Ch. 18

  1. 2 MAIN oral health issues in adolescence & adulthood are the PREVENTION & TREATMENT of:
    • 1.) Caries
    • 2.) Periodontal Disease
  2. Adolescence -
  3. 5 Things Adequate Intakes of Energy Foods & Nutrients are REQUIRED for:
    • 1.) Growth
    • 2.) Physical Maturity
    • 3.) Metabolism
    • 4.) Activity
    • 5.) Preventing Chronic Disease
  4. INSUFFICIENT Energy or Nutrient Intakes can LIMIT 4 Things:
    • 1.) Growth Potential
    • 2.) Delay/Arrest Puberty
    • 3.) Impair Tissue Healing
    • 4.) Compromise Immunity
  5. The RATE of 3 things DETERMINES Nutrient & Energy Requirements:
    • 1.) Physical Growth
    • 2.) Metabolism
    • 3.) Activity
  6. Emotional & Psychological states INFLUENCE 2 Things:
    • 1.) Food choices
    • 2.) Meal patterns
  7. T/F: Growth rate ACCELERATES with pubescence (puberty) UNTIL it is AS RAPID as that of early infancy.
  8. Long bones, secondary sexual maturation, & fat & muscle deposition create an ________ nutrient requirement.
  9. Who's nutrient requirements are GREATER: boys or girls?

    • Boys: 3800 kcals
    • Girls: 2900 kcals
  10. ___% of the adult skeletal mass is formed DURING adolescence.
  11. What nutrient needs are GREATER during adolescence than at any other time of life?

  12. What vitamin deficiency is PREVALENT in teen girls?
    Vitamin D
  13. 2 Reasons Why Iron needs are INCREASED during adolescence:
    • 1.) EXPANDED blood volume & muscle mass
    • 2.) Blood loss due to menstruation
  14. 6 Things That AFFECT Adolescent's Nutrition:
    • 1.) Peer pressure
    • 2.) Stress
    • 3.) Overweight
    • 4.) Eating disorders
    • 5.) Soft drink consumption
    • 6.) POOR food choices
  15. What has the GREATEST INFLUENCE on eating choices?
    Peer Pressure
  16. 2 Nutrients that stress can DECREASE the utilization (use) of:
    • 1.) Vitamin C
    • 2.) Calcium
  17. Teens & Soft Drink Consumption: (4)
    • Soft drink consumption is SOARING
    • Soft drinks are REPLACING milk in the teen diet
    • This has a MAJOR IMPACT on bone development
    • Soft drinks CAUSE caries
  18. Teen Food Choices are: (6)
    • 1.) HIGH-Calorie
    • 2.) HIGH-Fat
    • 3.) HIGH-Sugar
    • 4.) HIGH-Sodium
    • 5.) LOW-Fiber
    • 6.) LOW-Nutrient foods
  19. T/F: Unhealthy eating behaviors may be considered SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE or DESIREABLE by peers.
  20. FREQUENT intake of food away from home, ESPECIALLY fast foods, can result in a dietary pattern of 3 Things:
    • 1.) HIGH-Fat
    • 2.) HIGH-Sugar
    • 3.) LOW-Fiber
  21. Cigarette use, alcohol use & substance abuse are associated with a LOWER intake of 2 Things:
    • 1.) Fruits
    • 2.) Vegetables
  22. Adulthood -
    state of being FULLY grown or mature
  23. 4 MAIN Reasons for GOOD nutrition DURING adulthood:
    • 1.) Health PROMOTION
    • 2.) Chronic disease PREVENTION
    • 3.) MAINTAIN oral tissue & supporting structures
    • 4.) SUPPORT a FUNCTIONAL immune system
  24. T/F: The IDEAL DIET for the oral & systemic health of adolescents provides ADEQUATE nutrients & energy to meet individual needs for growth or weight maintenance, metabolism, & activity.
  25. T/F: Adolescents should LIMIT the exposure to Fermentable Carbohydrates (CHO's).
  26. Diet habits are INGRAINED in a person's: (3)
    • 1.) Tradition
    • 2.) Culture
    • 3.) Religion
  27. WHEN does Maximum Linear Growth OCCUR for adolescents?
    • Females: between ages 10-13; just BEFORE menarche
    • Males: between ages 12-15
  28. Nutritional requirements are GREATEST during the years of Maximum Growth. What are the requirements for females & males during these years?
