vocab 13

  1. advent
    The christmas songs are an advent to the Holiday season

    a coming into place, view, or being; arrival
  2. allude
    The misadventured buisinessman often alluded to his poverty

    to refer casually or indirectly; make an allusion
  3. bogus
    It was evident that the bogus dolalr bill was made by an amateur counter fiter

    not genuine; counterfeit; spurious; sham
  4. curry
    The maid curried the clothes the old fashioned way, with a washboard and a bucket.

    • to rub and clean
    • to dress (tanned hides) by soaking, scraping, beating, coloring, etc.
    • to beat; thrash
  5. denote
    A fever often denotes an infection.

    • to be a mark or sign of; indicate
    • to represent by a symbol; stand as a symbol for
  6. impious
    The man's impious remark was offensice to the people in the room that were christians

    • not pious or religious; lacking reverence for god, religious practices, etc.; irreligious; ungodly
    • disrespectful
  7. insidious
    Hitler's insidious plan was to murder all the Jew in the world.

    • stealthy, subtle, cunning, or treacherous
    • working in a subtle or apparently innocuous way, but nevertheless deadly
  8. intrinsic
    The diamond adds intrincis value to the gold ring.

    belonging to the essential nature or constitution of a thing
  9. nutritive
    Bananas are foods with high nutritive value.

    serving to nourish; providing nutriment; nutritious
  10. pall
    He covered the coffin with a pall

    • a cloth, often of velvet, for spreading over a coffin, bier, or tomb
    • a coffin
    • to become distasteful or unpleasant
  11. potpouri
    Everyone at the tea party brought a set to share so each table had a potpourri of cups and saucers.

    • a mixture of dried petals of roses or other flowers with spices, kept in a jar for their fragrance
    • a musical medley
    • a collection of miscellaneous literary extracts
  12. proffer
    I want to proffer my friendship with you.

    to put before a person for acceptance; offer
  13. propriety
    The social worker questioned the propriety of the police's request to see confidential records.

    • the quality or state of being appropriate or fitting
    • suitability
    • rightness or justness
  14. raucous
    The pandemonious party was filled with racious lughter.

    • harsh; strident; grating
    • rowdy; disorderly
  15. sanction
    After the Gulf War, US put heavy sanctions on Iraq's export on oil.

    • to authorize, approve, or allow
    • to ratify or confirm
    • to penalize, especially byt eh was of discipline
  16. satiety
    • fullness, or state of being fed beyond capacity
    • satisfied as in one's desire or appetite.
    • excessive, surfiet
  17. shibboleth
    Yes We Can was a popular shibboleth used in the 2008 Obama presidential campaign.

    • a peculiarity of pronunciation, behavior, mode of dress, etc., that distinguishes a particular class or set of persons
    • a slogan; catchword
    • a common saying or belief with little current meaning or truth
  18. spate
    He unleashed a spate of angry remarks.

    a sudden, almost overwhelming, outpouring
  19. substantiate
    Their loyalty substantiated their friendship.

    • to establish by proof or competent evidence
    • to strengthen
  20. succulent
    He took a bite into the succulent pear.

    • full of juice; juicy
    • rich in desirable qualities
    • affording mental nourishment
Card Set
vocab 13
SAT vocabulary