Eye and Ear Disorders

  1. Myopia
    near sighted
  2. Hyperopia
    far sighted
  3. Presbyopia
    Far sightedness associated with againg (decreased elasticity and ability to focus)
  4. Astigmatism
    abnormal curvature of the cornea and or lens
  5. Strabismus
    Squint or cross eyes
  6. Nystagmus
    • involuntary abnormal movement of both eyes
    • happens with dissiness
  7. Diploia
    Doubel vision
  8. Ptosis
    droopy eyelid
  9. Conjunctivitis
    • Superficial inflammation/ infection of conjunctive lining eyelids
    • Cause - alleryg irritating chemcials
    • S&S red itchy watery eyes
  10. Keratitis
    • Corneal infection/ inflammation
    • servere pain & photophoia
    • can be related to viral infection (herpes) or trauma
  11. Glaucome
    • Increase intraocular pressure cauase by accumulation of aqueous humor
    • S&S: insidious, decrease vision in periphery first, eye pain, HA, halos around lights
    • Rx: eyedrops to decrease secretion of aqueous humor or to constrict the pupil, laser, acute glaucome may require surgery
  12. Cataracts
    • progressive opacity or clouding of lens. degeneration related to aging or metabolic problem
    • progression
    • Rx: if interfers with function - surgery
  13. Detached Retine
    • Acute problem retine tears
    • Causes: makred myopia, degeneration with aging or scar tissue, loss of function of retinal cells results in an area of blackness in the visual field
    • Rx: surgical intervention or laser therapy
  14. Macular Degeneration
    • age related
    • more common inPt with diabetes
    • centeral vision blurred then lost
    • depth perception
    • Rx: laser and medication sometimes helpful
  15. Hearing loss
    • Conduction Deafness: sound is blocked in external or middle ear
    • Congenital: can be inherited or trauma during birth, interferes eith speech and social development
  16. Sensorineural
    • damage to auditroy nerve VIII or organ of Corti
    • Causes: infection, headt trauma, neuro disorders, ototoxis meds, prolonged or sudden exposure to loud noises
  17. Otitis media (ear infection)
    • More of a problem with children due to the anatomy of the ear and the length of time in recumbent vs upright
    • Usually bacterial and treated with antibiotic may need surgery for tues
    • Viral infection can lead to ear infections wirht are still bacterial
    • Symtoms: severe ear pain, fever nausea, can rupture mebrane, discharge from ear
  18. Otosclerosis
    • Progressive hardening of the bones of the inner ear with potential resultant deafness
    • surgical procedures may be healful to preserve some healing
  19. Menieres Syndrome
    • Inner ear or labyrinth disorder common to adults
    • increased fluid realted to vascular problem
    • Attacts tat may last mintures or hours
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Eye and Ear Disorders