World War I and II dates
- WWI: 1914-1918
- WWII: 1939-1945
- blurring of harmonies, rhythms, forms
- avoiding clear cadences and rhythmic patterns
- produces sensations rather than representations of objects
Claude Debussy
- example of impressionism music focusing on sensations and perceptions rather than direct representation
- attemped to create images of "waves" or "sails" through music
- from Paris
- an Indonesian ensemble where a number of instruments play melodies in interlocking patterns
- not notated
- series of ostinatos
repeating musical patterns of different lengths and tempos
whole-tone scale
- 6 notes equally spaced within the octave as opossed to the typical 7-note scale
- all notes seems to be equally important
- focusing on the ancient or un-enlightened
- features driving, percussive rhythm drawing from folk music
Igor Stravinsky
- wrote the ballet "The Rite of Spring"
- Russian, Primitivist, Neo-Clasicist
2 tonalities going on at the same time being dissonant
5-notes scale capturing a folk-like sound form Russian folk songs
a composer who retained musical elements from the past while experimenting with new ones
- intense self-expression
- contrast the passivity of impressionism
- "giving voice to the unconscious, to humanity's deepest and darkest emotions
- assoicated with the "Second Viennese School"
composers tried not to emphasize any single tone over another
Arnold Schoenberg
- Austrian
- wrote "Pierrot lunaire" about a love sick clown
- "speech-voice"
- soprano sings throughout in a manner that is btw speech and song
- singer hits precise pitches but doesn't hold them which creates a eerie, disassoicated sort of sound that fits with the text
accentuates ratios and rationality
Ruth Crawford Seeger
- -1st women to ever win a Guggenheim Fellowship to study in Europe for awhile
- -Modernist
- - composed with a conscious effort to avoid using some of the most basic elements of music
12-tone music
- all 12 notes in the scale are heard once before any is repeated
- there is no tonal center
both hand play the same music but they are an octave apart
music is punctuated by brief but important, moments of silence that divide the work into 5 sections
12-Tone compostion/ serial compositon
the most widely used and systematic means for avoiding repeition and tonality
tone row
melody in a serial compositon that can be manipulated in retrograde, inversion, and retrograde inversion
Aaron Copland
- composer of Americana
- piece= "Hoe Down" from Rodeo
Hoe Down
an energetic, duple-meter dance assoicated with square dancing
finding the sounds of America
John Cage
- piece= 4'33"
- audience sounds, ambient noise,etc. create the piece
- post-modernist
- Born in LA
- audiences were forced by his music to rethink the nature of music and the world around them
characterized by a rejection of objectivity; truth is completely realitive
aleatoric music
- music created by change
- composers decided certain things about the piece and performers and other factors determine other factors about the piece
Sound Mass
- orchestral tone clusters
- kind of postexpressionism and sonorism
tone clusters
a highly dissonant, closely space collection of pitches sounding simultaneously
- manipulation of sound masses
- typically assoicated with the 1960s
Gyorgy Ligeti
- worked with orchestra clusters
- Transyian
- Stanley Kubrick made his pieces famous without his permission
Krzysztof Penderecki
- Polish
- experiemental notation, extended instrumental techniques
- thrrenody
a poem or its musical setting, expressing a strong feeling of grief for the dead
- contains many styles
- all jazz contains improvisions
Scott Joplin
"King of Ragtime"
- pre-jazz music for the piano associated with saloons and illict establishments
- rhythms, melodies, and performances formed basic traditons of jazz
- contains syncopation throughout
sectional form
discrete units of music juxaposed to create a complete piece; each section has its own melody
Duke Ellington
- famous orchestra had 15 players that were interested in concertos and concert pianos
- swing music
swing music
danceable style of jazz that emerged in the 1930s featuring large ensembles/ big bands
underlying rhythmic pattern in jazz music
shout chorus
trumpet plays a higher pitch
the first performing the main tune
new style of playing that used smaller ensembles that was used for listening, not dancing with a strong emphasis on inprovistation and solos
jazz combos
small ensembles of 5-7 players used in the bebop style
- musical genre derived from African American performance traditions that uses "blue notes" and tells first person studies of hard knocks and love games gone wrong
- typically 12-measures
Robert Johnson
- made a deal with the devil to sell his soul for abililty to play music
- blues
blue note melody
- pitches are flatter than the standard major scale
- the instrumentalist lowers the notes as mood and emotional inflection indicate
Miles Davis
- composer of cool jazz, modal jazz, and fusion
- influential for all-star band of preformers, much more accesible that bop stylings, introduced mode-based jazz to the next generation of improvisers
cool jazz
music containing sounds that are not loud and tone qualities that are not rough or brassy; very similar to bop
modal jazz
slow moving harmonies
- mixes elements of rock with jazz due to the increasing unpopularity of jazz
- electronic instruments
John Coltrane
hard-bop composer
- an evolution from bebop, increasing speed, virtuosity, and harmonic complexity
- written as an exercise to improvising through chord progessions with few shared notes
Ornette Coleman
Free jazz music
free jazz
- the practice of improvising music free of present chord progressions
- emphasis on texture over melody
- very little pre-composed material with lengthy tracks
Weather Report
Jazz-Fusion group who combined jazz elements with many different musical styles
collective improvisation
- instruments were not limited to a role
- melody or rhythm could come from any performer
- variety show featuring performers in blackface with no plot. but spread music from shows around the country
- first significant form of popular music entertainment
- led to Vaudeville (variety show), Revue (topical show with loose plot), and musical theather
Tin-Pan Alley
nickname for 28th street in NYC which housed a large number of music publishers geared toward popular music that sold large quanitites of sheet music
John Philip Sosa
- american bands
- directed a military band before preforming his own independent band
- bands toured throughout Europe performing marches, virtusoic, solos, orchestral pieces and popular music
Vernon Dalhart
- "The Prisoner's song"
- the second best-selling song btw 1900-1950
country music
doctored folk style fofr a popular audience with trained voices, and viola used instead of a fiddle
Western Swing
- combined elements of blues, jazz, and country music
- frequently used the steel guitar
folk music
the goal of folk is not to have trained voices and musical sohistication but instead to focus on text about common people and common problems
Rhythm and Blues
- blues form, accessible and danceable
- popular style encompassing many trends, including blues and dance music
- Black music
Rock and Roll
- orignially party of R&B but became its own
- strong backbeat with 2 guitars, bass, drums, and piano
- written to appeal to young audiences
shuffle rhythm
in 4/4 meter with each beat subdividing into 3 pulses
stop time
shuffle rhythm comes to an abrupt halt 6 times punctuating ends of sections of the song
call and response
after each vocal line, the guitar echoes the singer's melody with slight variations
12-Bar Blues
- uses 3 chords
- bass player's sound highlights when the chords change
a Musical
a spoken drama with a substantial amount of singing
various characters are drawn into the scene as the strory plays out
- based out of Detriot- "Motortown"
- record label- Mototown featuring black performers
- highly polished, slick sounds with back-up singers
- R & B and pop