1. Tell me about yourself.
    • Graduated from Stern
    • Lehman Brothers in Media and Telecom
    • NYPH - current position and what I do
  2. Walk me through your resume. Briefly explain your roles/responsibilities in each of your positions and the specific dates of these positions.
  3. Discuss your career progression since graduation from college.
    • Worked in IB to gain financial skills understand the financial world
    • Wanted to find a position - more project management, socially responsible position, use financial skills to help an organization
    • Healthcare /hospital needed financial skills in procurement group - started as analyst
    • promoted to sourcing specialist in 9 months been there for 2.5 years
  4. Tell me about your family and parents. Where do you come from?
    • Family - first generation immigrants from India.
    • Mom - dental assistant and father - engineer.
    • Younger brother - Providence College
    • Growing up - fend for self and had to help out
    • Worked at 15 to help out the family and assisted mother with divorce
  5. Tell me about your life.
    • Family - first generation immigrants from India.
    • Mom - dental assistant and father - engineer.
    • Younger brother - Providence College
    • Growing up - fend for self and had to help out Worked at 15 to help out the family and assisted mother with divorce
    • Come to NYC to be in a diverse area because grew in predominantly white/hispanic area.
    • Do business - good with numbers
  6. Tell me about your career.
    Worked in IB to gain financial skills understand the financial worldWanted to find a position - more project management, socially responsible position, use financial skills to help an organization Healthcare /hospital needed financial skills in procurement group - started as analystpromoted to sourcing specialist in 9 months been there for 2.5 years. Internally consult for the hospital get involved in contract negotiations, operations, firedrills, find solutions to ANYTHING
  7. What are your short term and long term goals?
    • ST - go to HBS to gain managerial skills come back to hospital as director
    • LT - director of a few groups gain different sets of skills, move to VP of operations group at some point and long term CEO or COO
  8. In what positions do you see yourself right after graduation and five years later?
    • ST - go to HBS to gain managerial skills come back to hospital as director
    • LT - director of a few groups gain different sets of skills, move to VP of operations group at some point and long term CEO or COO
  9. Walk me through your career goals.
    • ST - go to HBS to gain managerial skills come back to hospital as director
    • LT - director of a few groups gain different sets of skills, move to VP of operations group at some point and long term CEO or COO
  10. Why do you need/want an MBA to achieve your goals.
    • Hospital - general lack of managerial skills which contributes to low margins and hospitals shutting down.
    • Many people managing budgets don't know how ot use excel or have any finance background
    • Soft leadership skills - very important being able to influence those who don't report to you and getting people to collaborate
    • Ways to motivate people
    • Understand healthcare from other perspectives, take information back and implement new, transformational ways of thinking
  11. Why our MBA program?
    Case method - similar to how it works in a hospital. Given limited information, limited time and need to react and its life or death. Example - trial device for compassionate care for heart pacing device - who do you contact at midnight (legal, CEO, family), how do you get it in operationally
  12. What is investment banking/general management/health care/social enterprise etc.?
    Health care - delivery of health care in a tertiary care center. Mission - to raise the bar on patient care and ensure that we also look at new ways of treating conditions better. One angle though - healthcare involves many stakeholders - insurance companies, government, med device companies etc. All work to theoretically save patient lives.
  13. What does an X do?
    SSS - works on figuring out the best way to get in products at the best price. Utilizes physician input and relationships to get the best pricing. Work in Cath Lab and IR on $60 million dollar portfolio of goods
  14. Why do you want to be an X?
    Want to be a senior manager in a hospital because they lead the hospital in the direction they see. Fulfill the need to better patient care, but also caring for the family as well.
  15. Can you be specific in defining your post-MBA career objectives?
    • ST - go to HBS to gain managerial skills come back to hospital as director
    • LT - director of a few groups gain different sets of skills, move to VP of operations group at some point and long term CEO or COO
  16. Can you be specific in describing your goals as an X?
  17. What skills do you have that will enable you to excel in this role?
    Ability to build relationships with people from all walks of life - hospitals and the knowledge gap.
  18. What challenges do you anticipate in your career?
  19. Outside of your MBA, how will you prepare for this career?
  20. What skills will you gain from an MBA that will enable you to excel in this role?
  21. Why do you need an MBA? Couldn’t you continue with our existing job and achieve your goals?
  22. How specifically can our program help you with your long term goals?
  23. What motivates you?
  24. What will you do if you do not get into an MBA program this year?
  25. What do you do exactly in your position?
  26. Walk me through your responsibilities in your current position.
  27. What do you like the most about your current job?
  28. What do you like the least about your current job?
  29. What do you find meaningful about your current position?
  30. What do you find meaningful about your current position?
  31. Can you describe a success and a failure in your current position?
  32. Tell me about a time that you had to work with someone you didn’t get along with. Tell me about the actual confrontation and how you handled it.
