Darwins Theory of Evolution
- A species can produce more offspring than the environment can hold leading to a struggle for survival
- 1. Natural Selection
- 2.Random Mutation
natural selection
- survival of the fittest
- traits that promote the survival of species are passed on to future generations
- best able to survive
Random Mutation
random combination of genes often leads to detremental mutation
Darwin's theory of sexual selction
- 1. members of a species with adpatations thta lead to a mating advantage will reproduce more.
- 2. characteristics preferred by members of the opposite sex will be passed on to future generations
Inclusive Fitness
- do not need to directly reproduce to pass on genes
- by helping a sibling you may indirectly pass on your genes
- Our primary goal in life is to perpetutae copies of our genes to the next generation
- the need for our genes drives our behavior
Sociobiology Fallacy
- behaviors are adpative because they solve problems not because they perpetuate genes
- takes many generations to determine whether a behavior has contributed to evolutionary fitness
- a given behavior cannot be adpative for all environments
- ignore psychological mechanisms
Cosmides and Tooby
all selection process occurs in the brain
Empirical Theory of Human Nature
- socail scientists focus on culture determining social behavior
- tabula rosa
- minds are a blank slate and personality development is based on experience
Evolutionary Psychological Theory
- assume a predisposition to act in some ways and to avoid acting in others
- nature vs. nurture
an evolutionary selected neural system that has been developed to solve a specific problem
Theory of Parental Investment
- females of a species are more biologically valuable than males in terms of reproduction
- they have to invest more and their reproductive system is limited
Sexual strategies theory (SST)
what we do and what we do to make ourselves desirable depends on whether we are looking for long term or short term mate
long term mating strategies
- women prefer men who have...
- resources
- slightly older
- strong and possess a tall athletic build
- display affection toward children
- men prefer women who...
- 18.5 years of age
- attractive with proper waist to hip ratio
- show signs of fidelity
Long Term Mating Strategies
- Females attracting males
- Self promotion
- Makeup and cosmetic surgery for a youthful
- appearance
- play hard to get
- Competitor derogation
- Point our competitor’s flaws and smear their
- reputation.
- a.
- Females attracting males
- 1.
- Makeup and cosmetic surgery for a youthful
- appearance
- ii.
- Competitor derogation
- 1.
- Point our competitor’s flaws and smear their
- reputation.
Short Term Mating Strategies
- i.
- Are physically attractive
- ii.
- Are physically attractive to other women
- i.
- Consent to have sex after a short period of time
- ii.
- Lack aversive characteristics such as low sex
- dive, physical unattractiveness, need for commitment, and hairiness.
attracting males
- 1.
- Wear revealing and sexy clothing
- ii.
- Competitor derogation
- 1.
- Identify competitors as teases, infected with
- STD, gay or bisexual, frigid, or rarely showering
attracting females
- 1.
- Brag about income, career, and athleticism
- 2.
- Make an immediate showing of wealth
- ii.
- Competitor derogation
- 1.
- Identify competitor as gay or bisexual, infected
- with an STD or in a committed relationship.
and Jealousy
- a.
- Love helps to bind couples to one another
- through sickness and health, for richer or poorer.
- b.
- Jealousy is an evolutionary adaptation that
- protects long term relationships.
- c.
- Jealousy like love is adaptive
Signal Detection theory
- i.
- Either a signal that has occurred or no signal
- a.
- Examines how error costs affect performance on
- discrimination tasks
- b.
- Men are more jealous and intolerant of sexual
- infidelity
- c.
- Women are more jealous and intolerant of
- emotional infidelity
Kin Altruism
- Offering
- to help genetically related individuals
Hamilton’s Rule
- 2.
- C= cost incurred by actor
- 3.
- r= proportion of genes shared by actor and
- recipient
- ii.
- Benefit of what you are doing for the recipient
- must be greater than the cost to you.
- 2.
- Our children and immediate family
- a.
- Example: nepotism- preferential treatment of
- blood relatives
- 3.
- More distant relatives
fear or distrust of strangers
Reciprocal altruism (promoted by all cultures)
- 1.
- Willingness to help unrelated people
- a.
- Enhancing everyone’s ability to survive
- 1.
- Consuming more than one’s chare of benefits
- and/or paying less than one’s chare of costs.
Dysfunctional Behavior
occurs because evolved mechanisms fail to activate appropriately
context failure
activation of an evolved mechanism by stimuli or situation other than those for which it is evolved
- cost-benefit analysis
- --> extended family, elderly not contributing much, won't be reproducing, those who are sick...
- psychological systems are designed for the production and regulation of violence
- provoked by threats to one's resources or ones sexual repoduction adaptive behavior
- males are more violent than females due to sexual selection and the propenstiy for risk taking
homicide within families
- spouses at greater risk of violoence than genetically related individuals
- children are more likely to be killed by a step-parent
- alcohol-gateway drug
- encountered this in nature in very ripe fruit with more nutritional value
- we are made to like sweet things overly ripe fruit will ferment to produce alcohol
Anorexia Nervosa
- adpative in some contexts (ex. may not be able to find food)
- more anorexic women
- -below weight
- - menstrual cycle changes
- -bad for reproduction
Anxiety disorders
Phobias represent ancient threats to our species ancestors
prepared learning
more likely to develop fear tp certain objects than other mor edangerous things
latent inhibition
repeated exposure to CS imapirs ability to enter into subsequent associative learnign
presentation of CS in the absence of UCS
Criticisms of Evolutionary Psychology
- not falsifiable
- engages in adaptationism
- legitimizes status quo
- accepts a rigid biological determinism
a chacacteristic that may have evolved for a specific reason int he past but is used in totally different ways in the present.
nomological network interrelates
- theoretical framework for a constuct
- emprical framework for how the consruct is measured
- empirical relationships amoing and between 2 frameworks