HR Related Legislation

  1. Prohibits unequal pay for males and females with equal skills, effort, and responsibility under similar working conditions; no employers are exempt
    Equal Pay Act (amendment to FLSA) 1963
  2. Prohibits discrimination or segregation on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, or national origin; establishes the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission; covers employer with 15 or more employees, employment agencies and labor unions.
    Civil Rights Acts (amended by Equal Employment Opportunity Act, 1972) 1964
  3. Prohibits discrimination and requires federal contractors and subcontractors to take positive, results-oriented steps to eliminate employment barriers to women and minorities.
    Executive Order 11246
  4. Prohibits businesses in interstate commerce from contracting, combining, or conspiring to restrain trade; prohibits attempting to monopolize the market in a particular area of
    Sherman Anti-Trust Act 1890
  5. Exempts unions from the Shennan Anti-Trust Act; limits the use of injunctions to stop a strike.
    Clayton Act 1914
  6. Provides for the right to organize and for majority choice of representatives; covers railroad and airline employees.
    Railway Labor Act 1926
  7. Requires payment of specified wage rates and employee benefits on federal govemment contracts for public works construction in excess of $2,000.
    Davis-Bacon Act 1931
  8. Prohibits “yellow-dog" contracts; prohibits injunctions for nonviolent activity of
    unions (strikes, picketing, and boycotts).
    Norris-LaGuardia Act 1932
  9. Guarantees employees the right to join unions and bargain collectively; was declared
    unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 1935; replaced by the National Labor
    Relations Act.
    National Industrial Recovery Act 1933
  10. Prohibits contractors from inducing anyone in the construction or-repair of public works to give up any portion of the compensation to which they are otherwise entitled.
    Copeland Anti-Kickback 1934
  11. Extends the “disclosure” doctrine of investor protection to securities listed and
    registered for public trading on our national securities exchanges.
    Securities and Exchange Act 1934
  12. Provides for the right to organize and for collective bargaining; requires employers to
    bargain; unions must represent all members equally; covers nonmanagerial
    employees in private industry (not already covered by the Railway Labor Act).
    National Labor Relations Act (NLRA' Wagner Act) 1935
  13. Provides income and health care to retired employees and income to survivors of employees who have died; covers virtually all employers.
    Social Security Act 1935
  14. Guarantees prevailing wages to employees of govemment contractors with contracts of $10,000 or more.
    Walsh-Healey Act (Public Contracts Act) 1936
  15. Establishes a minimum wage; sets standards for FLSA exemptions; addresses basic overtime pay provisions; controls working hours for children; establishes record-keeping
    Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) 1938
  16. Created federal protection for trademarks and service marks.
    Trademark Act 1946
  17. Extends prevailing wage rates and benefit requirements to employers providing services under federal government contracts in excess of $2,500.
    Service Contract Act 1965
  18. Prohibits discrimination against persons age 40 and over; identifies compulsory retirement for some workers; covers employers with more than 20 employees.
    Age Discrimination in Employment Act amended in 1978, 1986
  19. Limits the amount of wages that can be garnished or withheld in any one week by an employer to satisfy creditors.
    Consumer Credit Protection Act 1968
  20. Established first national policy for safety and health; delivers standards that employers must meet to guarantee the health and safety of their employees.
    Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) 1970
  21. Amends Title VII of Civil Rights Act of 1964; increases enforcement powers of EEOC; adds employees of state and local government and educational institutions.
    Equal Employment Opportunity Act (EEOA) 1972
  22. Prohibits discrimination against persons with physical and/mental disabilities and provides for affirmative action; covers government contractors and federal agencies.
    Rehabilitation Act amended 1980
  23. Amends the FLSA; defines 'hours worked' and describes general rules for time worked.
    Portal to Portal Act 1947
  24. Prohibits unfair labor practices of unions; outlaws closed shop; prohibits strikes in national emergencies; requires both parties to bargain in good faith; covers nonmanagerial employees in private industry (not covered by the Railway Labor Act).
    Labor-Management Relations Act (LMRA; Taft-Hartley Act) 1947
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HR Related Legislation
HR Laws