  33. How do you manage your boss?
  34. How have you taught those who are junior to you?
  35. What accomplishments on your resume are you most proud of?
  36. What is the current status of your company? What is going to happen to the company if you pursue your MBA (targeted for entrepreneurs)?
  37. Did you have opportunities to work for other companies after college? If so, why did you end up at your current company?
  38. NYPH must be a great company to work for. What do you like about it?
  39. Name something from your current job that most intrigued you within the past few months.
  40. Tell me about a professional mistake or regret.
  41. How will you continue learning in your next position?
  42. What do you think are the qualities of a leader? Tell me about a time you displayed leadership.
  43. What do you think are the most important elements of a high performing team?
  44. What do you think it is about your personality that gives you the ability to interact with diverse types of people, business partners etc.?
  45. Discuss an example of when you displayed leadership. How were you a successful leader?
    • Radiopharm - Irena
    • Excel and Access training
  46. Why are you good at your job? What are your strengths?
  47. What makes a great leader and what characteristics must a leader project to employees in order to be effective?
  48. How do you think you can impact a team/business without holding a leadership role? Give an example of a time when you made a difference in a non leadership role.
  49. Recall a specific time when you encountered team conflicts i.e. conflicts with individuals within a team. What do you do to resolve the conflict?
  50. How do you function in a team?
  51. How do you lead a group?
  52. Pick two words that would describe what you would not do in a team setting.
  53. If you did not agree with a team member, how would you approach the situation?
  54. What is your definition of leadership? Relate it to a leadership experience.
  55. What would your current team mates say about you and would you agree with their assessment?
  56. What kind of relationship do you have with your managers? Do you always agree?
  57. Please give an example from work where you were requested to come up with an innovative idea. What were the results
  58. What characteristics do you think a good leader should have?
  59. Tell me about a leader you admire and why.
  60. How would your subordinates describe you?
  61. What skills do you bring to a learning team or study group?
  62. Discuss an ethical challenge that you have faced at the office?
  63. Tell me about a team when you disagree with your manager. How did you manage your relationship? What were the implications?
  64. How would you describe your risk tolerance?
  65. You have made lots of decisions, both large and small, in your life. If you could change on decision, what would it be and why?
  66. Going from working to studying is a big change. How will you prepare yourself or how have you already prepared yourself.
  67. How would your friends describe you?
  68. In what extracurricular activities were you involved during college?
  69. What was your most difficult personal hurdle and what did you do to overcome it?
  70. What are three principles that you hold dear and why?
  71. Why did you choose your undergraduate program?
  72. Would you do anything differently in your undergraduate studies if given the opportunity?
  73. What is unique about you?
  74. What else would you to tell me about you?
  75. What will you do if you do not get into our school?
  76. What is the last book that you read?
  77. What global issue is most important to you? How do you see yourself having an impact on the issue?
  78. Where have you traveled?
  79. How do you connect with others when you travel?
  80. What is it specifically about our program that attracted you?
  81. How did you learn about your program?
  82. Have you visited our classroom? What did you think?
  83. Have you spoken to any of our current alumni or students?
  84. If you were accepted, what extracurricular activities would you participate in?
  85. If you were accepted, which country would you choose to study in/visit and why?
  86. Why us? Please do not tell me the typical reasons that every candidate cites.
  87. What concerns do you have with respect to attending our school?
  88. What unique contributions will you make in our classroom?
  89. What unique contributions will you make in our social and cultural environment?
  90. To which other schools have you applied?
  91. What aspect of your application causes you the most worry?
  92. What do you believe is the strength of your candidacy? Weakness?
  93. If you came back to this school in 15 years for a class reunion what will your classmates remember you for?
  94. What will be the key difference between your life now and your life when you are a student at our school?
  95. If you had one minute in front of ADCOM members, what would you say to them?
  96. Is there anything specific that you like to address in your application?
  97. Do you have any questions for me?
  98. Is there anything else you would like ADCOM members to know about you?
  99. What would you read/research if you were in Baker's library all day?
  100. Tell me an interesting fact about yourslef
  101. Why did you choose your undergrad school
  102. Tell me what you would do to resolve the issues of healthcare
  103. Tell me about an organization that you think is successful and why and not successful and why
  104. What negative point would a coworker say about you
  105. If I were to promote you today in your job, what changes would you implement and why
  106. Give me your leadership resume - starting when you think is appropriate and how you've developed as a leader
  107. Describe a situation where something went totally awry
  108. What are your strengths and weaknesses as a leader
  109. What leader in history do you admire most?
  110. Tell me about a leadership experience you didn't talk about in your essays.
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HBS Interview Questions