Science- systems

  1. What is the Synovial liquid?
    the liquid between the boe joint
  2. What is cartilage and what is it purpose?
    Cartilage is the soft and rubbery lining of the bone in th joint. It helps bones when they rub together
  3. What is the purpose of ligaments?
    To hold bones together
  4. What does bone marrow do and where is it?
    Bone marrow is within the hard covering of the bone and creates red blood cells
  5. What is formed into bones over 20 years?
  6. What two things are needed to make and keep bones hard?
    Calcium and Phosphorous
  7. After ossification, what percentage of the bone is non- living material?
  8. What is the difference between an immovable joint and a moveable joint?
    The movable joints can move and the immovable ones can't
  9. What is the purpose of an immovable joint?
    To cushion impacts
  10. How do immovable joints cushion impacts and give an example of where they are located.
    Immovable joints cushion impacts because they have a thin layer of tissue between them. An example of one is the skull (cranium)
  11. List the 4 types of joints.
    pivot, hinge, ball and socket, and immovable
  12. How are muscles connected to bones?
    Via tendons
  13. How do muscles pull on bones?
    by contracting
  14. What movement don't muscles do?
  15. What are involuntary muscles?
    Muscles that work without thinking
  16. What are involuntary muscles?
    muscles that need to be selected to move
  17. What is arthritis?
    the swelling of the joints
  18. Name the two lower arm bones
    radius and ulna
  19. What is the upper arm called?
    the humerus
  20. What are blood vessels?
    tubes that carry blood
  21. What is the difference between an artery and a vein?
    an artey carries oxygenated blood under a high pressure to the body. Veins take blood to the heart and have flaps that enables only one direction of bloodflow.
  22. What is the role of cappillaries?
    to take oxygen and nutrients to cells and tissue and take wastes out
  23. What are the four things blood is made of?
    red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma and platelets.
  24. How long to red blood cells live?
    approx. 120 days
  25. What makes red blood cells briht red?
  26. Describe a red blood cell's shape.
    bi concave
  27. What cell organelle doesn't a red blood cell have?
    the nucleus
  28. How does oxygenated blood get to the heart?
    via the pulmonary vein
  29. Which part of the heart does the pulmonary vein carry blood to?
    the left atrium
  30. Where does the left venricle pump to?
    the aorta and then to the body.
  31. The deoxygenised blood gets pumped by what to get to the pulmonary artery.
    the right ventricle
  32. Label the heart
    right side is labelled the left parts and vic versa
  33. What do all the veins join into?
    the vena cava
  34. What is the process of oxygen being converted to energy?
    cellular respiration
  35. What tube does the air go down?
    the trachea
  36. What does the trachea break into?
  37. What do the bronchi divide to?
    the bronchioles
  38. What stops the food going down the wrong way?
    the epiglottis
  39. Where does the gas exchange occur?
    the alveoli
  40. What is asthma?
    it is the narrowing ot the pipes from the mouth/nose to the lungs.
  41. What pushes food down in the oesophagus?
    the wave perilstalsis
  42. How do the nutrients get in to the blood?
    the villi which are at the end of them small intestine
  43. What shape are the villi?
    finger like
  44. What do the kidneys do?
    removes waste products from chemical reactions and turns it to urea. excess contents are also removed.
  45. How much urine can a bladder hold?
  46. How does water help the kidneys?
    it dilutes toxins
  47. Each kidney is made up of one million...
  48. The nephrons' job is to...
    clean dirty blood
  49. What are enzymes?
    enzymes help quicken the digestive process
  50. What happens to enzymes when they get too hot?
    they become denatured and can't go back to their original form
  51. What enzyme is in the saliva?
Card Set
Science- systems
body including heart, lungs, bones and digestion