English Final

  1. Glass Manajerie
    By Tennessee Williams. He died by choking to death on water bottle. First opened in Chicago 1945. Play takes place in St. Louis.

    Tom sees the wrigley building.

  2. Those winter sundays
    by Robert Hayden
  3. Composed upon Westminster Bridge, I wandered lonely as a cloud, and the world is too much with us
    by William Wordsworth. Did many nature poems.
  4. Waterloo sunset
    Ray Davies. He was part of the Kinks
  5. Stopping by woods on a snowy evening, The road not taken, Desert Places
    Robert Frost
  6. A song in the front yard and We real Cool
    by Gwendolyn Brooks
  7. The lake Isle of Innisfree
    by William Butler
  8. Meeting at night
    by Robert browning
  9. Mirror, Daddy
    Sylvia Plath. Killed herself by gassing herself. confessional poems
  10. London and The tyger
    William Blake
  11. On first looking into chapman's homer, La belle dame sans merci (The beautiful lady without mercy/pity), and Ode on a Grecian Urn
    John Keatz
  12. There a certain slant of light and Because I could not stop for death
    Emily Dickinson
  13. Dream deferred and The negro speaks of rivers
    Langston hughes
  14. The unknown citizen
    W.H Auden
  15. The wild swans at coole
    William Butler Yeats
  16. Do not go gentle into that good night
    Dylan Thomas
Card Set
English Final
Literary poem authors