
  1. The Battle of Bunker Hill showed that:

    D) American colonists would fight and die in their dispute with the British.

    General Washington was not involved in the Battle of Bunker Hill.
  2. In the Declaration of Independence:

    D) King George III is blamed for a long list of abuses against the colonies.

    The document only refers once to Parliament.
  3. In the Carolinas, Loyalists were most numerous among the:

    D) ordinary folk living in the backcountry.

    Local leaders in the Carolina backcountry influenced many citizens in those areas to remain loyal to Britain.
  4. Hessian soldiers participated in the American Revolution:

    D) as paid mercenaries for the British.

    Some 30,000 Hessians fought as paid mercenaries for the British army.
  5. "Women of the Army" were:

    B) relatively poor women who followed the Continental Army, performing chores such as cooking and nursing.

    Women of the Army were wives of poor soldiers who followed the army, receiving half-rations for performing chores for the soldiers.
  6. The Continentals who crossed the Delaware on Christmas night, 1776 were:

    C) led by George Washington and en route to a successful surprise attack.

    Washington led his troops across the Delaware to launch a surprise attack against the Hessians stationed in Trenton.
  7. The French decided to actively support the Americans against the British:

    D) after the surrender of British forces at Saratoga convinced the French the Continentals could win.

    The French waited over a decade for revenge for their defeat in the Seven Years' War.
  8. The last major phase in the fighting of the American Revolutionary War took place in:

    D) the South.

    The last phase of fighting in the Revolutionary War occurred in the South.
  9. During the American Revolution, African-American slaves:

    A) were willing to fight for whichever side promised them freedom.

    Slaves fought for whichever side promised them freedom.
  10. Benedict Arnold defected to the British cause:

    C) due to his personal debt and his feeling that the Continental Congress had not treated the Continental Army fairly.

    Arnold was burdened by debt and upset at the treatment of the army by Congress.
  11. Which of the following is TRUE about the British surrender at Yorktown?

    D) It might not have been necessary had the British navy arrived in time.

    The British might have survived at Yorktown had their navy arrived a week earlier.
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