    • Females: 2,071-2,368 kcals; 34-46g Protein
    • Males: 2,279-3,152 kcals; 34-42g Protein
  29. 2 Things Adolescents may be at an INCREASED RISK for later in life DUE to INSUFFICIENT Calcium &/or Vitamin D:
    • 1.) Osteoporosis
    • 2.) Periodontal Disease
  30. HIGH ________ intake is REQUIRED to SUPPORT bone growth to ATTAIN peak bone mass.
    HIGH-Calcium intake
  31. Women with LOW milk intakes DURING childhood & adolescence have: (2)
    • 1.) LESS bone mass in adulthood
    • 2.) INCREASED RISK of fractures
  32. ADDITIONAL iron is NEEDED for the synthesis of what 2 Things at the time of the Pubertal Growth Spurt?
    • 1.) Myoglobin
    • 2.) Hemoglobin
  33. Iron deficiency occurs in __% of adolescent girls.
  34. T/F: Iron recommendations for females EXCEEDS that for males.
  35. 4 MAJOR dietary sources of Iron for adolescents:
    • 1.) Ready-to-eat cereals
    • 2.) Fortified yeast breads
    • 3.) Bakery products
    • 4.) Pasta
  36. 2 Things that a person's eating habits can AFFECT:
    • 1.) Caries RISK
    • 2.) Enamel demineralization
  37. T/F: You should LIMIT the contact time BETWEEN the teeth & fermentable CHO's to MINIMIZE plaque development & activity.
  38. 2 Things to do AFTER exposure to REDUCE caries risk:
    • 1.) RINSE with water
    • 2.) BRUSH with fluoridates toothpaste
  39. 3 Adolescents & Adult Diet-Related Issues:
    • 1.) Environment
    • 2.) Weight concerns
    • 3.) Eating disorders
  40. Adolescents & Environment: (3)
    • Teens typically spend LESS time with their immediate family while they STRUGGLE to establish an identity & seek autonomy
    • Peers have a GREATER INFLUENCE than parents have on food choices & dietary (diet) habits
    • Peers INFLUENCE how, when, what, & where foods are consumed
  41. Adulthood & Environment: (2)
    • Adulthood is a MORE stable state because of the MORE mature physical, emotional, & cognitive processes
    • Social, geographic, &/or financial CHANGES in the environment may INFLUENCE adults diet by affecting access to food, resources for food, or time for food preparation
  42. 7 Things that Weight Gain or Weight Loss Programs DURING Adolescence may LEAD to:
