alleinbesitz, or monopole, for over eight centuries)
    • Steinberger (famous walled vineyard)
    • Erbacher-Marcobrunn
    • Kiedricher-Grafenberg
    • Eltviller-Sonnenberg
    • Hochheimer Holle
  17. Define alleinbesitz
  18. State the grape that Spatburgunder is synonym for
    Pinot Noir
  19. State the grape that Weissburgunder is synonym for
    Pinot Blanc
  20. State the grape that Grauburgunder is synonym for
    Pinot Gris
  21. Define Muller Thurgau
    Reisling X Chassalas cross (derived from 2 different varieties of the same species, usually Vitis vinifera)
  22. Define Liebfraumilch & state where it is commonly found
    Cheap blended wine, mostly from Rheinhessen and Pfalz but also Rheingau and Nahe, from Muller-Thurgau, Silvaner, Riesling, and Scheurebe
  23. Define Bocksbeutel & state where it is commonly found
    Squat flask shaped bottle, translated as goat's scrotum, used in Franken
  24. Define Edelfaule
    Botrytis (noble rot)
  25. Name any 1 anbaugebiete that is important for red wines
    • Ahr: Spatburgunder and Portugieser
    • Rheingau Assmanhauser Hollenger: Spatburgunder
    • Baden: Spatburgunder
  26. Name the white grapes of Austria
    • Gruner Veltliner
    • Riesling
    • Sauvignon Blanc
    • Weissburgunder (Pinot Blanc)
    • Grauburgunder (Pinot Gris)
    • Scheurebe (Riesling X Silvaner)
    • Chardonnay
    • Muller-Thurgau
    • Welschriesling (not related to riesling)
  27. Name the black grapes of Austria
    • Zweigelt
    • Blaufrankisch(Lemberger)
    • St. Laurent
    • Blauburgunder (Pinot Noir)
    • Blauer Portugieser
    • Cabernet Sauvignon
    • Note: Blau = Blue
  28. Name the major wine regions of Austria
    • Niederosterreich: Kamptal, Kremstal, Wachau, Traisental, Donauland, Thermenregion
    • Wien: the only capital city in Europe to have its own wine appellation within city limits; known for Gemischter Satz, Heuriger (primeur wine), Sturm (a half-fermented, sparkling grape juice)
    • Bugenland: Neusiedlersee-Hugelland, Neusiedlersee, Weinbaugebiet, Mittelburgenland (reds), Sudburgenland (reds)
    • Steiermark (Styria): Weststeiermark, Sudsteiermark, Sud-Oststeiermark
  29. What is Burgenland known for?
    World-class TBAs and Ausbruch
  30. What is Styria called?
    • The Alsace of Austria (for beauty since very different wine)
    • Known for Sauvignon Blanc and dry fragrant wines
  31. Define Ausbruch & Strohwein
    • Strohwein: a dried (straw) grape wine of at least Beerenauslese ripeness
    • Ausbruch: a sweet (botrytis) specialty of Rust in Neusiedlersee-Hugelland
  32. Name the 2 most important wine regions in Hungary
    • Tokaj
    • Eger (1522 legend of Bulls Blood)
    • Note: Egri Bikaver is awful but grapes could be good
  33. Name the black grapes of Hungary
    • Kadarka
    • Kekfrankos (Blaufrankisch)
    • Kekoporto
    • Cabernet Franc
    • Cabernet Sauvignon
  34. Merlot
  35. Name the grapes of Tokaji.
    • Furmint
    • Harslevlu
    • Muskatoly (Muscat Ottonel)
  36. Desribe Tokaji
    • a botrytis dessert wine
    • Technically, a dry still wine sweetened with a paste made from botrytis grapes (Aszu)
    • Wines designated in 3 Puttonyos (medium sweet) to 6 Puttonyos (very sweet)
  37. Define puttonyos.
    • Small buckets (30 liters)
    • Determines the quality level of Tokaji (number of buckets of paste added to dry wine)
  38. Define Eszencia, Aszu Eszencia & True Eszencia.
    • Aszu: Botrytis grapes mashed into a paste
    • Eszencia: free run juices from botrytis grapes, used as a blending component
    • Aszu Eszencia: 8 Puttonyos equivalent wine
    • True Eszencia: extremely sweet and rare; min 10 years to ferment to 2-5% alcohol
  39. What is Tokaji Szamorodni?
    a wine with no Aszu paste which may be sweet (Edes) or dry (Szaraz)
  40. Name 2 important red AO, their grapes & state in Greece.
    • Naoussa AO (Macedonia): Reds from Xynomavro [ksee No Mav roe]
    • Nemea AO (Pelopponese): Reds from Agiorgitiko [eye your YEE tee koe]
    • Cotes de Meliton AO (Macedonia): Chateau Carras makes makes a red blend of Bordeaux grapes and Limnio
  41. Name 1 important white AO, its grapes and state in Greece.
    • Santorini AO (Aegean): Whites from Assyrtiko
    • Samos AO (Aegean): Sweet whites from Muscat
    • Retsina: pine resin is added to the must
  42. What is the dent in the bottom of a wine bottle called?
    Punt or Pontil; caused by the glass blowers rod called a Punty rod.
  43. What are the 3 quality levels of Austrian wine?
    • Wein: replaced tafelwein in 2009; vintage and varietal but only Osterreich origin
    • Landwein: 35 varietals but only Weinland, Steierland, or Bergland origin
    • Qualitatswein: 2/3 production; 35 varietals, a single Weinbaugebiete (or smaller region), Prufnummer
    • All three levels specify min yield; min must weights increase with each level of quality.
