Hawaiian Studies 107 Final Exam

  1. What island was the video "First Contact" of?
    Papua Nuguine
  2. In "First Contact", how many women said they had babies by the white men?
    2 (3 for E.C.)
  3. The Kellogg cereal box was used by the natives to make a ____.
    Head Dress
  4. How many trust funds do we have in Hawaii?
  5. Name the trust funds set up by our Ali'i's.
    Kapiolani Medical Center, Queens Hospital, Bishop Estate, Queen Lililokilani Childrens Center, and Lunalilo Elder Center
  6. What is the tranlation of Ka Lahui Hawai'i?
    The Hawaiian People
  7. What Ali'i trust donates land to the other trusts?
    Bishop Estate
  8. Where was the first location for a lunalilo home?
    Rosevelt High School
  9. What was John Doe vs. Kamehameha about?
    John Doe wanted to go to Kamehameha but he was a non-Hawaiian
  10. From what island was the first non-Hawaiian student admitted to Kamehameha School-Kapalama?
  11. What was the result of the reciprocity treaty?
    Pearl Harbor (Pearl River E.C.)
  12. Who was the blunt report for?
    President Cleaveland
  13. What president okayed the annexation of Hawaii?
    President McKinley
  14. When did the sugar planters start taking water form the Waiahole ditch?
  15. What contract did the Hawaiians have before written language?
  16. Who led the overthrow of Queen Liliu'okalani?
    17 non-Hawaiians. Lauren Thurston was leader.
  17. When did sugar planters petition for a reciprocity treaty in Hawaii?
  18. In the synopsis of traditional Hawaiian culture, from 1778-1823 a span of 45 years, what was the percentage of the population decline?
  19. How long did sugar dominate in Hawaii?
    160 years
  20. What war made Hawaii's sugar lucrative to American Planters?
    Civil War
  21. The Robert Wilcox Rebellion was to restore _____.
    1862 constitution (Bayonet Constitution)
  22. The blunt report is housed in ____.
    Library of Congress
  23. The Bayonet constitution forced Kalakaua to lose his ____.
    Executive Power
  24. Hui Aloha Aina was formed to support the Queen and ______.
    Protest Annexation
  25. In what year was Hawaiian language schools out-lawed?
  26. One of the 3 charges against Queen Liliuokalani for treason was ______.
    She was proposing a new constitution. (2- Arms in palace. 3- Knew about rebellion)
  27. How many signatures did Hui Aloha Aina & Hui Kala'aina collect to protest annexation?
  28. Who was the 1st president of the provisional government?
    Sanford B Dole (James Dole was cousin[Dole Pineapples])
  29. Another word for marketing is _____.
  30. What is the definition of the Kuleana Act?
    The U.S. Responsibility
  31. What is the blunt report?
    Fake accusation against the kingdom.
  32. What resolution was passed that lead to the annexation?
    The Nulen Resolution (in Monroe Doctrine)
  33. Where did King Kalakaua die?
    San Francisco
  34. Where was Queen Liliuokalani held prisoner?
    Iolani Palace (8 months)
  35. What is Blunts full name?
    James H Blunt
  36. How many diseases came with the foreigners?
  37. What trade replaced the sandlewood trade?
  38. The islands called the federated states are located in ____.
  39. To bring fish into a bay, you need ____.
    Fresh & Salt Water
  40. Fresh & Salt water produces what?
    Limu (Brackish water)
  41. What kind of water is on the leeward side of Oahu?
  42. What were the phases of the moon used for?
    Fishing, Farming, Celebration of Life, and Building Temples
  43. When did the negotiation begin for the compact of free association with the U.S.?
  44. What God did the Hawaiians think Captain Cook was?
  45. What island are the Captain Cook Mountains on?
  46. What island is your kumu from?
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Hawaiian Studies 107 Final Exam
Hawaiian Studies 107 Final Exam