What is a cyclone n why are hurricanes considered cyclones?
an area or center of low atm pressure characterize by rotating winds.
Cyclone rotate counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere
due to the Coriolis effect. They blow clockwise in the southern hemisphere
Classification of hurricanes [table 9.1]
How do tropical cyclones form?
Tropical cyclones vs extratropical cyclones
- classified based on their place of origin and the temp of their center or core region.
- Tropical form over warm tropical or sub tropical ocean water, b/w 5-20 latitude. Unlike extratropical they are not associated w fronts and have warm cores
- Extratropical means outside of the tropics, they develop over land or water in temperate regions, b/w 30-70Latitute.
Cyclone vs typoon vs hurricane [fig 9.24]
- cyclone: general term applied to a loarge low p system w winds circulating inward towards it's center
- Typoon: chinese for scary wind, occur north of the equator
- Hurricanes: form in the atlantic and eastern pacific, caribean native word for an evil god of winds and destruction
Geographic areas that are at risk for hurricanes in the USA [fig 9.22]
- all along the southern coast starting at the base of TX and ending in the northeast new england coasts.
- Storngest in panhandle
Typical hurricane tracks in the USA
Starts in the Atlantic ocean to the east, moving towards FL, the Caribbean island and bermuda
Major causes of damage from hurricanes
Heavy Rain, High Winds, Storm Surge
Storm Surges by far the greatest damages