  44. What is a Prufnummer?
    State Control Number that indicates a qualitatswein has passed a tasting panel and chemical analysis, as does the inclusion of a red and white banderole (narrow flag) on the bottle's capsule.
  45. Name the categories of Qualitatswein in Austria
    • Pradikatswein: like German hierarchy but adds Strohwein above BA and Ausbruch below TBA
    • Districtus Austriae Controllatus (DAC): dry wines; proscribed varietals, min alcohol, styles
  46. What is Klosterneuburger Mostwaage (KMW)?
    Austria sugar scale: 1% KMW = 1% must sugar
  47. Name the Wachau (only) quality levels (applies to any grape)
    • Steinfeder: 11% alcohol
    • Federspiel: Kabinett level
    • Smaragd: Spatlese level
  48. Where are most of Austria's sweet wines produced?
    Around the lake of Neusiedlersee in Burgenland
  49. What does Weinbauregionen mean?
    • Broad geographic area
    • Weinland: Niederosterreich (dry white), Wien (no quality wine), Burgenland (red wine and botrytis)
    • Steierland: Steiermark (not much quality wine)
    • Bergland: Austria's mountainous countryside
  50. Describe the "antifreeze" scandel of 1985
    Dozens of winemakers added diethylene glycol to their wines to add texture. Export markets cancelled their orders calling it "antifreeze" (ethylene glycol).
  51. Name the 8 subzones of Niederosterreich (Lower Austria)
    • Weinviertel DAC: largest subzone and first DAC, Gruner Veltliner, min alc 12% (reserve 13%)
    • Traisental DAC: Erste Lage, Gruner Veltliner or Riesling, classi (12%) or reserve (13%)
    • Kremstal DAC: Erste Lage, Gruner Veltliner or Riesling, classi (12%) or reserve (13%)
    • Kamptal DAC: Erste Lage, Gruner Veltliner or Riesling, classi (12%) or reserve (13%)
    • Wachau: Erste Lage, westernmost region, most ageworthy wines
    • Wagram: known as Donauland prior to 2007; Roter Veltliner (red grape/white wine) is a specialty
    • Carnuntum: field blends (Gemischter Satz) are popular
    • Thermenregion: Rotgipfler and Zierfandle white wines; hot Pannonian summers
  52. Which region produces Austria's best red and sweet white wines?
  53. Name 2 synonyms of the Austrian Blaufrankisch grape
    • Lemberger: Germany
    • Kekfrankos: Hungary
  54. What does Ried mean?
    Top site. Replaces village name on label.
  55. What is Osterreichischen Traditionsweinguter?
    An association of Austrian wine producers founded in 1992 that defined Erste Lage
  56. What is Dole?
    Valais (the most important canton in Switzerland) blend of Pinot Noir and Gamay
  57. What is Reze?
    Indigenous grape of Switzerland used to produce Vin des Glacier, a maderized wine
  58. Name some German vineyards and their gemeinde (municipality)
    • Brucke: Oberhausen (Nahe)
    • Grafenberg: Kiedrich (Rheingau)
    • Kirchenstuck: Forst (Pfalz)
    • Stein: Wurzburg (Franken)
    • Juffer Sonnenuhr: Brauneberg (Mosel)
    • Wurzgarten: Urzig, spice garden, (Mosel)
  59. Describe the wines of Austria
    • Lower Austria: Dry whites
    • Vienna: Sweet whites
    • Burgenland/Styria: Dry reds
  60. What is the origin of Zinfandel?
    Crljenak ("sirl-yen-ack") Kastelanski and Primitivo are genetically identical. However, Primitivo was introduced in Italy after Zinfandel appeared in the USA. Zinfandel was brought to Long Island from the Imperial State Nursery of Vienna at the beginning of the third decade of the 19th century. Plavac mali is related but Zinfandel and Dobricic are the parents of Plavac mali.
  61. Name two great first growths of Tokaji
    • Szarvas (near Tokaj)
    • Mezes Maly (near Tarcal)
  62. Name the wine classifications in Greece
    • Controlled Appellation of Origin (OPE): traditional sweet wines of PDO quality
    • Appellation of Superior Quality (OPAP): PDO quality
    • Topikos Inos: Vin de Pays
    • Epitrapezios Inos: Vin de Table
    • Traditional Appellations: only Retsina and Verdea, a sweet white wine produced on Zakynthos
    • Reserve: 2 (white) or 3 (red) years aging
    • Grand Reserve: 1 more year age
  63. What does Wiener Heuriger mean?
    Vienna "winebar", often on the sidewalk
  64. Name the Greek regions
    • Macedonia
    • Thrace (no OPAP or OPE)
    • Epirus
    • Thessaly
    • Sterea Ellada (Central Greece; no OPAP; retsina)
    • Peloponnese
    • Ionian Islands
    • Aegean Islands
  65. Define stefani
    Training vines in a basket shape on Santorini
  66. Name the most cultivated white grape on Crete
  67. Name one of the most ancient grapes which delivers an "orange" wine
    • Liatiko
    • Found only on Crete and a handful of neighboring islands
  68. Name the most famous Greek wine
    Muscat of Samos OPE
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Germany Austria Hungary and Greece.txt
Germany Austria Hungary and Greece