- Increase accumulation of CSF within the ventricles. An imbalance of producation/resorption)
- non communicating (obstructive): blocked
- Communicating too much produced Shunt needed
- Etiology: developmental abnormalies, infection, injury, tumor
- S&S: bulging fotanelle (children), delated scalp veins, Sunset eyes ( too much white in thier eyes)
- RX: surgery to move obstrucion, shunt
Types of Spina Bifida
- Spina Bifida Occulta: no hernail protrucsion
- Meningocele: meninges herniate with SCF form a sac. Nor Nerve damage
- Myelomeningocele: herniation inclued spinal cord and nerves. Motor & sensory impairment below lesion. Often associated with hydroceophalus
Spina Difida S&S and Rx
- S&S: depend on level of lesion, weakness, paralysis, sensory loss, impaiemnt bowel and bladder funcion, cognitive - low end of normal
- Rx: surically close wound. shunt if needed, monitor, refer to appropriate therapy
Implication for Therapy for Spina Bifida
- muscle imbalance: need for bracing
- Gross motor delay
- cognitive issues
Cerebal Palsy
- a group of disorders marked by some degree of motor impairment resulting from brain damage in perinatel period
- Etiolgoy: hypoxia or ischemis
early: primitive reflexes persist, failure to develp righting, protective reactions, feeding problems
Assosciated problems with CP
- cognitvie deficits
- seizures
- orthopedic problems
- gastrointestinal problems
Types of CP
- Spastic - most common
- Dyskinetic
- Ataxic
- Mixed
CP Medical Rx
- meds to control seizures
- address orthpedic concerns
- feeding and digestion
- respiration
- individual needs
CP implications for Therapy
- ongoing and long term
- higher needs when grwoth spurt occurs
- medical intervention can cuase set backs
- decision to pursue ambulation vs wc
- adaptive devices for feeding, toileting, bathing, and classroom
- need to educate and support parents and teachers
Seizure Disorders
- Classifications: Partial (focal), Generalized ( both hemipheres affected with loss of consciousness) Unclassified
- Idiopathic but linked to other disorders such as Cp or traumatic brian injury renal fialure withdrawal from drugs such as cocaine
Petit Mal Seizure
- Brief loss of awareness
- no memory of event
Grand Mal
- Pattern taht is usually followed
- Subsides spontaneously
- When Pt regains consciousness is confused and very tired. Deep sleep
Simple partioal or Foca Seizures
relates to single ares of damage in cortex. may involve repeated motor activity or sensation
Complex partioal temporal lobe or psychomotor seizures
- start in temportal but may spread to frontal lobe and limic system
- waiving clapping of hands visual hallucination not aware of environment during seizure, amnesia afterward