Judge et al (2001)
7 models of relationship between job performance and job satisfaction
Staw 1986
- satisfaction and performance may be fairly stable entities
- -maybe we just don't have good ways of measuring sat and job perf
Boswell et al (2009)
honeymoons & hangovers - changes in newcomer satisfaction over time
Barsade & Gibson (2007)
- affect as a mediator/moderator
- affect impacts performance, etc.
- collective affect imapcts team behavior, leadership
Rafaeli & Sutton (1987)
- suppose we took affect seriously as an IV
- -model of emotional labor
- --sources of role expectations
- --emotions expressed
- --outcomes of emotional labor
- emotional harmony
- emotional dissonance
- emotional deviance
Meyer & Herscovitch (2001)
org commitment
- commitment is multidimensional
- -commitment has a core essence: senese of being bound to a course of action of relevance to a particular target.
- -can be accompanied by different mindsets that play role in shaping behavior.
- ---> mindsets:
- -affective (desire)
- -normative (obligation, reciprocity)
- -continuance (perceived costs)
multiple "targets" of commitment
Meyer & Maltin (2010)
org commitment
- -commitment and well-being
- -committed employees --> less likely to leave, more likely to perform effectively and be good org citizens.
- -evidence that strong AC to org may have positive health benefits
-commitment as moderator of stressor/strain relationships - double-edged sword nature of commitment - strong commitment can activate coping, but can also make someone more vulnerable to psychological stress in the area of commitment.
3 components of SDT -- Competence, Autonomy, Relatedness
- hedonic well-being: more focused on short-term, may be similar to Herzberg's hygiene factors
- eudaimonic well-being: not always pleasurable, but longer-term fulfillment experience.
Greguras & Diefendorff (2009)
- expanding on PE fit and SDT
- tested model in which CAR mediates types of PE fit with AC and performance
Rousseau 1998
- why would workers still identify with organizations? (think old/new economy - KL & F)
- -R thinks we want to have feelings of belongingness (think Leavitt)
- -focus on affective commitment
- -situated identification
- -deep structure identification
- -particularistic rewards
- -univeralistic rewards
Salancik (1977)
- -commitment from behavioral perspective
- -dark side
- -shades of Aronson - cog dissonance
O'Reilly (1989)
- normative
- culture, socialization
Organ (1990)
- components of OCB:
- -altruism
- -courtesy
- -sportsmanship
- -conscientiousness
- -civic virtue
Borman (2004)
behaviors that go beyond task performance, technical proficiency -- instead support org, social, psychological context that serves as critical catalyst for task to be accomplished.
- IMPT because:
- -relationship to individual performance
- -relationship to org effectiveness
- IMPT in future:
- -increased global competition
- -greater use of teams
- -downsizing initiatives
- -emphasis on cust service
- 4 research trends in OCB:
- --supervisors weighting of OCB for overall performance
- --personality predicts OCB better than task performance
- --OCB --> org effectiveness
- --OCB enhanced in orgs that set group goals, have high proced justice, leaders who provide supportive environment
LePine et al (year?)
results support LATENT model of OCB
Podsakoff et al (2009)
- OCBs positively related to:
- -managers' ratings of employee performance
- -rewards allocated to employees
- -org effectiveness measures
- OCBs negatively related to:
- -employee turnover/intentions
- -employee absenteeism
Ehrhart & Naumann (2004)
- apply group norms literature to OCB
- -how OCB norms are established/maintained in work groups.
- descriptive norms
- injunctive norms
- subjective norms
- personal norms
Bergeron (2007)
-time individuals allocate to OCB may come at expense of task performance
-emphasizes idea of OCBs as double-edged sword - makes groups/orgs more effective, but may result in potentially negative consequences for individuals if the time spent on OCB comes at cost to task performance