CH 50&52

  1. Environment has 2 interacting components
    • Abiotic
    • biotic
  2. Different levels of studying
    • organismal
    • population
    • comunity
    • ecosystem
  3. Biomes
    major groups of animal and plant life
  4. GLoal distribution of biomes depends on
    • temperature
    • moisture
  5. Productivity of a biome
    how much biomass (growth) and environment can support
  6. adibatic cooling
    • as air rises, it expands and cools
    • cool air holds more water
  7. Rain shadow
    • due to adibactic cooling
    • vapor condesnses as it cools
    • mountains cause clouds to release moisture
    • leeward side is a desert
  8. HAdley cell
    • warm air rises and cools, cool air is pushed towards pole
    • cells occur every 30 degrees
  9. regional effects
    modify global climate patterns
  10. Helps stabalize temperature
  11. water: properties
    takes a lot of energy to increase water temp.
  12. Biogeography
    geographicc distribution of organisms
  13. Species range is limited by
    • physical conditions (abiotic)- land and ice
    • Biotic factors- fly and cattle in africa
    • Dispersal history- cannot travel to other locations
  14. population
    group of the same species in the same place at the same time
  15. Factors that affect population size
    • Births
    • immegration
    • emmigration
    • death
  16. Factors that increase population
    • births
    • immegration
  17. factors that decrease population
    • death
    • emmigration
  18. Fecundity
    # of children born per adult
  19. Probability of reproducing
    • how many children can one have
    • Count female adults only
  20. Types of survivorship
    • Type I- high survivorship when young, low surviriorship when old
    • TypeII- steady surviviorship
    • Type III-low survivorship when young, high surviriorship when old
  21. Which type of survivorship is unlikely
    Type II
  22. Exponantial grwoth equation
    • N= population
    • t=time
    • r= per capita birth rate
  23. Exponential gowth occurs under (equation component)
    constand r
  24. density dependant growth
    • r depends on population size
    • carying capacity
  25. carrying capacity
    maximun population an environment can support
  26. Logistical growth equation
    • K-N= proportion of habitat remaining
    • K= carying capacity
  27. Density dependant factors
    • food supply
    • water
    • shelter
    • nutrients
    • access to sun
  28. Density independant factors
    • Drought
    • Fire
    • Flood
    • Temperature
  29. Metapopulations
    populations that fluctuate in space
  30. Metapopulation dynamics
    important for conservation
  31. Age structure
    • young gap with high light levels
    • older gap with low light levels
    • projection for future dynamics
Card Set
CH 50&52
Biology Exam IV