- War was preserving rights of slaves
- Founders not referenced slavery, they too could have slaves
- 1860: secede from Union
- Unions attacked the southerners as an enemy combatant
- Lincoln elected in North-->Denies existence right to own slaves
*Northern South Kentucky - COOPERATIONISTS
- Remain in Union but wanted to compromise on the issue of slavery
- April 12, 1861 at Fort Sumter: Fighting begins
*South in Confederate States of America (CSA)
- President: Jefferson Davis
- Formed their own constitution laws, cabinet-->separate yet parallel to one in Washington D.C.
- They realized that they can't find diplomatic end to these issues
- Union/North would wage total war against the south
*Total War
- Tear and destroy everything down
- Destroy society in south
- CSA destroyed and would have to have unconditional surrender
- Republican
- Sought to keep Union together
- When he couldn't, he sought to destroy the CSA with the confederate army
- Emancipation became an issue
- Became military necessity to emancipate the slaves
- Without slaves-->no workers
*Southern war effort is on the backs of slaves
- Keys workers
- Food and things made by slaves
- Affects flow of cash
- Since economy built on slavery-->not getting any taxes
- Losing money
*Congress passes resolution (1961)
Only aim of war is reunification
*Slave society
- South has weak developed infrastructure
- Missing finished products and access to different kinds of goods
- Shut off from products tat the north would provide
- Because of an Agrarian economy
- Union had blockade
- 90% of factories in North
Aims were ending slavery and destruction of the south
*In laws
- No southern democrats-->northern republicans pushed through laws progressively banning slavery in D.C., in the west
- Government free of southern influence
- Pushed through an act of legal tender
Conscription - impress you into the army
*Confiscation Act
- July 1862
- Any area "engaged in rebellion against the U.S.," slaves will be forever free there
- All slaves in south are free
- No slavery in western territories
- CSA has no right to hold slaves in their area
Wanted to settle with the south and not destroy it
*Emancipation Proclamation
- January 1, 1863
- All slaves are free in the country
- Jacksonian Democracy: govt. has no right
- Black regiments that forms in the Union army
- Democrats (Irish, Catholic) = angry that slaves are freed
- With the draft: if rich, $300=someone else stands for you
*Battle of Gettysburg in 1863
- Lincoln gives Gettysburg Address
- Turns around because they see that the north will probably win
- Push back to south
- Completely destroying south
- Southern economy falling apart
- Logistics and resources dried up
- North: General Sherman
- Comes through Atlanta, burns it, follows total war, kills livestock, takes people as captives for army
*April 2, 1865
- Robert E. Lee Surrenders
- End of civil war
*Civil War Results
- North=good (economic)
- 1860: South + North had about relatively equal income wealth
- 1870: South had an economy wort 50% of what the north had
- Civilwar destroyed slaveholding class, slave society, culture of southern division
- 600,000 people died
*April 14, 1865
Lincoln assassinated
Edmund Ruffin
- Born into one of the wealthiest planter families in eastern Virginia
- Always believed that slavery was the issue dividing the North from the South
Battle of Antietam
- September 1862
- Bloodiest single day of the war
- important turning point for the North
- Gave Lincoln victory he was waiting for to announce the preliminary Emanicpation Proclamation
Tredegar Iron Works
- South's largest industrial plant
- Protecting it was essential to the Confederate war effeort
Company E, 4th US Colored Infantry
Africans serving in Union Army symbolized revolutionary turn the Civil War took once emancipation became the policy of the North
Militia Act of 1862
allowed black troops in the regular army