Psychoanalytic Theory
animalistic instincts
humans are like blank slates
Reductive Analytic Approach
- reducing people to common factors
- example: libdio or environmental contingencies
Holisitic Analytic Approach
rounding out the picture of human beings
Higherarchy of needs
- instinctoid
- needs lower in the hierharchy are more powerful in determining our behavior and are shared with other animals
- the higher the need the later it emerges as they come later in our personal development
- satisfaction of higher needs is more desirable than that of lower needs
Physiological Needs
are themost potent and powerful needs. if they are not met that is what life becomes centered around
be able to live lives without uncertainty and danger
Beloningness and Love
- feeling connected to the people around us
- feeling loved and cared for
have people regard you positively and have you feel positively about yourself
- been able to reach their full potential
- a continuous process of becoming
- the majority of people do not reach this level
Self Actualized people are characterized by:
- Being Values (B-values) metamotives
- more objective in their world view
- growth motivation
Nonactualizing people are governed by
- need directed perception (D-perception or D-cognition)
- ex. dishonesty, evil, ugliness, choas, etc...
Characteristics of Self-actualized persons
- 1. percieve reality accurately and fully
- 2. demonstrate greater acceptance of self, others, and nature in general
- 3. Exhibit Sponateity, simplicity, and naturalness
- 4. concerned with problems instead of self
- 5. Quality of detachment and need for privacy
- 6. autonomous, independent of environment
- 7. continued freshness of appreciation
- 8. mystic peak experiences
- 9. indentify with all of human kind
- 10. develop few friendships
- 11. accept democrtic values
- 12. strong ethical values
- 13. well developed sense of humor
- 14. creative
- 15. resistent to encultutration
Hierarchy of needs
- most progress occurs in the order shown
- some become fixated at the lower levels
- some achieve higher levels despite the lack of satisfaction of the lower needs
- all human beings possess a desire to know and possess asthetic needs
Why self actualization is not universal
- according to maslow only a small percentage of the population achieves a degree a self actualization
- 1. weakest of needs and easily impeded
- 2. People fear the kind of knowledge about themselves that self actualization requires
- 3. cultural environment can stifle
- 4. childhood influences can impede
Jonah Complex
- fear of greatness
- a fear of success which prevents people from being self actualized.