    • 1.) MARGINAL nutrient intake
    • 2.) IMPAIRED growth
    • 3.) IMPAIRED tissue maintenance
    • 4.) IMPAIRED healing
    • 5.) IMPAIRED immune function
    • 6.) INCREASED susceptibility to oral & systemic disease
    • 7.) Linear growth LIMITATIONS & pubertal DELAY
  43. T/F: Eating disorders are COMMONLY present DURING adolescence & early adulthood.
  44. 4 Underlying CAUSES of Eating Disorders:
    • 1.) Sexual abuse
    • 2.) Depression
    • 3.) EARLY detachment from Mother
    • 4.) Media influences
  45. Night Eating Syndrome -
    • is CHARACTERIZED by morning anorexia, evening hyperphagia, & insomnia
    • subjects are conscious of their nocturnal eating
    • it INCREASES RISK of obesity & caries
  46. Nocturnal Sleep-Related Eating Disorder -
    • CHARACTERIZED by MULTIPLE waking & eating episodes of which the individual is NOT conscious
    • it INCREASES RISK of obesity & caries
  47. 4 Red Flags for Eating Disorders:
    • 1.) Enamel demineralization
    • 2.) Tooth hypersensitivity
    • 3.) Mucosal trauma
    • 4.) Xerostomia
  48. 5 Dental Treatments for Eating Disorders:
    • 1.) Oral prophylaxis
    • 2.) Fluoride treatment
    • 3.) Home care guidance
    • 4.) Pain palliation (relief)
    • 5.) LIMITED restoration
  49. 5 Nutritional Treatments for Eating Disorders:
    • 1.) EVALUATING average daily intake
    • 2.) EXAMINING weight for height (BMI)
    • 3.) DETERMINING trigger & avoided foods
    • 4.) ESTABLISHING a working eating plan
    • 5.) ENCOURAGING development of a healthy body image
  50. 4 Beverage-Related Issues in Children, Adolescents, & Adults:
    • 1.) INCREASED juice intakes >>>> caries RISK
    • 2.) INCREASED carbonated beverage (sodas) intakes >>>> tooth decay (caries) & EXCESS energy intake
    • 3.) DECREASED milk intakes >>>> Osteoporosis
    • 4.) DECREASED water intakes
  51. Diet & Athletics:
    • Participation in athletic or fitness programs INCREASES energy requirements
    • Supplemental vitamins & minerals do NOT enhance performance
    • ADDITIONAL protein does NOT build muscle
  52. Females who engage in endurance sports are at RISK for iron deficiency because of 5 things:
    • 1.) INCREASED iron losses from sweating
    • 2.) Red Blood Cell (RBC) DESTRUCTION
    • 3.) GI LOSSES
    • 4.) POOR absorption
    • 5.) INADEQUATE iron intake
  53. 4 things about Alcohol:
    • 1.) Alcohol itself is NOT cariogenic or acidic
    • 2.) MANY alcoholic beverages CONTAIN fermentable carbohydrates (CHO's) & FREQUENT consumption INCREASES caries risk
    • 3.) Alcohol provides 7 kcals/gram when METABOLIZED & may CONTRIBUTE to EXCESS energy intake
    • 4.) LOW food intake & ALTERED nutrient metabolism place individuals with FREQUENT alcohol intake at RISK for malnutrition
  54. 2 Things about Recreational Drugs:
    • USE of addictive drugs (Marijuana, Cocaine, Nicotine) ALTERS food choices & dietary habits DURING both addiction & withdrawal
    • Rampant caries is a HALLMARK of Methamphetamine (Meth) abuse---it is attributed to Xerostomia, FREQUENT sugared beverage consumption, & POOR oral hygiene
  55. Eating disorders occur MAINLY in:
    Young Adults
  56. Root caries BEGIN to APPEAR in:
    Middle Age
  57. T/F: Nutritional risk factors of adolescents tend to be problems of excess RATHER THAN deficiency.
  58. 6 Food Habits that may INCREASE Risk of Caries &/or Erosion:
    • 1.) Vitamin C supplements
    • 2.) Vitamin C lozenges
    • 3.) Hard candy
    • 4.) Breath mints
    • 5.) Sour candies
    • 6.) Lemon wedges/slices
  59. 1.) Vitamin C Supplements:
    • ascorbic acid is acidic
    • when supplements are chewed, the risk of erosion INCREASES, particularly with MULTIPLE exposures throughout the day
  60. 2.) Vitamin C Lozenges:
    • lozenges typically contain sugar, corn syrup, ascorbic acid, & citric acid
    • FREQUENT sucking on lozenges INCREASES caries risk & erosion
  61. 3.) Hard Candy:
    sucking on hard candy throughout the day, often as self-prescribed treatment for Xerostomia, INCREASES caries risk
  62. 4.) Breath Mints:
    • Breath Mints are made with sugar & meant to be held in the mouth for prolonged periods
    • They are often the culprits in adult root caries
  63. 5.) Sour Candies:
    • are acidic candies
    • they contain sugar, corn syrup, citric acid, & ascorbic acid
    • marketing of these candies challenges consumers to see how long they can hold the candy in their mouth
    • package labels contain the warning "eating multiple pieces within a SHORT time period may cause a temporary irritation to sensitive tongues & mouths"
    • consumption of sour candies can INCREASE caries risk & erosion & oral mucosa lesions
  64. 6.) Lemon Wedges: (lemon slices)
    Holding or chewing acidic fruits in a specific location in the mouth INCREASES risk of demineralization
Card Set
Ch. 18
Oral Health Nutrition & Dietary Considerations in Adolescence & Adulthood